After the verdict of 12 decoy Jurors led by socialism with 34 fictional felony charges against the patriotic President Donald Trump. The next step of tyrant Judge Juan Merchan at the People’s Court in Manhattan is going to sentence the great leader of the MAGA movement on July 11, 2024, despite the law gurus, the former attorneys, and Americans condemning the justice based on the Bush Law, and the political motives. Nevertheless, Congress stepped in by issuing subpoenas to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to testify about the verdict without a crime. Moreover, the Jurors violated the law when a Jury leaked the verdict before releasing it to the public. Tyrant Judge Juan Merchan was perplexed after receiving the pressure from public, Republicans, and some politicians of Democrats. Therefore, he has not changed the sentencing day which means the verdict would be released on July 11, 2024. Indeed, the Democratic Party, the Global Deep State, Joe Biden, and Judge Juan Merchan do want to jail Donald Trump as soon as possible. Therefore, Judge Juan Merchan delayed 6 weeks after the verdict that showed Democrats feared behind the patriotic President Donald Trump are hundreds of millions of Americans, the Republican Party and the MAGA movement would stand up anytime after the only Judge in Manhattan’s Court dared to challenge the United States while Judge Juan Merchan is among 24,500 judges in America, his judicial power is limited in New York, and his wooden hammer couldn’t confront with the wooden sled-hammers of the Circuit Court, Appeal Court, and the U.S Supreme Court.
However, the Democratic Party, the Global Deep State, and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden are nervous that Judge Juan Merchan won’t change his mind, and confessed that unconstitutional justice by ordering to arrest, and imprison Donald Trump caused the Second Civil War would burst, the dire consequences are immeasurable. Possibly, the lives, and assets plus the families of Democrats, Judges, and others wouldn’t be safe.
If Judge Juan Merchan changed his mind and scrapped the sentence of 136 years in prison for Donald Trump. Therefore, the verdict remains against the patriotic President Donald Trump who would face four years of community service in the White House to pay for his patriotic crime caused by the conviction of making America great again and committing a peace crime, so the committee of Nobel Peace Prize would punish Donald Trump with the Prize.
The criminal of patriotism will face the full services in four years into multiple services such as the commander-in-chief, the presidency, and overseas trips with the full protection of the Secret Service agents. Donald Trump also serves on Marine One, the Air Force One. Certainly, Democrats and Joe Biden hate the community services of Donald Trump. Indeed he does want to pay for it, and volunteer to do it. The patriotic felon Donald Trump would be paid for the unprecedented community services in the United States without a salary, and privileges. The patriotic felon Donald Trump sacrificed his wealthy life for community service, so he is an adorable criminal on the planet
The sentencing day of tyrant Judge Juan Merchan would change to November 4, 2024, after hundreds of millions of American Jurors voted Donald Trump guilty of the patriotic charges, and from January 20, 2025, to January 20, 2030, the patriotic criminal Donald Trump will pay his patriotic conviction with full-time services in the United States. Americans and the world are waiting for the first day that Donald Trump pays the community services in the White House/.

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