The metals import to the US could change the policy, actually, the top steel’s providers are Canada, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, and Russia will be received 25% tariff and aluminum is 10%. China is 11th largest import to the US, the new tariff will affect the countries have sold the metals to the United States of America.

In 2014, the Iron and steel industry in the US expects the world’s third-largest producer and raw steel, the industry is worth $USD 113 billion and employed hundreds thousand workers. The US just lists behind China and Japan, therefore in the US has iron mine, so the steel import could cost the mining industry and the steel factories.

The trade ties of pre-presidents created an opportunity for foreigners subverted the steel and aluminum market. Nevertheless, the steel industry ruined when the products made by steel comes from somewhere else as China. In 2017, the presidential debate, Hillary Clinton mocked Donald Trump bought the steel from China for his buildings, but she was shameless because of President Barrack Obama helped China made the steel and imported to the US, so Mr. Donald Trump had no choice to buy the steel.

President Barrack Obama bragged the slogan in the presidential election” Yes We Can” therefore after 8 years ruled the US, he is considered as the worst president, almost the mouthful rhetorician conflicted by the demagogic policy, that is”   No, We couldn’t” doing for the country. President Barrack Obama created an opportunity for his” comrade” China controls the US economy. He abandoned the steel industry, in July 2015, Obama said:” the steel industry in producing as much steel in the United States as it ever was. It’s just it needs one-tenth of the workers that used to” so Louis Jacobson criticized in the Politifact with an article’s title:” Barrack Obama wrong about the size of US steel production, workforce”.

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would expand the trade and investment between the US and 11 countries in the region, President Barrack Obama ignored the national interest, the US people doubted Obama about the capacity and the patriotic heart. Actually, TPP causes multiple million US workers lost the job and joined the unemployment line. Australian’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull who has tried to convince President Donald Trump rejoins TPP, but the US’s interest is different from Australia. TPP harms the US economy and the labor market, that reason was the first target of President Donald Trumps withdrew TPP as the election promise. Under President Barrack Obama, his hoax climate change’s concern that cost many the coal mine closed and there were 50,000 manufacturers shut down. President Barrack Obama is the president of the ghost towns in the US.

The new tariff taxes on steel and aluminum will boom the steel and aluminum industry when the domestic market will buy the materials lessens tax of the imported metal. After the new tariff has released, some countries worry as Australia, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull believed its country to be exempted.

The new tariff is common policy but President Donald Trump respects the fair trade with allies, it is the arts of a deal in his policy. The protection policy of President Donald Trump could fetch the benefit and labor market of the country ./.