Tim Kaine was born on February 26, 1958, an expert politician of the Democratic Party who held as the 38th Lieutenant Governor from 2002 to 2006, and became the 70th Governor of Virginia from 2006 to 2010. Moreover, he became a Senator from Virginia in 2013. In the presidential election in 2016, Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine as the Vice-presidential candidate to contest with Donald Trump-Mike Pence.
Tim Kaine is also a senior lawyer, the dishonest law school graduates gathered in the mongrel communist party called the Democratic Party in the United States reflects the French Proverb” Dis-moi qui tu fréquentes, je te dirai qui tu es”. The dishonest lawyers practiced their careers as robbers with paper knives, and the dishonest judges applied their justice as wooden hammer terrorists. Possibly, Tim Kaine is a comrade of Arthur Engoron, Lewis A. Kaplan, Letitia James, Juan Merchan, Hussein Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Merrick Garland, and more. In the presidential election in 2016, Tim Kaine emerged as the rising star in the campaign of crooked Hillary Clinton, and the debate with Mike Pence. In the campaign, the media called Tim Kaine a Clown. Therefore, Tim Kaine sank quickly as the fresh rising star turned the fallen asteroid.
The mongrel communist Senator Tim Kaine worked with his comrades in the Senate to pass the harmful bills that caused the ceiling debt to reach $34 trillion, and the desperate policies of the stole commander-in chief Joe Biden in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel-Gaza and helped Joe Biden to appoint the incompetent officials in the White House’s administration. Americans knew Senator Tim Kaine always exposed the loyalty with Democrats to advocate abortion (unborn baby genocide), the unleashed border of Joe Biden to reinforce the ballots of Democrats, including Senator Tim Kaine in the 2024 senate race, so the voters in Virginia watching out the illegal migrants would change the outcome of the election.
The Vietnamese refugee Hung Cao spent 25 years serving in the United States since a young man. He engaged in dangerous operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, and the seas. Hung Cao, his family, and the Vietnamese refugees around the world knew the cruelty of the Vietcong after Hanoi claimed the unpredictable victory on April 30, 1975. The refugees of communists have never accepted the ruthless regime. Therefore, the Democratic Party in the United States was the hidden communist party when the communist activities appeared after the 46th illegal President Joe Biden robbed the White House on January 20, 2021. Navy Colonel Hung Cao, Major General Lương Xuân Việt, and many patriotic commanders became the victims of Joe Biden in the military purge and the public denouncement. Moreover, the mandatory vaccine helped Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley to expel the patriotic commanders from the U.S. Army. Therefore, Hung Cao never gave up the national services after his family fled and chose the United States as their second homeland. Despite the Congressional contest in November 2022 failing, Virginia residents believed the rigged election caused his loss. The 2024 presidential election became an opportunity for Hung Cao to serve the United States at the political frontline, his contestant is the current Senator Tim Kaine who seeks a third term.
Hung Cao’s stance, and policies entirely differed from Tim Kaine’s as fire and water, so the concerned voters in Virginia easily recognized between the good and bad. Hung Cao has never accepted the communist regime in the United States, opposed abortion to respect human rights, and national security to protect the border while Tim Kaine advocated the unleashed border for getting more illegal ballots. Hung Cao protects the people while Tim Kaine doesn’t. The residents in Virginia, the undecided voters, and the concerned fans of Democrats could know who protects their homes, the security, and keeping out the criminals, and tireless services for the country/.