Satan is a form of evil function that harms people and opposes God. Religion worships God, so atheists have been concerned religion is the enemy as Karl Marx quotes “Religion is the opium of the people“. Red Evil in China, Vietnam, North Korea, and others want to ban religion, a first step in restricting worship and curbing worship attendance at churches. No one can see Satan and many forms of evil. Therefore, whoever reflects evil minds, they are Satanist. Although they were adherents of Catholics, Buddhists, and others, the activities proved evil. Dishonest elements such as robbers, thieves, traitors, and others fear justice, police, and victims. Potentially, evil and Satan have always feared the Cross and stayed away from religious worship.
The White House lost its traditional significance when the mongrel communist evil controlled, the most important place in the United States. The 44th President Hussein Barrack Obama changed the white color of the White House to Rainbow, contradicting religious beliefs and social values. The 46th President Joe Biden turned the White House into the Cocaine House after Secret Service agents found Cocaine on July 4, 2023.
Once again, 2024 exposes Joe Biden as the Satanist who secretly ruled the White House from January 20, 2021. Undoubtedly, the evil that hates and fears the Cross, and its religious worship is celebrated on Good Friday and Easter in the world. Nevertheless, supermarkets around the world sell products including cakes.
-On Good Friday, March 29, 2024, Satan Joe Biden issued a statement calling on” All Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity”.
-On Easter, Sunday, March 31, 2024, the White House officially announced: “The day on which billions of Christians will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ- as Transgender Day of Visibility.”
Nevertheless, the religious decorations and signs of Easter are prohibited in the White House. Satan Joe Biden attacks Catholics, Christians, and the world by replacing Good Friday, and Easter as transgender day which is the companion of homosexuality and is known as LGBTQ (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer).
Satan Joe Biden challenges Catholics, Christians, Gods, Americans, and the world. On the other hand, Joe Biden appears as the satanic face in the White House. Democratic fans including adherents of Catholics, and Christians support Joe Biden, which means voting for Satan on November 5, 2024, to control the White House for the next four years.  Satan Joe Biden will use the power of the US president to restrict the worship of all religions including Catholicism, Christianity, and Christmas is underway to ban.
The satanic regime of Joe Biden flagged the Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to vandalize the status of Jesus, and Maria that labeled the Whites which reflects the Black Supremacy of Satan Hussein Barrack Obama. Moreover, the FBI terrorizes the Catholics by calling the radical traditionalist, and the far-right. The six Justices enclosing the four RINO Justices in the Supreme Court, and Mike Pence legalized Satan Joe Biden to storm the White House, despite they are Christians and Catholics. Where is Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and others?

There is no God, but Satan

Evil reflects Joe Biden

Who replaced Good Friday, and Easter

Assimilate the day of transgender
