Mostly, the presidential campaign of Curry-Viagra-Condom Harris reflects the French proverb” Dis-moi qui tu fréquentes, je te dirai qui tu es”. The bizarre campaign of Kamala Harris gathered bigotry supporters with the illegal migrants, the abortion component, the Global Deep State, the communist undercover activists, and other dishonest. Moreover, prominent activists such as the 44th illegal President Hussein Satan Barrack Obama who became the protagonist to command the campaign for his untold fourth term, so zombie Kamala Harris downplayed as a stooge. The essential policies repeated throughout the presidential campaign in 2016 such as the hoax climate change, abortion, the illegal migrant, and the arrest of Donald Trump with the sham riot on January 6, 2021, made by Nancy Pelosi and shifted to Donald Trump. The presidential campaign in 2024 was unprecedented when Democrats campaigning failed after the first debate that forced the bosses of zombie Joe Biden to replace the political whore Kamala Harris who worsened than Joe Biden. The reluctance and fallen campaign aims to keep the donation and the vestige of Democrats. The counterfeiters are the disgraced clowns to run the presidential campaign of the world’s superpower that humiliates the United States.
The authentic candidate was Kamala Harris, the 49th vice presidential robber, and she also robbed the black skin. On the other hand, she was Jamaican-Indian. The super boss Hussein Barrack Satan Obama was not American, so he deeply interfered in the US presidential elections since 2008. Michell Obama was a man called Michael Obama, but she attacked Donald Trump with garbage language. Nevertheless, the global left-wing media released false polls with Kamala Harris to win, and recently the term” neck to neck” confused the undecided voters, Kamala Harris raised the mouthpiece victory” we will win” while her rallies opposed the disgraced rant. Donald Trump goes high, Kamala Harris goes low, so the rallies of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are called” head to toe”. Moreover, the rallies of Kamala Harris gathered the most hateful faces such as Hussein Barrack Satan Obama, and Oprah Winfrey, so the loss was decided by the concerned Americans.
Democrats snubbed 330 million Americans in the 2024 presidential election with the trash candidate Curry Viagra Condom Harris and the prominent activists are counterfeiters. The Americans are not stupid to elect a whore in 2024, except the order of Chief Justice John Roberts to decide the loser to win. Therefore, if the lesson of 2020 is repeated, the United States will collapse, and a second Civil War will be the last solution/.