The archaeological periods identified the pre-history of the human civilization based on the tool manufacture and use. The first stage is Stone age then Bronze and followed the Iron Age. Each historic stage took multiple million years, therefore, communist just spent a short time from Karl Marx proposed the modern of Socialism since 1883 and from 1917 Lenin promoted the communist paradise and conducted some parts of the planet to the SHIT AGE. The Shit is the positive economic development of Socialism, actually the communist paradise in Asia. The impacts have occurred in China, Vietnam, and North Korea conduct the people in the communist countries develop to the Shit Age.

After Mao Tse Tung took over the mainland in 1949, obviously the human excrement and urine have become the economic strategy, mostly the rural region forced to use the human releasing that cost nothing, it is the wonderful economy of the communist paradise. Until nowadays, despite China becomes the second largest economy, therefore, the citizen of communist paradise still apply the human fertilizer in the agriculture, so the fruit, vegetable export from China worry the Western’s consumer. In Australia, the Blueberry import from China (frozen berries) linked the Hepatitis A and many times the Department and Health Services (DHHS) alerted the consumer, the reason comes from the excrement’s fertilizer.

In Vietnam, the excrement is the key product as Hồ Chí Minh defined” People is a precious capital”. Hồ Chí Minh and the most communist hate the capitalist but the people are the precious capital to be used for fighting, enslave, even the people releasing as excrement and urine are actual contributions for socialism while the” counter-revolution” Western countries have not interest the human releasing but the human rights to be respected and praised.

Communist has no human rights

But they are keen to use the shit’s fertilizer

It is the paradise of Karl Marx

The fruit, vegetable grow in China must stay away.

Vietnam represents the Shit Age of the communist, while the Western country treats the excrement in a wasted place but Vietnam concerns the excrement is the precious capital, the stolen shit has never happened in Western, therefore, in Vietnam, the shit has to keep carefully, if not, someone could steal, so the Vietnamese people live in communist paradise have the proverb” socialism is the toilet has to closure” (Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa, cầu ỉa phải rào). After Geneva Accords signed on July 20, 1954, Hồ Chí Minh conducted the North Vietnamese people to the Shit Age, all assets including the excrement to be centralized and managed strictly by Vietnam Communist party. The Vietcong’s four Stars General Nguyễn Chí Thanh was famous the Shit hero, the Northern people had the verses praise:

Hoan Hô anh Nguyễn Chí Thanh.

Anh về, Phân Bắc, Phân Xanh đầy đồng

(Applaud Mr. Nguyễn Chí Thanh

He returns with the North, Green fertilizer overwhelm the field)

* Phân Bắc (North) is slang calls the excrement fertilizer of the Northern people

* Phân Xanh (Green) is organic fertilizer

The socialism scrapped the private excrement using, so the citizen of Cổ Nhuế village banned strictly the excrement collection until Vietcong applied the” Đổi Mới” 1986, the government allowed the people could keep the excrement as the private assets and the villager of Cổ Nhuế restored the excrement collection’s career. Cổ Nhuế village is the suburban Hanoi where has the excrement market, therefore someone (dishonest) sell the fake shit and government arrest as the criminal. The fake’s excrement in Vietnam is the reality that exposes the communist paradise is the kingdom of counterfeit so China is the same character. The left media in Western is a comrade of communist, they have often published the fake news and fabricated story. The left media’s formula is 3F = False poll + Fake news + Fabricated story.

The shit contributed a lot the economy of communist paradise, the government encourages the people using the excrement to feed the fish, so the” Uncle Hồ Fish Pond” became the national issue in Vietnam. The kind of fish named” Cá Vồ” is like the catfish but do love the excrement. The Vồ’s fillet could export to the Western countries, the consumer must know the kind of fish before buying. The Uncle Hồ Fish Pond is wonderfully modern, every family could dig a pond that uses for toilet and also making a profit from the fish.

In the communist, the toilet is useful, even the prison camp, the excrement pit to be cleaned every day, the prisoner compete picking up the excrement for the farm in camp, so the toilet has no shit.

The tourist enters the communist paradise must warn the food, from fish to vegetable because they travel in the paradise of Shit Age. The Western countries must quarantine the product comes from the communist paradise, the Shit Age could bring the diseases and harm the health.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) versus the World Toilet Organization (WTO), actually the World Trade Organization is aware the products (Fruit, Vegetable, and fish) come from the World Toilet Organization in China, Vietnam and the other communist paradise. Certainly, the products come from the communist paradise could be quarantined and WHO (World Health Organization) watch out the countries of Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi Minh ./.