The wasted materials could recycle but the politician is rare. As the routine, after an election’s loss, a prime ministerial or presidential candidate consider the top job’s dream is over. Therefore, former President Barrack Obama has not given up yet his ambition despite he is the worst president in the US history. The worst legacies left over after the 44th president moved out from White House and becomes the shadow of the political stage. The Obama-Scares are the nightmare of the US people and the allies, those are the Obamacare, Obama illegal migrant, Obama created an opportunity for Islamic State founded, Obama deep debt (nearly $USD 20 trillion), Obama vacation (he and family spent $USD 100 million taxpayers for travel), Obama Golf (Every time he played golf, the US taxpayers wasted $USD 3.7 million), Obama Uranium with Russia (Hillary and Obama gave 20% Us’s Uranium for Russia controls)…Obama’s record circled the bad saga in the USA.

Despite Obama is no longer the US president, therefore the left media (or the media terrorist) plus Democrats still consider Obama is their president, it is the worst fun. His Rainbow House returned the original White color after President Donald Trump getting the office. Sometimes the political carcass Barrack Obama appeared on the left media companies, he often attacked President Donald Trump who is fixing the national disasters left by that man boasted” Yes We Can” in the presidential election, but he did nothing in 8 years, actually, his speech strays in the public as the ghost sound echoes for a while but the public doesn’t want to hear a man who rapes the people ear. Mr. Barrack Obama feels the rapacious ambition is not over yet, he vows to return the politics in 2018, his Spokeswoman Katie Hill told to The Chicago Tribune:” Obama will continue to be politically active in 2018, with more endorsements and more campaigning”. Among the lost reasons of Hillary Clinton had the contribution of President Barrack Obama and his wife Michelle, nevertheless, the great achievements of President Donald Trump that reflect the Obama’s worst record, so any Democratic candidate for midterm have to reconsider and worry if the political carcass Barrack Obama raises the ghost voice to endorse, they will lose the election as Hillary Clinton.

However, the political carcass Barrack Obama is the president of the left media as ABC The Associated Press, Buzzfeed, CBS, CNN, The Huffington Post, NSNBC, NBC, Newsweek, The New York Times, NPR, Time, The Washington Post…and the offshore left media as channel 7 in Australia. Mr. Barrack Obama also the brilliant candidate of the dead people in the cemetery who was revived by Democrats and voted for Obama in the elections 2008, 2012.

The left media terrorist has prepared to storm the democracy, the US national interest, and Constitution by releasing the fabricated polls that lie showing President Donald Trump hit the lowest population’s record while Donald Trump hit highest unemployment dropped in 16 years, the biggest tax cut from 1986, the black people’s jobless hit the lowest record since 2 decades while in 8 years, President Barrack Obama did” Yes I can” giving the food stamp…No one trust the garbage polls of the left media. The bullshit poll shows still has 52% population want Obama in White House (the poll deceived on September 2017 and now reusing).

Mr. Barrack Obama can return to the homeland and an opportunity to be Kenya’s president that is possible but the US that is NO, NO AND NO…away to stay in White House./.




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