The communists respected and applied atheism to the essential policy and the national management including the religion. After robbing the government, the Communist parties such as China, and Vietnam used bloodshed campaigns. The communists were the masters of robbery covered by the revolution. In the Vietnam War, before the fall of Saigon, Secretary General Đổ Mười (pig castrated vendor) told his comrades” Their house, we confiscate-their wives, we take and their children we enslave”. After April 30, 1975, the high ranking of Vietnam’s communist party, Mr. Nguyễn Hộ said at Saigon town hall to his comrades like Đổ Mười.

After decades of impoverishing the people who lived in the hell of a communist paradise, the communist parties in China, and Vietnam launched the beaten cemetery campaign by digging the graves and confiscating the cemeteries. The communists cared no one, instead the rapaciousness, and the individual interest. Possibly, the communist stance isn’t ruled out. The adherents of Karl Marx planned to control the life, and assets of the living people, and now the dead people became the targets of socialism. The beaten cemetery campaign in China and Vietnam reflects the Culure Revolution of Mao Tse Tung launched in 1966 to 1976. The bloodshed campaign killed more than 10 million Chinese with the Red Guard smashing down the relics called counter-revolution. Recently, on YouTube, the archeologists collaborated with the government in China, and Vietnam to broadcast about exhumations of the graves of the historic tombs, mausoleums of the kings, and high-ranking officials to find the hidden treasures. The gold, precious stones, and jewelry interest the government. Daily, the information of the graves appeared on YouTube after the discoveries of the mysteries. The beaten cemetery campaign launched nationwide. The hidden reason is to confiscate the cemeteries and use them to build houses, and economic zones. The cemeteries of the fallen soldiers of South Vietnam became the targets of the Vietcong regime as the quote” a stone killed two birds”. The Vietcong regime wiped out the vestige of South Vietnam’s government and also became the assets of the cadres.

The fallen economy of the Communist regimes in China, and Vietnam urged the grave exhume to find the treasures. The historic landslide victory of the patriotic President Donald Trump on November 5, 2024, which panicked the communist regimes and its vassals urged the exhumation to escalate. The beaten cemetery campaign of the communist regimes in China, and Vietnam worried the people, and historians/.