Karl Marx is the mastermind of the communism, in his life’s record, he was a long-term unemployment man, mostly the period living in London, he and family lived on the income’s supporter of Friedrich Engels who came from a wealthy family. Therefore, Karl Marx was dishonest, he didn’t work but he wrote the books instructed the dishonest how to rob, kill and enslave the people. His crazy idea aims to revenge the society, therefore, he had not reviewed himself. As the concerned person, an honest person improves the living’s condition by working, however, the dishonest one could rob, steal and cheat. Nevertheless, Karl Marx was the high level dishonest, he wrote the books teaching the dishonest, he expected as the greatest master of the social dregs. Karl Marx poured the social anger to the wealthy people, including his essential supporter Friedrich Engels. Karl Marx’s character was betrayal, so the most communist killed the supporters after occupying the government.

In Vietnam, the rich woman named Nguyễn Thị Năm born at Bưởi village, outskirts of Hanoi, she contributed 20,000 Indochina Piasters were worth 700 lượng vàng (1 lượng vang =3.75 grams of pure gold). In a hard time of Vietnam communist party, she provided the food and accommodation for the high profiles of communist as Trường Chinh, Hoàng Quốc Việt, Lê Đức Thọ, Phạm Văn Đồng, Hoàng Hữu Nhân, Võ Nguyên Giáp, Nguyễn Chí Thanh, Hoàng Tùng, Vũ Quốc Uy, Hoàng Thế Thiện, Lê Thanh Nghị…Therefore, she was the first victim to be executed in the Landlord Reform and the bloodshed campaign killed a lot of the Hồ Chí Minh’s supporter without pity.

Karl Marx’s crazy theory to be transformed into the reality by Lenin who succeeded the so-called October Revolution 1917 in Russia. Hence the communist spread as the most deadly pandemic on the planet, the Red-Communist super virus killed more than 100,000,000 people and enslaved more than a million people and it still threatens the human life in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, Cuba and some states as Venezuela, Zimbabwe under socialist Robert Mugabe (he has removed after 37 years ruled government).

The Cold War warns the world about the communist disaster, mostly the communist countries have faced the poverty because the communist governments have only invested the violence while the democratic country invests in the economy and freedom.

Karl Marx’s economic outline failed badly, when the national economy, national interest, labor market, assets have held on hand of the communist party, a small group but has the great ambition plus the rapacious conspiracy and the absolute power in the country. The economic field needs the professional and concerned economists, unfortunately, communist abandons the talent, actually, the education’s system strictly complies with the main principle to be applied strictly is” the family record wins over the talent and Red is than professional”. The illiterate person like Mr. Đổ Mười, his background was the castrated pigs but he held deputy prime minister after Vietcong took Saigon in 1975 and later he became General Secretary, the top position in Vietnam. Prime Minister Nguyễn Tấn Dũng who had the third year of primary school, Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc who could not read the Vietnamese language properly. Even Hồ Chí Minh was years fifth of primary school but he ruled North Vietnam from 1954 to 1969. The inexpert economist couldn’t manage the national economy, it is likely in Australia, Senator Penny Wong and Treasurer Wayne Swan didn’t understand the economic basic lesson, every time the Reserve Bank of Australia cut the interest rate, both were happy, they believed the national economic growth, indeed it has been declined. So within 6 years from 2007 to 2013, the Australia government ruled by Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, they spent $AUD 42 billion surpluses left by Prime Minister John Howard and two top economists without knowledge caused of the deep deficit and now the Australia debt is up to a trillion dollars. The most communist government’s economy managed by the inexpert economists but they the deciders the national economy, so the country couldn’t develop and lag.

The Karl Marx’s economic management conflicts with the human life and freedom, the modern of economic centralization became the disaster, the communist paradise means lagging, poverty but the terror is the main policy to force the people to obey the regime. The communist prides the violence by calling the revolutionary violence. The demagogy of Karl Marx’s pupil and the obscurantism that reflects the definition of Hồ Chí Minh, he called the title Democratic centralization was:” everyone has the assets, they are the owner that is the democracy. But they don’t know how to keep, I (Hồ Chi Minh) manage for them, I centralize and store in the hutch and lock it up, I put the key in my pocket, it is the democratic centralization”. It is the robbery hides under the democracy, the most communist is the scoundrel character as Hồ Chí Minh, according to the accusing of victims, while he was raping a teenager, he told to inject the revolution seed (a 15 years old girl named Huỳnh Thị Thanh Xuân who was sent by parents to North in 1964, she was raped by Hồ Chí Minh. In 2012, she accused Hồ Chí Minh was pedophile)

China applied the Karl Marx’s economic pattern from 1949 to 1972 by the communist party and the so-called Maoist (Karl Marx’s theory made in China and changed label). The campaigns were Great Leap forward, Hundred Flowers Bloom and Culture Revolution failed, China lagged and the revolution was worst off. Therefore, in 1972, after President Richard Nixon visited and the embargo lift, following the trade, economic ties, China developed from the capitalist method but China communist party is shameless with an ugly economic pattern” the free market is led by socialism”, if China has no free market, certainly the socialism would be collapsed or facing the poverty. On the other hand, the Karl Marx’s economic theory causes the disaster and the communist countries wrangle in a social quagmire without exit.

The most communist countries are poverty and lagging, from the Cold War, Western Germany developed while East Germany being faced the difficulty. North Vietnam communist was the same circumstance, under the rule of the communist party, the North Vietnamese people had to eat the placentas replaced the meat, fish. North Korea is the similarity, the regime caused more than 2 million people died in the famine and nowadays the most population’s daily ration is noodle made with flour mixed grass. The life of Cuban is not different from the time of Fidel Castro occupied the government

Zimbabwe and Venezuela have met the poverty because the leaders favor the socialism. The communist is the most deception on the planet, the dishonest disguise the face under the revolution, socialism, class struggle…all the titles cheat the innocent people and the blind followers. The Karl Marx’s pupils promote themselves as the so-called Communist ideal, therefore, the robbers are dishonest, they have not any ideal../.