Mr. Peter Francis Leahy, former Lieutenant General, Australian army chief (2002-2008) who is the director of the National Security Institute and also a professor of University of Canberra since October 2008. In the tension between the US and North Korea, Professor Peter Leahy contributes the big idea to solve the conflict. Could his wonderful solution stop Kim Jong Un giving up the nuclear program? Does his idea prevent Kim Jong UN currently bullies and terrorizes the world with the nuclear war?
After North Korea threatens to strike the nuclear ballistic missile to the US soil, actually the hub of US military base at Guam. President Donald Trump reacts for the country’s protection and vows to retaliate if North Korea attack. While the tension escalates, the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull confirms entering the war with the US.
Professor Peter Leahy exposes the brilliant idea with his knowledge and a former Australian army chief, he urges Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to consult Parliament before joining a bloody ugly war against North Korea. The question asks a former Lieutenant General Peter Leahy: North Korea threatens the world, including Australia, isn’t a bloody ugly war? Remember, any war has to spend the blood as an idiom “no guts no glory” but the war game plays on the computer has no blood. Instead, an outstanding strategist of Australia, former Lieutenant General, former army chief and university professor Peter Leahy proposes his solution by saying:” “we need to do a lot of talking … and play as much as we can behind the scenes to stop this thing getting out of control”. To defend the country while being threatened by an enemy that is not “this thing getting out of control” isn’t it? Actually, North Korea often threatens the world by the nuclear ballistic missile and recently Kim Jong UN intimidated the missile attack Australia because the Down Under is the US’s ally, whatever happens the Australian have to protect the country. Professor Peter Leahy is a former army chief, he must know what to do when the enemy threatens unless begging and surrendering without condition.
Professor Peter Leah is an Australian with full of knowledge, actually the defense skills, but he confirms the ANZUS treaty signed during the Cold War that did not guarantee Australia’s commitment. It is very hard to believe a top Australian strategist as former army chief, former Lieutenant General Peter Leahy who doesn’t know the Cold War is not over yet, it just temporary suspends after the Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe Communist Bloc collapsed in Europe, but the Asia communist bloc still remains with China leads North Korea, Vietnam, and Laos. Despite the Asia communist states follow the Soviet Union, but they have not given up the inhumane regimes, instead, the Asia Communist Bloc is obstinate, so the Cold War still remains.
After the Cold War ends and the Post- Cold War continues, China learned the lesson of Soviet Union disbanded and applying the tactics “lizard changes the skin” to cheat the Western World. The innocent national leaders, politicians and the short mind strategist easily fall into the trap of the most malicious regime in the world.
In the formality, the Post-Cold War just changes the coat but the communist body doesn’t, the Post-Cold War expects as the Cool War, China hides the face with trade ties, diplomatic relationship but Beijing always considers the capitalism is the number one hostility. Professor Peter Leahy sends the wrong message to the Australian and the world, nowadays the people doubt the academics as Doctor and the dishonest academics are the high level of deception, they have the license for a cheat. The Australian feel so sick with Doctor (my word is Dogtor) Tim Flannery who misled the climate change hoax, it cost the country more than $10 billion for the desalted water plants. The ANZUS treaty has not disbanded yet, even the Eastern Europe Communist Bloc disbanded, but NATO still operates, why does the ANZUS be invalid? Professor Peter Leahy has to know the defense must be kept at all times, although the country is in peace. The excellent concern of a professor Peter Leahy should mislead the public and the university student as a Vietnamese saying: “Teachers who make a mistake, will destroy many generations”.
Professor Peter Leahy has to know all the negotiation with North Korea since many previous US Presidents and the South Korea’s effort to bring the peace resulted in nothing, even South Korean President Kim Dae Jong, Nobel Peace Prize who exchanged the peace by hundreds of million of US dollars paid to Pyongyang, but the regime has never changed, instead North Korea accelerates the nuclear ballistic missile tests. Professor Peter Leahy, please show the world, the US, and Australian government how to negotiate with North Korea to stop the aggressive behavior. If an Australian strategist Peter Leahy proposes the possible solution to bring the peace, professor Peter Leahy will win the Peace Nobel Prize, if not, he just talks as a joke without solution, it is the unneeded arrogance of a high public figure, he should be listed on the Confucius Peace Prize as Fidel Castro, Vladimir Putin, Robert Mugabe….
Nowadays, the high technology overturns the classical war, the long range missile, and aircraft are the keys to victory. In Second World War, Korea War, Vietnam War, the artillery, and armor activated in the battlefield. In Vietnam War, the US soldier joked “infantry is the beauty Queen in battlefield” that means before the attack, air force cleared the target and infantry just moved in and picking up the booty. But the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars are different. Kim Jong UN believes 10,000 artilleries will defeat the US and South Korea, he dreams but it is an obsolete mind. Unfortunately, a top Australian strategist Peter Leahy fears the North Korea artillery, he must know before the artillery operates, the airforce could transform all to the ash. Former Lieutenant General Peter Leahy shouldn’t join the Vietnam War, so he doesn’t know much the communist then he could be easily fallen into the deceived trap of communist (*). From many decades ago, North Korea succeeded in the psychological warfare and intimidated the innocent leaders, short mind strategists of Western countries. The innocent people become victims of commander in kid Kim Jong Un and many decades threatened by Kim Jong Il. The neighbor countries, UN, previous US Presidents fear of North Korea, a small poorest state so North Korea succeeded the intimidation, extortion and blackmail the world. A bandit has not given up the weapon yet, police couldn’t negotiate if has no action. While North Korea exposes the aggressive behavior, Pyongyang has no sign to cease the threat, so any negotiation doesn’t affect.
(*)Notes: the writer was a South Vietnam regular army officer in Vietnam War, a member of Black Panther battalion. An anti-communist expert into the military and psychological warfare.