America is dead by BIDEN, the presidential robber created by Chief Justice John Roberts, Nancy Pelosi, and Mike Pence, China commands the government’s robbery with the Deep State supports. The rigged election conducts the illegal President Joe Biden, an actual henchman of China, the professional traitor, and corruption. The Vice-Presidential robber is thuggish Kamala Harris who can sell the United States of America for China, even her body sold to Willie Brown for her political promotion. When the traitor and whore politician illegally storm the White House and control the government, including the Nuclear Codes, the United States of America is endangered. The presidential robber Joe Biden destroyed just one day all great achievements did by President Donald Trump in four years. Joe Biden is not the US 46th president while the legal argument about the rigged election is fighting, instead, Joe Biden is the illegal president, so the Constitution and the US people have not mandated Joe Biden to sign an executive order and authority to run the government. All executive orders of Joe Biden are illegal when the White House is occupied by the terrorists’ Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The US people, National Guard, the Republican states, and the militias can come to Washington D.C to expel and arrest Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as soon as possible. Do not comply with the illegal executive orders and waiting for the rigged election solved. If not, the United States of America is on the brink of collapse, and American will live in the communist paradise as China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba.

Vice President Mike Pence stabbed in the back of the United States of America and President Donald Trump after certified the 306 fraud electoral colleges of the professional traitor Joe Biden, which conducts the presidential robber Joe Biden to inaugurate on January 20, 2021. The inauguration carried out as a fictional film of Hollywood like Harry Potter, therefore the disgraced sitcom debunked when the people wonder about the inauguration was live at noon time, but why the shadows were not at noon? The illegal inauguration without traditional music, nor 21 gunshots, moreover, the US presidential inauguration of Joe Biden broadcast on Spanish television before 10 hours? The illegal president inaugurated as the fake news, the left stream media can not conceal the ugliest inauguration of Joe Biden.

Unfortunately, the US Constitution becomes the legal garbage’s tip, so the lawful and virtual Constitution mixed the bush-Constitution like the pure gold placed with excrement, despite the pure gold and excrement are yellow, but the people can recognize what is it? However, the dishonest judges and Justices, the thuggish Senator, Representatives recognize the pure gold and excrement are the same kind. It means they can eat the shit as a hamburger. Whoever doesn’t recognize right and wrong, good and bad, they are the animal covered human body.

The fate of the United States of America must be decided by the people, not House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Chief Justice of Supreme Court John Roberts, and Senate Speaker Mike Pence or the animals control the highest firms in America. Three persons sold the country to China after certified China’s henchman Joe Biden to win the rigged election with the illegal ballots, stolen ballots, fraudulent counting, and the Dominion voting system plus the interference of China and 65 nations. The independence and national security of America are threatened by foreign enemies and the domestic thugs to rob the government.

From January 20, 2021, the US people strongly condemn Vice President Mike Pence who distorted the function of Senate Speaker to certify the 306 fraudulent electoral colleges of traitor Joe Biden while the legal battle has not concluded yet. Moreover, President Donald Trump and the legal team hold the massive evidence plus the witnesses. Nevertheless, the Director of the National Intelligence John Lee Ratcliffe reported China and other nations interfered with the US presidential election in 2020. Therefore, President Donald Trump didn’t trigger EO 13848 and the presidential robber Joe Biden stormed the White House on January 20, 2021.

The Supreme Court turns the thuggish highest court with Chief Justice John Roberts places the justice for sale, they waive the lawsuit of Texas and 20 states with 126 lawmakers to raise the unconditional election in the swing states. The Supreme Court legalized the illegal ballots of Joe Biden and on January 6, 2021, the last unlawful practice at Congress with the Senate to conclude Joe Biden becomes the 46th President. Indeed, Joe Biden lost the election, and President Donald Trump won the landslide victory on the night of November 3, 2020. The bullshit, rotten and ugly Constitution mandates too much power of three head persons of the Supreme Court, Senate, and Congress. China just buys three persons and Beijing can take the US easily, and China just paid $US 1.5 billion for traitor Joe Biden who peacefully transits the United States of America to China’s colony. Certainly, Joe Biden ready to repay China the invention, top secrets including the nuclear program.

