The Muslim is a small ethnic group in Australia but the policial party as Australia Labor Pary is the wonderful place for Allah’s politicians, actually, the media favors Muslim than the other ethnic. Channel Ten performs the Project show with Waleed Aly, although the viewers dislike, therefore, Channel Ten ignores and snubs the public reaction. The HuffPost published an article of Josh Buttler on June 15, 2017:” Aly, host of popular nightly news panel show The Project, has been a constant target for abuse and criticism from Australia’s right-wing community, especially online, for his stance on issues from Islam to marriage equality.”

ABC is Australian’s television network, but ABC’s staff favors Muslim as Ms. Yassmin Abdel Magied 27 year- old. She was born in Sudan and grew up in Australia, also gained the education. A concerned migrant respects the adopted country’s valuation, but Ms. Yassmin Abdel Magied attacks and insults ANZAC DAY 2017, the most national event in Australia. Obviously, the Australia people strongly reacted and condemned while ABC ignored and tried to protect Yassmin Abdel Magied. Therefore, after the public pressure, ultimately, ABC forced to sack Yassmin Abdel Magied.

Ms. Yassmin Abdel Magied also was the advisory member of Council of Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR) of Foreign Department. Despite she moved to the UK, but in 2018, Ms. Yassmin Abdel Magied still attacks ANZAC DAY 2018.

Ms. Yassmin Abdel Magied represents the betrayal face, during working on channel ABC, she used the Australian’s television network for advertising the hijab on screen, nevertheless, in Q & A program, she challenged the Australian people about the Sharia Law. She was the host of Australia wide’s program, the taxpayers paid $AUD 1,555/minute and paid $AUD 3,500 for her ABC show. She just worked one time a week but earned $AUD 168,000 a year plus the privileges. This year, Malcolm Turnbull’s government cut $AUD 84 million and following a decision stops the fund $AUD 43 million for news and current affairs. Moreover, the program Q & A upsets the viewer.

ABC was famous left media and Vietnam war, in the passage of time, the administration used the taxpayers to support Vietcong, the early terrorist after Second World War. The biased broadcast harmed Australian, actually the Vietnam veteran, they fought against the Vietcong terrorist and also the Global Communist Bloc in Vietnam battlefield. ABC.TV propagated for communist that causes many Vietnam veteran being struck by the mental health (PSTD) after the coming home and received the bad treatment from the society that comes from the toxic propaganda of ABC and the others as Channel 7. The left media has misled the public still influences the society. Someone calls ABC is Australia Broadcast Communist.

Nowadays, ABC favors the Muslim as Ms. Yassmin Abdel Magied, the taxpayers wasted for the Sharia law and Muslim culture than serving the major population, ABC should mean” Allah Broadcast Corporation”. The government may warn ABC using the taxpayers into the right direction. After Second World War, ABC has strayed the communication to propaganda. ABC, Channel 7, the other media companies in Australia and the left media in the US as CNN, they destroyed the mainstream media’s prestige ./.