The film Bold and the Beautiful is American television soap opera, the long drama that created by Willian J. Bell and Lee Philip Bell for CBS. The obvious show started on March 23, 1987. The producers also called” B&B” performed the others as Sister Show, The Young and Restless.
The Bold and the Beautiful is the main show of CBS in the US and Channel Ten in Australia, last year, Channel Ten faced the financial problem, the future of television Ten was uncertain when the investors refused to put money when the profit plummeted, ultimately CBS rescued and Channel Ten still operates.
Before Channel Ten contracted with Andrew Bolt, his show attracted the audience, therefore this show disappeared while the show Project of Waleed Aly has been reacted by the viewers. The HuffPost published an article of Josh Buttler on June 15, 2017:” Aly, host of popular nightly news panel show The Project, has been a constant target for abuse and criticism from Australia’s right-wing community, especially online, for his stance on issues from Islam to marriage equality.”. The rumor spread the audience dislike Project of Aly develops but the Channel Ten seems ignores the public feedback, the Channel Ten’s administration doesn’t care the people complaint while the television network does need the viewers that link to advertising, so the investors may pressure Channel Ten’s staff and CEO taking care the public if they don’t want to plunge the shareholder.
The Bold and the Beautiful has poisoned the society and insult the morality, the family valuation shattered by this confused drama. The actors and actress role the mayhem’s love affairs within two families of Spencer and Forrester, they married and divorced then remarried and continues to abuse the viewers.
The immoral stories continue every day, father in law makes love with daughter in law, a son making love with former father’s wife. A man married many times with the same woman who involved the love affairs with father and two sons, even had the love affair with the son in law and had a daughter. The love affairs mayhem currently occur on the screen that is the moral disaster, therefore the filmmakers don’t care the society, the young generation, they just make the film without morality’s concern, so the story continues to abuse the audience.
The audience understands the actors and actresses do the job as producers and the playwright want to. The audience feels the producers impose the dirty scenes, actually, the young generations would be influenced by the social complication, the family’s drama, the love affairs have never ending of the long drama” the bold and beautiful”. It is the game of producers, the morality disappears in this long sitcom that screens every day.
The filmmakers and producers snub the people, but the business is the main purpose. The Bold and the Beautiful reflects the life of Hollywood, mostly the movie stars passed the tumultuous life, the family broken and the new lover replaced. Nevertheless, recently the sexual harassment and misconduct’s victims accused couple dozen moguls is like Harvey Weinstein unmasked after many victims raised the voice after many decades kept the silence. The sexual abusers cause the loss of the people to trust, actually the morality ruined in the hub of well-known public’s place.
The business makes a profit, but the honest business to be respected, therefore the dishonest exploits business for a market corner and laundering money. The Bold and the Beautiful is the entertainment, therefore, it conflicts with the social valuation, the social moral pattern doesn’t like it. The filmmakers and producers try to insert the complicated the facts in the long story for the television’s commercial, therefore they the must respect the path morality and the people. It is like the war against the terror, the psychological warfare is the key excites the terrorist acts. The dirty film, actually Bold and Beautiful has performed the long drama attended many decades that became the toxic propaganda affects the young generations, the complicated society causes the social mayhem when the basic morality collapsed by the films conduct the social disaster, the silent virus has struck the mind of the viewers of the Bold and Beautiful. The filmmakers and producers may rethink what they did for society./.