Russia meddled the US presidential election 2016 has become the hot spot of the US politic, the left media chimes the garbage and bullshit claim is the farce of Democrats, the disgraced sitcom abuses the US people. After President Donald Trump getting the office, the fake fact is Russia’s interference sounding like the boring reprise of a mourning song at the funeral. Mostly, every day, the left media broadcast the investigation was carried out by FBI boss James Comey, he was sacked by President Donald Trump. The investigation continues with another former FBI boss Robert Mueller who is the tool of Democrats with the Special Counsel and the Grand Jury.

The investigation is the malicious conspiracy of the domestic thug, they are the losers in the US election but still trying to retake White House with an election, instead of the presidential impeachment hopelessly attempts. The key legal process is the foreign controls the election, so Russia colluded with candidate Donald Trump could overturn the election’s outcome. Mr. Robert Mueller and his Grand Jury are the Vanguard of Democrats perform the impossible mission in White House and Congress, he becomes the domestic thug attacking the democratic fundament and abusing the Constitution. He acts as the terrorist strikes the national interest. During President Donald Trump is serving national security, economy, and national interest but Mr. Robert Mueller stabs at back the president, where does Mr. Robert Mueller stand?

The clue based on the dossiers written by the former British espionage agent is Mr. Christopher Steel, therefore the finance covered by former Secretary of States Hillary Clinton, she was the loser in White House race. The turncoat Republican Senator John Mc Cain of Arizona grabbed the dossiers as the potential evidence to remove President out White House.

Senator John Mc Cain was a Vietnam veteran, he was detained 6 years in Hanoi Hilton (Hỏa Lò) after his fighter plane shot down. Therefore, his POW record doubted with his nickname was Hanoi songbird and the Prince in the prison camp. The title hero of John Mc Cain to be demoted from the personal behavior while detaining in the prison camp. In the US election, candidate Donald Trump recognized John Mc Cain who is not a hero, so he angers and revenge. Certainly, Senator John Mc Cain has the inappropriate behavior plus the arrogance that cause his crazy reaction opposes against the US government.

Senator John Mc Cain acts as the hardcore Democrats, he lined up with Senator Chuck Schumer in Senate and attacking President Donald Trump on the Obamacare repeal despite Senator John Mc Cain strongly opposed Obamacare from 2010. Even when he was struck with brain cancer, but John Mc Cain still fought against the Obama repeal at last. Russia’s interference US election has been unmasked. After Mr. Robert Mueller seemed failure into the investigation, he just indicted without a clue on 13 Russian and 3 companies used the social media in the election, it is the free speech, everyone in the US and foreigner could express the option in the US election. Nevertheless, Mr. Robert Mueller couldn’t indict President Vladimir Putin and Russian government controlled the US election although those are the main causes. Therefore, Mr. Robert Mueller has tried to remain the fake investigation for-profit and abuse the government. Mr. Robert Mueller could investigate 62,000,000 voters for Donald Trump because the left media accused they are the Russia agents. His deceived job wasted the US taxpayers and the justice needs not the Animal Special Counsel.

Senator John Mc Cain has kept quiet for a while, actually from 2018. Recently John Mc Cain invokes and pleads the House Permanent Committee does not release the fabricated dossiers of Mr. Christopher Steel because Committee Kramer met Mr. Christopher Steel at London, so Russia meddled the US election’s dossiers is fake. Certainly, the Special Counsel and Mr. Robert Mueller receive the worst news when the source of investigation unmasked, it based on the fabricated dossiers that paid by Hillary Clinton.

Senator John Mc Cain is a shame, he must pay the consequence that comes from the deception and conspiracy of Democrats. The Seat of Senator John Mc Cain has been threatened when the voter in Arizona lessen support, actually, he is dealing the health problem, so John Mc Cain will resign in June or August 2018 and the other Republican candidate will replace. Whatever John Mc Cain leaves the politic or retires, his bad record has never erased in the US history./.