When the legal argument has not concluded yet, a judge can not decide who is a winner or loser. Unfortunately, the three domestic thugs exploited the presidency expired on January 20, 2021, and they admitted Joe Biden to take the White House on January 20, 2021. The people’s outrage, the Constitution distorted to serve for the traitors. Despite, the presidential robber Joe Biden inaugurated on January 20, 2021, the pedophile and corrupt Chief Justice John Roberts presided the ugly and illegal inauguration, but the people reject the presidency of Joe Biden. They confirm” JOE BIDEN IS NOT OUR PRESIDENT”, certainly, Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America, the people didn’t vote for Biden, instead of the left stream media terror companies, the left tech communication companies the Deep State and China’s Communist Party selected Joe Biden and Mike Pence made the last decision on January 20, 2021.

The presidential robber Joe Biden is not the US president, the rotten Constitution plus John Roberts, Nancy Pelosi, and Mike Pence decided Joe Biden taking the White House, so the unlawful inauguration without the people, because Joe Biden storms the White House with the head of Supreme Court, House Speaker, and Senate Senate Speaker. The illegal president Joe Biden can not access any government’s services and facilities including the Intelligence and Defense and cabinet. His cabinet recycled Barrack Obama’s staff, the mongrel communist or mongrel Ape Joe Biden occupies the US government with the cabinet is like ANIMAL FARM of George Orwell.

Certainly, the traitor Joe Biden is not the president, he can not issue an executive order and scraps a heap of President Donald Trump’s executive orders. The presidency must certify after the Supreme Court concluded and decided. The legal battle of the rigged election is not over yet, despite the Supreme Court rejected all legal files of President Donald Trump, but the rigged election has not been solved yet (*). Why didn’t Chief Justice John Roberts preside the inauguration of Joe Biden while the legal battle is processing?. The thuggish Chief Justice with the traitor Mike Pence and others inaugurated the illegal president Joe Biden. The US people must act and Republican Congress, Senate plus the concerned Justices in the Supreme Court can review the unlawful authorities of the presidential robber Joe Biden. All his executive orders are illegal is like a robber can not sell the occupied property. Certainly, Joe Biden has no authority to sign anything, his presidency must wait until the rigged election is solved. The people are the highest justice, so the voices of 74,000,000 people disqualify the illegal presidency of Joe Biden and the unlawful Vice Presidency of Kamala Harris. The inauguration is illegal, it breaches the Constitution and the common law including the election law./.


Sidney Powell Launches Super PAC to ‘Fight Vigorously for Our Constitutional Rights’

Attorney Sidney Powell, who filed third-party election lawsuits on behalf of former President Donald Trump, has launched a Super PAC dedicated to a range of aims, including freedom of speech, Constitutional rights, and “the sacred right of free and fair elections.”

In a statement on Saturday, Powell announced the launch of the Restore the Republic Super PAC, which is an independent expenditure-only political action committee that may receive unlimited contributions and may engage in unlimited political spending on initiatives, provided it does not coordinate directly with campaigns or candidates.

A Jan. 22 filing with the Federal Elections Commission shows Powell as the entity’s Custodian of Records, while former Trump campaign attorney Jesse Binnall serves as the Super PAC’s Treasurer.

Powell said what prompted the move is that Americans are “starved for truth, restoration of the Rule of Law, and even-handed accountability,” and are fed up with government corruption and an “elitist political class that views them with condescension and contempt.”

“The American people deserve a voice that exposes and rejects the self-interest of political parties, the control of tech giants, and the lies of the fake news,” she said.

Vowing to be a “voice for honesty, integrity, and a return to government by We the People,” Powell said the Restore the Republic Super PAC “will be dedicated to supporting candidates who will fight vigorously for our Constitutional rights, freedom of speech, and the sacred right of free and fair elections.”

“The PAC will promote candidates who fight for truth and the Rule of Law, and we will strenuously oppose any candidate who discards the Constitution for his own short term or political gain—regardless of her party,” she said.

Powell, who successfully defended retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, was introduced by the Trump legal team in November, although the team later distanced themselves from her and said she wasn’t working on their behalf.

She is known for filing a number of contest-of-election lawsuits in the wake of the November election, which claimed fraud and other irregularities.

On the eve of President Joe Biden’s inauguration, Powell withdrew her lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court challenging Georgia’s election results. She and other attorneys on the case filed an appeal with the high court after the case was struck down in district court for lack of standing and being brought too late

Of the dozens of post-election lawsuits filed by the Trump legal team and supporters, just one ended up netting a win, striking down a deadline extension to correct mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania that were missing proof of identification.

From The Epoch Times (January 23, 2021)



  1. HELP ! I just want America first , what can we do . Why does he have the right too so many Executive orders without the Science behind them ?

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