Senator John Mc Cain ended the respect

He is among the turncoat Republic standing alongside with Democrats

The political life of John is dead.

The patriotic heart crashed

That conducts the personal integrity trashed

And goes to mad

That causes the Vietnam veteran and US people feel so sad

A man who did the bad

John Mc Cain who supports those the people hate

The fake news and fabricated stories to be made

Now, John Mc Cain learns his fate

As many times he said

Opposing the national interest

While President Donald Trump did the best

Making America great

Instead, Senator John Mc Cain lost the mind and also the losing respect

From the people and the Vietnam War’s veteran mates

Senator John Mc Cain to be ended the trust

The bad record in Hilton Hotel is heard.

Does he pride the Hanoi Songbird?

And also the prince in prison camp that the US hurt

The inmates released the truth

Of a prisoner of war who surrendered Vietcong thug

He helped Vietcong the information a lot

The US warplanes to be shot

In the period of battlefield being hot

Because the military secrets that  enemy got

Vietcong held John Mc Cain’s record

The reason of inhumane regime Vietcong to be endorsed

Senator John Mc Cain didn’t remorse

He agreed with Democrats, President Bill Clinton, actually Senator John Kerry

Hanoi’s embargo lifted

Despite Vietcong being marked in the human rights violation’s list

The people feel so sick.

Senator John Mc Cain acted as a kid

He bullshitted stabbing at back President Donald Trump

The Obamacare delay the scrap.

Although before Senator John Mc Cain strongly opposed it

John Mc Cain contradicts his head

The US people have no trust

A man who divorces the truth

And he does love the fake

Russia meddled the election that is fabricated

The Senate career doesn’t fit

John Mc Cain is Republic skin that covers the organ of Democrats

The national interest has been mashed

The domestic thug

They have been unmasked

After dream of Hillary Clinton lost

John Mc Cain is not a hero

The bad record in prison camp that showed

Nowadays, everyone knows

A traitor will go

He opposes the national interest and the people

The real face of Senator John Mc Cain exposed

The long-term political reputation crippled

The fake dossier provided by Christopher Steele that cheats

Democrats and turncoat Republicans conflict the people wish

The conspiracy turned to shit.

But the country is damage control

The wrongdoings could not cover

John Mc Cain goes too low

while President Donald Trump goes high

Everyone recognizes

Senator John Mc Cain lies

Next midterm senate’s election he will have the last time

To say goodbye

And no more to fight

Against the people and national interest.

John Mc Cain totally lost the people respect.

He must go.

The people say Yes ./.