Cuba is like China, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos and the other communist regimes including the former communist as Russia. As the routine warns the world about the lizard changes skin’s tactic that could apply while the red evil faces the low tide of revolution or the difficulties, actually, when the Karl Marx’s pupil wants to deceive the world, they always pretend the nice face, smooth language, even want to be a friend with enemy.

In Russia, although the communist regime is no longer dominate in the country from early 1990’s, therefore, the Russian government has not removed yet the Karl Marx’s radioactivity, so President Vladimir Putin has deceived the people and snubs the Russian’s Constitution, Putin held Presidency and his henchman Medvedev replaced, after the term, Putin came back and now he elected the fourth terms by the rigged election. Putin has the terms” Putinism”. In China, President Xi Jinping became the life president. As the Buddhist, every monk could write the bibles, in China, Mao Tse Tung made Karl Marx’s thoughts in China, it is Maoist. Deng Xiaoping had Dengist, the incumbent red emperor Xi Jinping has the so-called” socialism with Chinese Characteristics”, in Vietnam, Vietcong adores Hồ Chí Minh’s thoughts.

The communist is the most world’s deception, whoever controls the communist party, they are the real power. Nevertheless, the communist cheats the world and its people with the government’s system. Prime Minister, chairperson, and leader the sole parliament are just a farce, indeed, the power holds in hand of Secretary General. When a communist’s prime minister visits the Western country, the counterpart wrongly welcome a” manager” of the tool government, it is not CEO. According to the Karl Marx’s pupil, in Western, the Secretary of Union is a real power, so the Union’s president is just a henchman.

In Cuba, Fidel Castro ruled the country from 1959 to 2008, he was the First Secretary General of Cuba’s communist party. Fidel Castro is the famous dictator, he took the blood of Cuban’s prisoners and sold to Hanoi in Vietnam War. In December 2014, Fidel Castro awarded China’s Confucius Prize that is a garbage Prize made in China. In March 2012, Pope Benedict XVI visited Cuba in three days, the Pontiff met evil of Cuban is Fidel Castro. Once again, September 20, 2015, Pope Francis came Cuba and met Fidel Castro with the historic photos. It is the wonderful harmony between the atheism and theism, so the hell and heaven could meet and reconciliation. The Greek’s geometry Euclid who invented two parallel lines never reach, therefore, the Popes above of Vatican could carry out the bad and good mix together, it is the newest invention of the Pontiffs. The evil could not be a saint because of evil harmed the people, but a saint could be an evil if saint did something wrongs as evil. Fidel Castro returned the communist paradise on November 25, 2016, he united with Karl Marx, Stalin, Mao Ste Tung….  Cuban, actually the exile Cuban were happy, but the US President Barrack Obama condoled the” comrade” red evil in Cuba.

Fidel Castro stepped down from 2008, indeed his younger brother is Raul Castro took the power when Fidel Castro’s health problem from 2006 replaced until April 19, 2018, Cuba has a new president is Miguel Diaz Canel. The skin changes but organ have never changed. It is a new trick of Cuba’s communist regime. Whatever, the communist party rooted in Castro’s family, so new president Miguel Diaz Canel role as Medvedev in Russia. It means the communist regime has not changed in Cuba and in the shadow, Castro’s family controls the” president’s puppet Miguel Diaz Canel”.

After President Donald Trump getting the office, the embargo lift of President Barrack Obama has been overhauled and Cuba is facing the economic lagging as Castro’s era. Castro or whoever rules Cuba while communist party still rules the government, the democracy has never come. However, the leadership changes that prepares a new trick after President Donald Trump overhauled the sanction lift of President Barrack Obama who helped his comrade cheats the Western as in 1994, President Bill Clinton embargo lift for Vietcong’s comrade…The Western and the world take the extreme caution when Cuba just has a new leader./.