The communists and mongrel communists (the left-wing parties in democratic countries) respect the crazy theory called Marxist-Leninisthu and socialism. The students of Karl Marx are like the tiger snakes and Cobras, so their venom has never disappeared. Likely the left-wing parties with homosexuality, transgender, asylum seekers, and the hoax climate change became the global thuggish movement targeting to destroy the energy which made a huge profit for China’s Communist Party, despite China being among the world’s dioxide-releasing.
Initially, the hoax climate change was activated by the Democratic President Bill Clinton to repay the boons of China’s Communist Party that illegally financed the presidential election in 1992 and 1996 by China’s super agents John Huang (1992) and Charlie Trie (1996). Besides the top technology and the Most Favoured Nation deserved for China, the henchman Bill Clinton gave China the priceless repayment of the hoax climate change being hidden under the demagogic label called earth protection, pollution, and environmental concern. Indeed, Bill Clinton helped China to develop the industry faster while the United States and West were Curbed by the dioxide threat, but China freely released the dioxide, and Beijing challenged the US and Western into the arms race, space race, and industrial race. On the other hand, the dangerous domestic thug, Bill Clinton responded to the global hegemonic strategy of China’s Communist Party. The corruption conducts treason that reflects the circumstances of Bill Clinton. Despite 31,000 scientists confirming that climate change is a hoax, therefore the left parties, the sly businesses, the malicious activists, the left ape media plus the big tech companies attempt the greatest cheat in human history. The hoax climate change influences, and spreads worldwide and creates global complications. The climate change businesses, China, and the left parties attempt the greatest robbery on the planet. The hoax climate change activists use deceitful environmental protection to squeeze the sweat of billions of people living on the planet. The clever robbers labeled the earth protection to rob the taxpayers around the world. The main robbery cohort is the left ape media companies and the big tech campaigning the climate change psychological warfare to scare the people by the intimidation of the earth being endangered. Therefore, all deceitful predictions of the prominent hoax climate change activists like Dogtor Tim Flannery in Australia, the climate change Pope Al Gore, and others didn’t happen, including the illiterate guru of the hoax climate change, Greta Thunberg deleted her tweet in 2018 that she said the world will be ended in 2023. Particularly, former US Vice-President Al Gore became the billionaire of the hoax climate change and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 despite Al Gore not having a peace record, so the Nobel Peace Prize can be renamed the Nobel Climate Prize. The hoax climate change becomes the greatest thuggish movement on the planet with the involvement and activities of multiple components
1-The hoax climate change’s force, and supporters:
-The unprofessional components like Pope Francis, Prince Charles (now he is the king of England), Prince Harry, Prince William, 150 religious leaders in Australia, the UN General-Secretary Antonio Guterres, actually teenager Greta Thunberg became the global climate change lecturer despite she does not know, instead the mouthpiece intimidation, and the fundraising
-The innocent students become the Green Guards, the form of Red Guards of Mao Tse Tung in China’s Culture Revolution. The students do not have enough knowledge, and level to understand the natural phenomenon and the universe. Therefore, they often protest to pressure the government to eliminate gas, oil, and coal while they do need the energy made by fossil fuels to watch television and other living facilities.
-The left parties and the Greens Party (GARBAGE PARTY) use the hoax climate change for the politics in the elections and also cover the fallen policies of the economy and national security. When the left parties are elected and rule the government, the taxpayers are wasted, and the sly climate change businesses thrive, China makes a huge profit by selling solar power and equipment. The national budget is keen to use for the hoax climate change, and the taxpayers spend to remove the coal power plants. Therefore the solar power farm can not respond to the industry, householders, and other facilities.
-The hoax climate change politicians are the culprits of the wasted taxpayers by misusing the national budget into deceitful policies. Almost all the left parties are the hub of the hoax climate change with the unprofessional scientists being the presidents, the prime ministers, premiers, and governors as the fake medical doctors who treat and operate the patients in hospitals. In Australia, the prominent members of the hoax climate change are Penny Wong, Anthony Albanese, and the Australian Labor Party. America has Joe Biden, John Kerry, and the Democratic Ape Party, France has Emmanuel Macron.
