The summit occurred at Helsinki occurred between Russia President Vladimir Putin and the US President  Donald Trump that fears Democrats and its fan. The world will see the peace in the Middle East as the Korea Peninsula eases the tension after President Donald Trump met North Korea leader Kim Jong Un on June 12, 2018, in Singapore. The missile launch and bomb test suspended, why didn’t Democrats and its supporters see that? The crazy hostility blinded the mind despite President Donald Trump did the great effort ever since the Korea War ended in 1953. In the record noted from 1995 to 2008, the US government paid $USD 1.3 billion ransom for North Korea while President Donald Trump spent nothing, even reducing the cost of the annual military exercise with South Korea’s army.

Whoever opposes the peace, they are warlike, so when the peace returns after President Donald Trump did in Korea Peninsula after the War ended in 1953 and now, the peace will be underway after Vladimir Putin met President Donald Trump. The enemies of the peace are Democrats, the left media and its fan couldn’t hide the aggressive faces with the world, they distort Helsinki summit as a kid lost lolly. Mostly, the left media launches the smear broadcast, therefore, the public has no trust the bullshit propaganda of the saga’s fake news and fabricated story. Certainly, the ugly warlike faces appeared on the television that poison the viewer, but they kill themselves, all failed the misled public, the high profiles turn to garbage after raised the stupid speech of critic without a brain.

The intelligence and security exchange based on a fair deal to kill the wrongdoers as former FBI boss Robert Mueller who fears when Putin offers Mr. Robert Mueller and his team go to Moscow to investigate Russia meddled the US election in 2016, it is fair and reasonable, actually, Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein have indicted 12 Russians involved hacking DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. It is an opportunity for Robert Mueller proves the capacity of the head of Special Counsel, the transparency of the investigation, the people want his travel to Moscow and arrest 12 Russians if he found the evidence. If not, Robert Mueller should face the audit more than $USD 17 million spent and the lies with the government, misleading the Congress. Nevertheless, Hillary Clinton appalls because President Donald Trump permits the Russian’s intelligence and security agencies coming to the US to investigate Mr. Bill Browder who laundered $USD 400 million out from Russia to Hillary Clinton.

The panic of Democrats and the left media expose the complicated reaction when they recognize the worst news will come and to be inevitable. The smear propaganda and distorting the communication are workless. Therefore, they domestic thugs have tried to escape the worst situation, it is the woe of losers. But they couldn’t change the fate when the truth is going to appear. The left media and Democratic fan seem to lose the confidence, the smear articles plus the photos of Donald Trump couldn’t defuse the problem, instead, the efforts are vain. They also use the impact of Malaysia Airlines MH 17 shot down on July 17, 2014, while was flying on the war zone in Ukraine and the rebel. The impact occurred under President Barrack Obama’s era, the first black US President prided the demagogic slogan” yes we can” but he couldn’t solve the MH 17 and now President Donald Trump couldn’t have any resolution while the investigation has been continued, the conclusion has not made yet. On the other hand, President authorizes to lead the US, not the left media, nor Senator Chuck Schumer, the turncoat Republic, former CIA director John Brennan, and the owners, CEO of the television network in the US and overseas.

The summit between Russia President Vladimir Putin and the US President Donald Trump aims the peace and defusing the conflict in Middle-East. The sphere is not the impact MH17 but the deal between two leaders of the world superpower. The deal went well, President Donald Trump invites Vladimir Putin to visit White House, it is the normal diplomatic courtesy, therefore, Democrats and left media to be frightened. The bilateral deal and exchange carry out between President Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will fetch the peace and the unsolved conflicts are going to ease.

In the passage of time, under 8 years of Barrack Obama or two terms of George W.Bush who condemned three evil countries were North Korea, Syria and Iran, but the mouthful accusation didn’t affect. However, there is just nearly a half-presidential term, President Donald Trump solved the international conflicts while the bullshit left media and Democrats to hate and attack a man who makes America great again and also the world’s peacemaker. The great achievements of President Donald Trump did in domestic and international conflicts are the woe of Democrats and its fan, so they outrage and crazily attack President Donald Trump for every success in the US and offshore impact. The US people recognize the thug of national interest, the enemies of the peace physically react as all kind of insect have been struck by insecticide stuff./.