The investigating agencies as police, FBI, CIA…have not interested any investigation has no a clue or the information based on the fake news even a rumor. Therefore, former FBI bosses are James Comey and now Robert Mueller investigates Russia meddled the US election 2016 without an evidence supports. How could the FBI bosses do that? Both distorted the career, insulted, harmed the FBI’s prestige and snubbed the US people. Nevertheless, the cheat investigation terrorizes the national interest and against the people, but Mr. Robert Mueller and his Animal Special Counsel become the professional taxpayer’s worm. While President Donald Trump makes America great again, instead,  Mr. Robert Mueller and Democrats conspire to make America worst off again. Any concerned citizen couldn’t allow the patriotic heart travels into the individual or rival’s quagmire. Unfortunately, former FBI boss is shameless, Robert Mueller has done the job opposes the FBI’s function and country. The job of a psychic could find the reasons without testifying as a Vietnamese’s proverb quotes:” fortune teller could find the ghost, a cleaner could find the garbage after all the job did” (Thầy bói ra ma, quét nhà ra rác), so he has tried to fabricate the stories for remaining the job longer. The main reason is Mr. Robert Mueller has to sustain the Animal Special Counsel, the last implement of Democrats in White House after James Comey sacked, an actual punter of Donkey party ruined. The role of Robert Mueller is very important for Democrats, it is the escape tactic for the serious wrongdoers:

-Hampering the government investigates the serious crimes of Hillary Clinton are such as 32,000 emails, cheat Clinton Foundation, 20% US’s Uranium gave way to Russia for exchange $USD 145 million donations in Clinton Foundation. President Barrack Obama related to Hezbollah and many problems are waiting for the investigation.

-Impeachment President Donald Trump conspires with the legal technic practice based on the loopholes.

-Abuse White House, it is the tactic to stop the great achievements of President Donald Trump because Democrats worry the loss in mid-term Senate’s election and the presidential election 2020.

Robert Mueller and his Animal Counsel are the vanguards of Democrats, he abuses President and attacks the national interest. Democrats do need Robert Mueller roles as the last punter of the deceived game, so he continues to perform the conspiracy of Democrats. Whatever, any investigating cheat could abuse government, buying time for Democratic high profiles escape the crimes. The worst cheat investigating has been backed by its left propaganda machine in the psychological warfare. Therefore the US people don’t care what do Democrats do, but they just interest the best achievements of President Donald Trump and his administration within a year that is worth than 8 years of Obama.

Robert Mueller understood the social media reflects the people opinion in the US election that is free speech, every the US citizen including the foreigner has to right to express the sense to the US presidential candidate. Therefore, Mr. Robert Mueller who ignores the truth by indictment 13 Russian and 3 companies expressed the sense in the US election. However, Robert Mueller couldn’t indict President Vladimir Putin and Russian government meddled the US election, it is the only main reason that could conclude and accuse Russia interfered the domestic politics in the US and Democrats could use the reason to impeach President Donald Trump. His indictment is the farce, so Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claims that is blather. Mr. former FBI boss Robert Mueller harms the FBI, legal system of the US, the world disappoints the law and order in the United States of America.

The indictment without a clue accused itself because, in the election campaign, President Barrack Obama held the intelligence agencies are National Security Agency with director John Clapper, director CIA is John Brennan, James Comey as FBI director…even NSA controlled by Obama, this agency used the intelligent implement to pursue on the US citizen and also the national leaders of Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, France President Francois Hollands, and the others. The problem caused Edward Snowden fled and accused Obama breached the privacy. If Russian meddled the US election, President Barrack Obama was the first person accused Russian of the relationship occurred between Donald Trump and Russia and candidate Donald Trump could harm or disqualify in the presidential race. Indeed, President Barrack Obam qualified and authorized to investigate Russia meddled the US election, even he became the former president, but Obama could stand as the vital witness to accuse Russian and Donald Trump colluded, so Robert Mueller has not enough the authority taken an investigation. The Animal Special Counsel is the deceived firm of Democrats but the taxpayers wasted.

President Barrack Obama didn’t show a clue although he had the intelligent implements on hand. So the indictment of  Mr. Robert Mueller affects nothing, instead, the world and the US people recognize the real ugly face of former FBI boss and Democrats, they are the Rat of democracy. After performing the bullshit indictment 13 Russian and 3 companies, once again, Mr. Robert Mueller unsealed criminal charges against lawyer Alex Van Der Zwaan who lied with FBI about his communication with Rich Gates, a former aide to Donald Trump’s campaign because the law firm of Alex Van Der Zwaan related with Ukraine in 2012, but the US election occurred in 2016. Mr. Robert Mueller applies the communist way with 3 generations check. However, Mr. Robert Mueller lies with the US government and people, his investigation based on the fake news and conspiracy. The justice department could charge Robert Mueller who lies with the public and opposing the national interest, abusing the government. There is only a treason could turn the face against the country.

Democrats and its hand is Robert Mueller have no way to rescue themselves, the tumultuous reactions carry out the cheat investigating that proved the domestic thugs have been stood on the end of the dark tunnel, so Mr. Robert Mueller crabs any rotten float to survival, unfortunately, he failed after many times attempted the conspiracy to impeach President Donald Trump./.