2-The dire consequences of the hoax climate change:
-The taxpayers wasted, the hoax climate change robbed trillions of US dollars worldwide
-The jobs lost in the coal mine, oil fields, and gas fields, the freaking including the coal power plants shut down
-The electric car is the by-product of the hoax climate change. The car is expensive and inconvenient while the petrol vehicle can refuel fast, and can run the long journey. The batteries cost too much for a replacement. The electric car is a farce and the disgraced cheat because the electricity comes from fossil power plants.
-The hoax climate change encourages illegal migrants when the United Nations and the UNHCR define climate refugees and advise Europe, and the United States to accept climate refugees.
-The Global Deep State conspires the hoax climate change to carry out the new world order.
-The hoax climate change caused the Ukraine invasion: The 46th illegal president Joe Biden imposes the hell of a communist paradise in the United States. Initially, the impoverishment applied by the label of the hoax climate change. The presidential robber Joe Biden wants to destroy the US industry and energy by shutting down the oil, gas, and coal companies. The Keystone Pipeline is the victim of Biden’s supporters. The petrol in America is in crisis after the destructive energy of the mongrel communist Joe Biden. The hoax climate change of Joe Biden caused the invasion of Ukraine when Biden handed over the oil and gas to Vladimir Putin. The invasion influenced the European Union, and other European states when Vladimir Putin used fossil energy as potential weapons to curb NATO and the United States. On the other hand, the Ukraine invasion, or the Biden War originates from the hoax climate change. The global crisis comes from the hoax climate change, actually the Ukraine bloodshed and the tension in the Taiwan Strait. The world and people recognize the hoax climate change is the most dangerous movement. CEO of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon warns his shareholders that the government should seize the private property labels all for climate change, to save the planet. The hoax climate change movement conspires to rob private property as the communist robs the assets of all people with the label of revolution, and socialism. The hoax climate change applies the tactics of communists to rob the people of assets and deceive the world, so the hoax climate change reflects the global communist revolution. The hoax climate change perpetrators and activists apply public denouncement against the concerned people as the class struggle in the communist country.
The climate change fraudsters used the left–media companies and the communication companies to threaten the human communists with the technology called the mouthpiece propaganda. The taxpayers were derailed by the hoax climate change and became a global disaster. The fraudsters of hoax climate change shifted the natural phenomena caused by the energies originating from the fossil. Indeed, the fraudsters couldn’t explain the god will and drove it to political purposes including the heartless businesses. The concerned people believed the hoax climate change disaster came from the fraudsters, the leftists were the culprits creating the bushfires.
The fires in Hawaii and Texas proved the evidence of dishonest, and inhuman businesses. According to the report of 1776 {R} released: BREAKING: Joe Biden accidentally confirms direct energy weapons are the cause of wildfires by saying you should have the right roof.
Biden admits the conspiracy theory that “Directed Energy Weapons” caused the Maui and Texas fires. These weapons can damage their targets with highly focused energy, like lasers, but the color blue remains unaffected.
The Texas Panhandle wildfire has grown to more than one million acres, becoming the largest blaze on record in state history.
Fast-moving wildfire in Texas grows to nearly 800 square miles, second-largest in state’s history.
Evacuations are underway at the Nuclear Weapons Facility in Carson County, Texas, as fast-moving wildfires approach, prompting a complete cessation of all operations.
Gov. Abbott issues disaster declaration for wildfires across Texas.
Wildfires are Climate Change False Flags to displace farmers and ranchers.
They are being done using two methods
1) Arsonists, like what happened in Canada.
2) Direct Energy Weapons, like what happened in Hawaii.”
Before the end of the 46th presidential robbery term, the horrible fires in Los Angeles created damages at $US 250 billion which is the greatest damages in the US history to burn down 12,000 properties. The Democratic government of Governor Newsom Gavin aggravated the bushfires based on socialism. It was incredible when the state had no water to deal with the fires as the last efforts of Joe Biden and Democrats
The hoax climate change exposed the inhumane business to deceive the world and squeeze the sweat of people. The innocent and young people became the victims of the dishonest business. The hoax climate change infected Australians with the ALP (Australian Leninist Party) to destroy the national economy/.
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