After the terror struck the US on September 11, 2001, the war fighting against the terrorist has launched worldwide. Obviously, the US-led allies operated Afghanistan and later on, NATO joined the force to fight the terror. Therefore, in the Western countries, the left media and the domestic thugs including the terrorist’s undercover activist have tipped the psychological warfare against the anti-terror war, they exploited the media implements as newspaper, online news, and television slammed the war against the terror could sparkle more terror striking and creating more bloodshed. Some chicken politicians, actually, the Democrats in the US and Greens Party (everywhere, this Garbage Party are the same) tried to stop the war and want to deal with the terror for peace. However, the terror could not eradicate and even shrink if the people surrender, instead, they terrorist forwards. Whoever stood with the terror, they are a shame because the terror has never given up the target.

Nowadays, President Donald Trump has launched the war against the global economic terror, the den of thieves and the hub of counterfeit is the root of economic terrorism, the obsolete tactic recycled as an article of Andrew Van Dam wrote on the Washington Post:

When trade bar­ri­ers rise, they hit hard­est at the bot­tom of the chart. The items down there aren’t the big­gest part of the ec­on­omy — look at all the thin lines — but they are of­ten the items con­sum­ers inter­act with most. In those cate­go­ries, con­sum­ers have long been ac­cus­tomed to fall­ing prices. Com­bined, those fac­tors mean that these goods are pre­cise­ly where Americans will first feel the pain of the president’s trade pol­icy.”

In the reality, the new tariffs imposed on China export and selling into the US market hit high prices, so the US made is good quality to be interested when the consumer compares the same prices but the standard quality is the smart choice. Nevertheless, the US’s product endures more than 4 times from the same product made by China. The global consumer knew almost China product is poor quality, poison, contamination, and the short life.

The negligent policy of previous presidents as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama created an opportunity for China colonizes the US, actually, China has transformed the US to be the economic vassal.

China made sells in the US that means the US people lost the job, nevertheless, China could use the economy to corner the national issues and control the domestic politics of the counterpart.

China couldn’t use their own propaganda machine applying into the enemy’s soil, so the left and commercial media with the profit lover’s journalists, they should carry out China’s propaganda to mislead the Western people. It is the psychological warfare, the irresponsible media campaign the damages control of the US if President Donald Trump imposes the tariffs on China’s products, it is the phony propaganda when the people know China is the communist country and the most threat on the planet.

The garbage propaganda couldn’t convince the major population when the jobless returned to the labor market and the ghost towns revived after 8 years abandoned under the rule of Barrack Obama’s era. President Donald Trump saves the US escape the colonization of China./.