After President Donald Trump adjusted the tariffs, China communist regime seemed sitting on the hot fire, Beijing promptly vowed to retaliate by increasing the tariffs on the US’s agricultural import, actually, the meat, wine, and soybean are targeting.
The US’s tariffs could affect China’s economy, the export sector employed about 120 million workers and it is the big issue for China’s red dynasty, the vulnerability of China communist regime is jobless that could cause the instability in the mainland and also threatening the regime. Red Emperor Xi Jinping must learn the collapsed formula was inevitable when a dynasty faced the lost harvest, jobless and government being corrupted.
China is the export country, almost the economic growth comes from the export the goods, actually, the agricultural products and seafood. While on the mainland, Chinese people fear the poisonous and contaminated food as a vegetable, seafood. Therefore, China government export seafood containing the banned chemical, actually, the over limit antibiotic appeared on prawn and fishes. The meat is terrible, the butchers at the mainland used rat, fox mixed and selling the mutton.
The fundamental agriculture of communist regime based on human’s excrement, the positive agricultural product reflects the Vietnamese quote is” the toilet in socialism must be closed” because the human excrement is the strategic stuff to develop the national economy and everyone fears the thieves steal the excrement. Nevertheless, in Vietnam, the Uncle Hồ’s fish pond is the potential economic form, the government encourages the people digging the ponds, those are the family’s toilet and also feeding for a kind of fish named” Cá Vồ”, the fish loves excrement that reduces the production cost. Vietcong government export the Cá Vồ”s fillet under the label of Basa. The people live in communist countries as China must know the agricultural products developed by the human’s excrement is the fertilizer, so they like the imported food than Chinese farm.
The big cities as Shanghai and Beijing, some restaurants serve for foreign tourist with the seafood and meat imported from the US and the other Western countries. China communist regime raises the mouthful retaliation after President Donald Trump released the new tariff’s rates taxed on China’s import. Therefore, the agricultural products imported from the US favor Chinese people in the mainland, because, they knew the US’s products are the best quality and safety for the consumer.
The soybean is most popular food in China, the soy milk, tofu, and soy sauce couldn’t absent in every family, the massive quantity interest the market. Therefore, Chinese people have no trust their” socialism soybean” and they accept to pay more for the US’s agricultural products.
The tariff’s replies from China doesn’t work when their products have no interested from its people. Whatever, China communist regime must study the domestic marketing and the favorite consumers on the foreign products, so recently, China reduces the provocative intimidation.
On Saturday, May 19, 2018, China and the US discuss the tariffs after both sides released the new taxed policy, actually, the US agricultural exports to China to increase up to 40%. President Donald Trump keeps the promises during the election campaign, he is a professional businessman and now the US president while the Red Emperor Xi Jinping who makes money from the government’s policy plus the robbery and squeezing the sweat from Chinese people in the mainland.
Obviously, China communist regime failed the tariff’s battle and Beijing will concede more while the US’s product convinces Chinese consumer in the mainland. The psychological economy contributes and influences the consumer, Japanese people accept to pay more Kobe’s beef because of its meat has a good quality. The consumer in mainland trust the US agriculture export to China, and that is a reason why China wants to talk about the trade deal with White House./.