The fiction horror film Dracula performs the evil sucking blood of human being and victim would die after the blood empties. Therefore, the bloodsuckers have appeared in the communist regimes, the Karl Marx’s pupils are the super Dracula, the real evils suck the people’s blood and enslave the people, unfortunately, the world seems to ignore the serious human rights violation. The Truth Barrier published the article about a case of bloodsucker:

Human Rights Report: Castro Regime Sold Victims’ Blood To Vietcong Prior To Executions

November 27, 2016 By Celia Farber 23 Comments

On May 27, [1966,] 166 Cubans-civilians and members of the military-were executed and submitted to medical procedures of blood extraction of an average of seven pints per person. This blood is sold to Communist Vietnam at a rate of $50 per pint with the dual purpose of obtaining hard currency and contributing to the Vietcong Communist aggression.

A pint of blood is equivalent to half a liter. Extracting this amount of blood from a person sentenced to death produces cerebral anemia and a state of unconsciousness and paralysis. Once the blood is extracted, the person is taken by two militiamen on a stretcher to the location where the execution takes place.”

— Inter American Human Rights Commission, April 7, 1967”

The communist regime ruling in Cuba where represents the evil in the earth, the enemy of the Catholic Church but Pontiff Francis visited Cuban on September 20, 2015, and the leader of Catholic took the photographs with leader Dracula Fidel Castro who is the head of evil in Cuba. Nevertheless, before the second presidential term ends, President Barrack Obama lifted the embargo for his comrade regime.

President Barrack Obama

Embargo lifted comrade Cuba

Human Rights has never respected

Communist regime behaves as Dracula

According to” Dân Trí” released the news that wakens the human rights, the democratic countries and also the human rights watch, Amnesty International including the UN Human Rights Council. From 2017, Vietcong government forces every Vietnamese people have to give the blood at least once a year. In the democratic countries, the blood donation is optional, not the obligation, therefore Hanoi regime forces the people giving the blood.

The sucking blood of people has occurred in the communist states, it is the routine as Fidel Castro did in the Cold War. In the formality, Hanoi regime always praised Cuba was the brotherhood comrade, actually leader Fidel Castro was the great man, the most mankind, he donated the blood of Cuban, indeed the blood sold, not free as Vietnam communist regime misled the public and lied to the world

The sucking blood campaign has launched in Vietnam that matches the shortage blood in China, the great master of Vietcong and North Korea regime. The Vietnamese people’s blood takes free and it could sell to China as Cuban sold the death-sentenced prisoner’s blood to Hanoi in the Cold War. Therefore, Democratic President Bill Clinton lifted the embargo for Hanoi in 1994 and 2016, once again, President Barrack Obama did the same way despite Vietnam and Cuba communist regime is the most human rights violation, both sucking the people blood as Dracula, the real evils, however, the inhumane regimes have the delegation at UN General Assembly and the embassy somewhere else in the world.

Vietnam Communist party is the super terror organization, the founder is Hồ Chí Minh, the genocide, he killed 1,700,000 people, the serious pedophile, and rapist (in 1929, Hồ Chí Minh raped 15-year-old girl named Tuyết Lan at Thailand), Hồ Chí Minh is Dracula’s party founder as Fidel Castro, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Il Sung…unfortunately, there are about 20 countries honored Hồ Chí Minh’s statue as in Chile, Dominicana, Mexico, Argentina, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand, Madagascar, Hungary…In the UK, Newhaven city honored Hồ Chí Minh at the public place, actually in Japan, it is the first time, Hồ Chí Minh’s statue appears at Mimasaka city, Okayama province, it is the shame of Japan. If nowadays, Khmer Rouge rules Cambodia, Pol Pot’s statue should be honored somewhere else in the world.

Vietcong is the Red Dracula party, they suck the blood of people and robbed the people’s sweat. After Vietcong disrespected the Geneve (signed on July 20, 1954) and Paris Accords (signed on January 27, 1973) and Hanoi” Dracula regime” invaded South Vietnam by force on Aprile 30, 1974. Att Saigon, the high ranking cadre (close comrade with Vietcong Prime Minister Võ Văn Kiệt) is Mr. Nguyễn Hộ said to his Dracula’s comrades:” we occupy their house, we take their wife, we enslave their children” ( nhà chúng, ta chiếm; vợ chúng, ta lấy; con chúng, ta bắt làm nô lệ). After Vietnam war ended by Vietcong’s invasion and breached the international Accords, Mr. Lê Duẫn, Secretary General of Vietnam Communist Party confirmed:” we fought against American empire for China and the Soviet Union” (Chúng ta đánh đế quốc Mỹ là đánh cho ông Trung Quốc và Liên Xô). The film producers are Ken Burns and Lyn Novick who protect the Red Dracula Vietcong in the film” The Vietnam War”, they concealed the Vietcong’s genocide, leader Dracula Hồ Chí Minh and also ignored the serious crimes oppose against the human rights as the Mr. Nguyễn Văn Thắng, Vice district Mõ Cày who broke skull of 10 people by the sledgehammer (photo and sledgehammer displayed at military Museum at Mõ Cày, Bến Tre province). Certainly, the film producers Ken Burns and Lyn Novick committed suicide by their toxic” The Vietnam War”.

The Red Dracula Party rules in Vietnam since 1954 to 1975 at North and after April 30, 1975, total Vietnam to be reigned by the evil, the most Vietcong are the red capitalists, actually, the member of political Bureau are the millionaires and billionaires of USD. Nevertheless, their descendant has plenty money for overseas study as Kim Jong Un studied in Switzerland. The Western countries helped the descendant of Dracula gained the education and they have never changed the character as the case of Kim Jong Un./.