Eventually, whoever did something wrong has to pay the consequence. So-Called Russia interfered with the US election 2016 cost the taxpayers more than $USD 17 million. Former FBI boss Robert Mueller who forgot the prestige, the national interest, and the lawyer career, he became the head of Special Counsel that pointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The investigation based on the fabricated dossiers created by former British Intelligence agent Christopher Steele, it conflicts with the investigating rule and insults the law and order of the US. Therefore, Mr. Robert Mueller and his team have tried the transform the fake to real, certainly, he couldn’t overturn the fake to the truth. The odd job but got the good pay plus the conspiracy of Democrats that conducts Mr. Robert Mueller attacks the government, actually aiming to President Donald Trump.

As the national security concern, Mr. Robert Mueller terrorizes the commander in chief, abuses the Constitution and bullies the law and order. He lingers the time for the profit, until nowadays, the Special Counsel charged no one in the US, including the main target, it is President Donald Trump. Therefore, he tries to prove the investigation after wasted the taxpayers by indictment 12 Russians, nevertheless, he has no power and authority to arrest 12 Russians, even President Vladimir Putin offers and permits Mr. Robert Mueller comes to Russia to investigate, certainly, he will not dare to come to Russia, he knew the case is cheat and bullshit investigation.

The Special Counsel is the monstrosity of the US’s legal system, and also the appendix of Justice Department, however, Mr. Robert Mueller promotes himself as the most powerful man, he could remove President Donald Trump out from White House. The garbage subpoena fears no one, it is a farce of a long face man.

The Special Counsel seems losing the legal ground. On Monday, July 23, 2018, a federal judge is T.S Ellis requires the Special Counsel boss Robert Mueller must make the public to identify 5 witnesses that he granted the immunity in the exchange for their testimony at the upcoming criminal trial of former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort after 30 minutes the court hearing ended and postponed.

Judge T.S Ellis was pointed by President Ronald Reagan, he has the power to force Mr. Robert Mueller complies the legal process. The judge gave the order to unseal the witnesses’ identities. The reason originates from the last Tuesday, July 17, 2018, Robert Mueller divulged to seek 5 potential witnesses and giving the immunity in the case of Paul Manafort’s trial at Eastern District Court of Virginia. According to the Court request, Mr. Robert Mueller accuses Paul Manafort of the bank and tax fraud, but it needs the evidence. The case needs the witnesses to testify the allegation, nevertheless, the witnesses to be granted the immunity that is easier for Robert Mueller, therefore, who are the witnesses? However, the bank and tax have not related the function of Special Counsel to take the investigation about Russia meddled the US election in 2016. Certainly, Russia intervened the US election in 2016 is making history, the boring reprise has repeated more than a year, almost the people knew the cheat investigation that inserts the political conspiracy and dirty tactic of Democrats. However, Mr. Robert Mueller will find plenty witnesses as a coffee boy Micheal Papadopoulos, former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, a whore in Thailand, Hillary Clinton, former Hillary campaign manager John Podesta, and his brother Tony Podesta, former President Barrack Obama, James Comey (former FBI boss), James Clapper (former National Security director), John Brennan (former CIA boss), Stormy Daniels…if not, he will be charged with the false accusation and snub the law../.