Barrack Obama is the worst president in the US history. In two terms ruling the government, the economy downed, dollars lost value, the debt is up to $USD 20 trillion, the high unemployment rate, the US society shattered, the ash of civil war dug up with the Black Lives Matter ( President Barrack Obama aimed the make the Second Civil War in the US), the border unleashed and illegal migrant entering with the criminal, drug trafficker and the terrorist. While the national interest and national security being needed, therefore President Barrack Obama abandoned, instead he just favored on the hoax climate change, the same-sex-marriage legislation, flagged Iran carries out the nuclear program by easing the sanctions and signed an agreement with Teheran regime. Secretary of State John Kerry helped Iran standing up while Iran always concerns the US as the enemy.
The US taxpayers wasted, there was only Obama and family enjoying the vacation that cost hundred million dollars, nevertheless, every time President Barrack Obama played Gold that was worth $USD 3.7 million of taxpayers.
After 8 years, President Barrack Obama succeeded the brainwash and inserted the communist method into the US people. The vestige of Obama left the country, it is the Obama-scares, actually, Obamacare is the mess of the US healthcare system.
However, the massive amount of money went missing in Pentagon raises the question of Obama’s administration. In early 2017, a Michigan State University economist while was working with the graduate student and a former government official, they founded $USD 21 trillion in unauthorized spending in Defense Department for the Housing and Urban Development in the period from 1998 to 2015. Therefore, the massive amount is up to $USD 21 trillion spent for housing that is doubt and something wrong. An expert businessman and also the investor in the real estate as President Donald Trump knew the valuation of the housing. The $USD 21 trillion missing occurred under President Bill Clinton, George.W Bush and Barrack Obama, now President Donald Trump investigate and finding. The US people should know the reason that Democrats and turncoat Republicans conspire to impeach President Donald Trump, actually, President Donald Trump serves the country without salary, he makes the America great again, so he respects the taxpayers.
The spending of Pentagon under the era of President Barrack Obama that raises the question for the US defense and the taxpayers wasted, even the corruption should be hidden inside the administration. President Barrack Obama made America worst off ever, his rhetorical capacity sunk down after 8 years in power to make the country downed, so the sound” Yes we can” is the greatest cheat, moreover, President Barrack Obama made the heap of a mess after left the office from January 20, 2016.
The Pentagon missing $USD 21 trillion while the Islamic State founded after President Barrack Obama withdrew the troop that created an opportunity for the black flag thug expands the military operation in the region and also threatening the world. Nevertheless, the IS militants used the developed weapon and annually, they have multiple billion dollars to run the territory, where did the money come from? After President Donald Trump becomes the Commander in Chief, the Islamic State has been pushing back and ultimately, the thug is wiped out by the Iraq force. In White House ruled by President Barrack Obama, he had 6 top advisers are Muslim and a hardcore communist Valerie Jarred. Syria within War and Islamic State to be solved just 10 months President Donald Trump getting the office but Obama did nothing but he talked too much.