The inhumane regime in the mainland exposed the hard times of the world’s largest population of communism. The problems built up from the terminal cancer of Maoists carrying out the bloodshed campaigns to transform the country into the hell of a communist paradise. From the robbery of the authentic Chinese people in 1949. All leaders were tyrants, so the inhumane management caused the people’s outrage, and the fallen Maoists applied propaganda based on Marxism-Leninist. The quotes and slogans of Mao Ste Tung failed to convince the people because they waited for a long time to eat the Peking roast drawing on the paper. The deception called” the economy is led by socialism” was debunked, and China couldn’t dominate the innocent leaders in the United States, Europe, and others.
The first term of the patriotic President Donald Trump turned the global hegemonic ambition of Beijing into a nightmare. China feared the intercontinental tariff missiles of Commander in Chief Donald Trump caused China to be crippled, the immeasurable consequences perpetuated without conclusion. Under the rule of China’s minion Joe Biden who robbed the White House on January 20, 2021, China gained the advantage, so China became a threat to Asia countries. The neighboring states including Taiwan were nervous when China illegally built the artificial islands and militarized them. Moreover, the left-wing parties such as the Australian Leninist Party, the Democratic Party (America), and the mongrel communist parties in Europe helped China colonize its counterparts—the negatives of China’s exposure to trade, the supply chain, and global trust. The products made in China faced a nightmare when the consumers and the world woke up.
The domestic cancer of China has never been healed and aggravated when the world recognized China as the most dangerous enemy of the human community. Nevertheless, the historic landslide victory of Donald Trump panicked China. The intercontinental tariff missiles of Donald Trump predicted up to 60%, and 100% became the death sentence of China when the economy, and financial disaster. The death vulnerability of China exposed the high rate of unemployment reaching 21%, the currency devalued warning the regime is inevitable. The debt reached $ US 24 trillion while the foreign companies and investors ran away from the desperate land. The tariff weapons of Donald Trump forced Mexico, Canada, and Vietnam to overhaul the products made in China that wouldn’t be penetrated in America. The MAGA and the return of Donald Trump deeply changed the world, the exclusive position of China is no longer to control and bully the world. Donald Trump to save the Americans and the world, his historic epic became a legend who was mandated by God and Americans/.