The so-called opinion poll frequently appears in the media and some poll companies as Gallup. Actually, in the making profit’s season, the poll emerges in the election and the important impacts as Brexit in U.K Therefore, the polls couldn’t trust for the reasons:
-The numerous people join the poll: mostly, all the polls just survey a small number of population, nevertheless, the different components, the political stance, and the other conditions those could be partial. Moreover, the survey proportion belongs to the numerous people joined, the massive population’s survey that cost a lot of money, but the commercial media always save the money.
-The poll is the private job and the individual option, it is a form of free speech, but someone exploits for the political purpose, a malicious propaganda in a democratic country.
-The dishonest media, mostly the leftist has used the poll to conduct the public, so the poll also reflects the psychological warfare by the tricky poll, the outcome of opinion poll comes from the anonymous sources and baseless, it is the ghost option, so the pollsters have never proved the details of people to be asked, instead the outcome releases without testimony and the poll easily decides by the pollsters, the cheat game of left media, actually, behind the left media is the left party and the rogue politicians.
-Nobody includes the government mandates for the pollster does the job, the poll is self-employment.
-The most polls are vague, so the numerous outcome couldn’t be trusted. Everyone could create the poll and predict the result of an election or the other impacts, the poll is biased and lie.
-The poll character is commercial, even contains the cunning conspiracy, it is the high tricky level in the politics.
The polls favor the election, mostly the federal election and White House race or the federal election in the other states. The left party has been backed by the left media, beside the smear campaign launching, the tricky polls aim to conduct the voter and bully the public. The dishonest pollsters snub the people and abuse the democracy by using the media.
In Australia, the left media dislike Prime Minister Tony Abbott who stopped the boat, opposing the same-sex-marriage legislation, the hoax climate change, and the Australia Republic. The left media launched the psychological warfare by the so-called opinion polls, the outcome hit low Tony Abbott and Communication Minister Malcolm Turnbull who has the stance closes the leftist and Labor Party, he based on the cheat polls and made the coup in 2015 with the innocent Liberals. The left media succeeded in the public misleading and after the coup, the Liberals Party lost the ground support, even the loyal Liberals declined the ballot, now the Coalition being faced the peril in the next federal election. The left media in Australia subvert the democracy and deceives the people, the Australian recognized the left media is the culprit of the political crisis and the betrayal Liberals have to receive full responsibility for the loss in the next election.
The US presidential election 2016 showed off the real face of the cunning pollsters, mostly the left media as CNN, the Washington Post, the New York Times…and in Australia has ABC, Channel 7, SBS and the others launched the tricky polls, almost Hillary Clinton assured to be the first female president. The polls published in the newspapers, online and Television networks, radio station lied, they drove the public to the lying polls, so Hillary Clinton always led candidate Donald Trump from 4 to 12 points. Unfortunately, the polls planned by left media but the people voted, so all the cheat polls unmasked after the election outcome on November 6, 2016. Almost the left media and garbage poll companies lost the people trust, the fake polls killed themselves.
The polls are business, the media company has to serve for whoever paid well. As common sense, the poll could apply flexible that belongs to the time of the election. The wonderful poll is the election day is far, they could decide any outcome without a problem. But the election day comes close, the cheat poll reduces the deception, therefore the well-paid candidate would deserve the good poll. The left media totally unmasked after the US election.
Despite the left media lost the credit, however, the tricky poll is the main strategy of the psychological warfare. The anger of the losers has been reflected in the tricky polls, almost they show off the low poll hit President Donald Trump, but the presidential election will be on 2020, moreover, the biased polls have never removed President Donald Trump out from White House, it is the kid game, the garbage polls. The left media also launches the phony psychological warfare, the news companies also release the vague opinion poll, almost President Donald Trump is unpopulated, but how do they know? An opinion poll is a form of psychological warfare that has applied in the democratic country, the left media and some tricky poll companies plus the deceived pollsters have exploited the free speech for political conspiracy, therefore aftermath of the US election, fake news, scam poll lost the credit.
The pollsters have not qualified to conduct and command the voter in the election, but they have exploited the free speech to bully and impose the political stance over the voter. They distort the media career to the propaganda by the tricky polls, indeed the media’s function is communication, not conducts the public that is driven by the biased polls. Do not trust any opinion poll released by the left media, let’s watch the outcome of the impacts.