National Cancer Institute of US defines Cancer is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. Cancer cells can also spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems.

Cancer comes from many causes, but the deadly disease appears in the internal body, like the domestic thug in the human body but it is more dangerous than the outside enemy as the virus, certainly, the cancerous disease is the most killing in the world. Any part of the body could be struck by cancer, the human body’s thug cover under multiple forms, the cancers appear from skin to organ, and even blood has Leukaemia, brain tumor. The most specialist medical doctor and the medical scientist study carefully the cancerous disease with the treatment methods as using the medicine, radiotherapy, surgery…therefore, the best medical doctor could not save the life of the terminal cancerous patient. How could the human avoid cancer? This is a hard question to solve, therefore everyone should reduce the risk of getting the deadly disease by taking the food caution, stay away from the chemical, avoid the alcohol, smoking, keeping the healthy body…

The nation is like the human body, everyone is a cell, a community, and ethnic are parts of the body. A good country is a stable society, but when the nation being faced too many problems as terrorist, gang, corruption, rebel… those are the cancers. If the government loses control while the society being engaged the crime, corruption or the other issues, the nation endangered into the national disorder situation. It depends on the government policy to reduce or prevent the domestic thugs. In the medieval stage, the incumbent dynasty being threatened by the rebels, lost harvest, corruption, if the government could not solve the national problems, the dynasty would be collapsed.

However, the most cancerous diseases could not compare to another sort of disease, it is the minded cancerous disease. Its illness comes from the mind and the innocent patient would be struck by the Karl Marx’s radioactive contamination. The minded cancerous patients as Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Hồ Chí Minh, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot….became mindless and they killed more than 100 million people, enslave the other billion people, so the minded cancerous disease is the most deadly pandemic in the world.

The minded cancerous disease spread worldwide, it has appeared under the form of the communist virus and the pandemic was outbreak after the Second World War. The people in Russia, Eastern Europe Communist Bloc have recovered, but the toxic is still remaining, like the communist regime has long gone in Russia, but the dictatorial regime was replaced by Vladimir Putin’s regime.

Nowadays, the minded cancerous disease still exists in China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea and Cuba. Nevertheless, deadly cancer transforms under the Maoist virus has affected somewhere else in Philippine, India, South America, actually its disease being struck in Venezuela from President Hugo Chavez, he died in 2013 and this country has been pauperized when the disease passed down to President Nicolas Maduro, now this nation being dealt with the economic crisis.

The minded cancerous disease struck the western countries, including in the US. In the Vietnam War, the serious patients were such as Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton…the left media as CNN, they spread the disease into the people by the misleading public that has affected a long time in the society and the soldiers fought against the Vietcong are the victims of the toxic propaganda. The minded cancerous symptoms are:

-The patient could not recognize the right and wrong, mostly they have been engaging the blind mind, so in the Vietnam War, the patients stood alongside with the Vietcong, an early terrorist after the Second World War.

-The patient scares of the reality then conceals the truth, the propaganda replaces the impartial communication.

-The patient becomes the liar, despite they know something wrong but they lost the mind and try to believe the evil is an angel. The lie becomes the habit, the patients always pose the lie above the truth.

The minded cancerous patients need to be treated by the self-reality, they just recognize the truth, stay away from the lie, cheat and respect people. In the US presidential election 2016, an outbreak of the minded cancerous disease has happened, the Democrats struck, and the serious patients as Hillary Clinton, CNN, and the left media launched the propaganda, mostly lie and cheat. The scam polls released are the form of a disease. In the Republicans, some congress and senators were infected by the minded cancerous disease as Senator John Mc Cain, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. The disease continues to attack the patient’s brain, they became losing their mind by the creation of Russia meddled in the election.

Nowadays, the US people and the world realized the minded cancerous disease, but the most patients completely lost the conscientiousness, they still have not reckoned the social values, so the serious patients as Jane Fonda, John Kerry, Joe Biden…and the left media have no apology to the Vietnam veteran despite the world knew Vietcong is the barbarous organization, an early terrorist.  Nevertheless, the Democrats still believe the wrong is right. Today, in the western country, the minded cancerous disease still exists under the left-virus or somewhere else remains the communist virus, the human society still faces the evil, the no brain elements cause the international problem.

Kim Jong Un is the serious patient of the minded cancerous illness, he has no brain because his body contains the cancerous gene from Grandfather Kim Il Sung and father Kim Jong Il, and so he acts crazily in the Korea peninsula. Kim Jong Un totally lost his mind, he killed his uncle and family members, half-brother Kim Jong Nam, the generals…and now, around Kim Jong Un are the terminal cancerous patients, they behave as the robots, so when a “smart cookie” claps the hands, everyone follows. The Kim Jung Un needs to be cure properly with some methods as such as cutting aid (UN and the other nations could stop the food provision and finance), trade (China could do this). If he still threatens the neighbor countries by the nuclear missile tests, the US will give the strong medicine branded Tomahawk or MOAB, the terminal patient Kim Jong Un will stop the intimidation.

The minded cancerous illness is the global pandemic that comes from the Karl Marx’s toxic, the most insane killer in the planet. In the western countries, including the US, the most dangerous thing is the left media, so President Donald Trump has called the syndromes such as the fake news, makeup stories, misleading public. People should cure the media minded cancerous patients by boycotting, no advertising… when they lose people supporting, money, the minded cancerous patients will recover from that illness.