After the French Revolution in 1789, the old political model disappeared or transformed into a constitutional monarchy. The Second World War was born the dictators such as Adoft Hitter, and Benito Mussolini. Communism produced the dictators such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao Ste Tung, Hồ Chí Minh, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Xi Pinping…After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s decade, dictators transformed into semi-dictators, such as Vladimir Putin, and Al Assad, and some dictators in democratic countries such as Emmanuel Macron (France), in the United States had Hussein Barrack Obama and Joe Biden. Almost all the dictators were communists and mongrel communists who created the world’s crises, wars, and conflicts.
Therefore, the tyrants couldn’t rule the countries forever, the time to expire the dictatorial regimes started on November 5, 2024, after the patriotic President won the rigged election, and democracy returned to make America great again, the enemies feared, the allies trusted, the domestic thugs appalled, and the democratic revolution started. The patriotic President Donald Trump enhanced the people standing up to get back human rights, and freedom. The intercontinental Missile with the warhead Tariff of Donald Trump to China’s Communist Party which spread to the vassals such as Vietnam, Mexico, Canada, and North Korea…panicked. The Syrian tyrant Bashar al-Assad was uprooted after a quarter of a century ruled the country. He fled to Russia, and Syria transited to the democratic government. Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin panicked when the invasion of Ukraine cost 600,000 lives of the Russian federal army, and shattered the economy. Vietnam panicked because of the inhumane regime, and the tyrants feared the incident of Bashar al-Assad as a pawn domino. The world is watching the dictators in Iran, China, Vietnam, North Korea, and Australia/.