The most cheat in the US is Democrats, the Donkey Party meets the formula: 3D=Demogogy + Deception + Destruction. The Democratic supporters have no favored the national interest, instead, the individual and rival interest putting first, so some Democratic servants acted as the treason, they drive the national issues to the wrong direction and become the domestic thug of people, the terrorists of national interest.

Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and the other Democratic high profiles lied the people that showed the wrongdoings in the US history. Democrats become the Rat of democracy, they are opportunists, the character is cheating and lie, so, Democratic servants appear the ugly face in the public.

Democrats distance themselves from the US people, they are the foe of the national interest. Despite President Donald Trump inaugurated on January 20, 2017, but the dream to impeach president still conspires in the dying plan. The rotten float is Russia meddled the US election 2016 was ruined, the investigation without a clue that destroyed and insulted the FBI’s credit. Therefore, two monkeys are James Comey and Robert Mueller are shameless, they failed to make Democrats retake White House without an election, the dysfunction declined but they have no sign to give up the conspiracy.

Robert Mueller sold his patriotic heart to Democrats, the appendix part of legal system’s body so-called Special Counsel, but its firm is like” Animal Farm” of George Orwell, indeed it is an Animal Special Counsel made by Democrats and packed by Robert Mueller, it has no attorney power in the legal row, how could the US’s taxpayer burden for an unnecessary firm and attacking the democracy, opposing against the national interest? On the other hand, Robert Mueller and his Grand Jury are the taxpayer’s worm, that is a form of the virus of the justice. Moreover, the Animal Special Counsel performs as a kid being released the shit, they are the garbage in the justice in the United States of America.

After the no-clue investigation failed that tells the people about the bullshit Animal Special Counsel of Robert Mueller is the attacker of national interest, he always stabs at back President Donald Trump who makes America great again. Certainly, Mr. Robert Mueller has to rescue himself for the taxpayer’s gain by keeping the Animal Special Counsel. He has tried the do something in hopelessness, the interview of someone in the Trump’s campaign that couldn’t overturn the situation. As all kind of insect struck by the pesticide and react before falling into the motionless state.

On Friday, February 16, 2018, former FBI boss Robert Mueller fabricates himself the clues of Russia used the social media to meddle the US election and harmed Hillary Clinton, he prosecutes 13 Russians and 3 companies interfered the US election 2016 without evidence but it based of social media. How could Mr. Robert Mueller do that? The recycled paper industry in the US and” Uncle Ho’s fish pond” in Vietnam do need his lawyer’s degree, but the justice in the US doesn’t want a lawyer who distorts the career to fear the people. The individuals charged are Mikhail Ivanovich Bystrov, Mikhail Leonidovich Burchik, Aleksandra Yuryevna Krylova, Anna Vladislavovna Bogacheva, Sergey Pavlovich Polozov, Maria Anatolyevna Bovda, Robert Sergeyevich Bovda, Dzheykhun Nasimi Ogly Aslanov, Vadim Vladimirovich Podkopaev, Gleb Igorevitch Vasilchenko, Irina Viktorovna Kaverzina, Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin and Vladimir Venkov.

The Animal Special Counsel shows the farce, among the targets, there is Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian business in St. Petersburg, he has restaurants and catering for the Kremlin’s leader’s dinners with foreigner dignitaries, the people call Yevgeny Prigozhin is Putin’s chef. However, Robert Mueller has not indicted Putin’s Buttler, gardeners, cleaners meddled the US election 2016. Nevertheless, Robert Mueller doesn’t indict President Vladimir Putin.

The free speech respects in the democratic country, in the election’s campaign, everyone in the US and foreigners could expose the stance of a candidate. The social media release the people voice, therefore Mr. Robert Mueller gags the free speech by indictment whoever disliked Hillary Clinton in the US presidential election. The bullshit indictment opposes the democracy, it is the communist manner bans whoever uses the social media or media criticizes the communist party and its policy, actually, its leaders as Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping…although Robert Mueller lives in the US, therefore he acts as North Korea’s regime.

In the presidential election 2016, both sides launched the campaign and outside the US, everyone could expose the stance, nobody bans. There were not someone in Russia expressed the option on the internet (mostly social media) but in somewhere else” meddled the US election” are:

-Australia: Foreign Minister Julia Bishop officially endorsed Hillary Clinton, until the last day, on November 7, Julie Bishop claimed Hillary Clinton elected that is good because she is a woman (Channel 7 broadcast). Senior Minister Christopher Pyne of Liberals attacked candidate Donald Trump. Almost Australia Labor Party launched the campaign against candidate Donald Trump, actually, opposition leader Bill Shorten declares in a speech at Canberra” Donald Trump is entirely unsuitable to be the leader of the free world”. May 27, 2016, Mr. Bill Shorten labeled Candidate Donald Trump is Baking mad. Greens Party (Garbage Party) interfered the US election in the social media and mainstream, they always slammed candidate Donald Trump.

-Vietnam: the communist Government used the vans running around the cities to support candidate Hillary Clinton and in the US, the left media in California as Người Việt daily News, Việt Báo ( VietPress/USA), SBTN T.V and the others activated Vietnamese people live in the US vote for Hillary, Vietnam meddled the US presidential election in 2016.

-China: the social media published Chinese supported Hillary and disliked Donald Trump.

-I am Hoa Minh Truong, author of 5 books, despite I am an Australian citizen (foreigner) but nearly every day, I wrote many comments to meddle the US election from October 2015 to November 7, 2016. My comments published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal and the others including facebook and twitter. I am waiting for Mr. Robert Mueller and his Animal Special Counsel indict the meddled US election.

After releasing the indictment’s list with 13 people and 3 companies, what will Mr. Robert Mueller do for next step? Certainly, Mr. Robert Mueller and the Animal Special Counsel will not extradite the offenders from Russia, he will not use the attorney power to force criminals to the US. Therefore, possibly, Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama and the others of Democrats will be arrested anytime.

Despite a head of Animal Special Counsel indicted a dozen offenders and 3 companies of Russia meddled the US’s election but Mr. Robert Mueller just confirmed” Trump didn’t know anything about Russian collusion”…what is going on?. President Donald Trump didn’t know anything about Russian collusion, how could Mr. Robert Mueller do the investigation and impeachment President Donald Trump?

The garbage indictment of Robert Mueller affects nothing the Russian offenders, even a single hair of Penis drops and President Donald Trump fears nothing the clown leads the Animal Special Counsel with the Animal Grand Jury as the Animal Farm has a meeting and decide somethings. However, the indictment without a clue, it based on the social media that could keep the Animal Special Counsel pinches more taxpayers, that is the main purpose of Robert Mueller. The indictment without power is like the knife has no blade. Why doesn’t the justice department disband the Animal Special Counsel?/.