When the justice to be cornered by the dishonest legal practitioners, the robbers with the paper knife driving the law and order in the wrong direction. The dishonest lawyers are the loophole professional, the law knowledge and experience cause the social complication, the dishonest lawyers ignore the national interest and the law, they apply the legal practice for pocket and politics.

Nowadays, the Democratic lawyers couldn’t hide the malicious faces to the public. When the dishonest senior lawyers hold the important position as attorney general, intelligence agencies, the investigation agency or police…it is the disaster for society and the country.

Former FBI director James Comey knew Hillary Clinton misused the government’s email and classified, but he refused to indict, he distorted the career for political purpose. Nevertheless, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein conspires to use the 25th Amendment to impeach President Donald Trump, it is the most important target of Democrats and the offshore enemies as Islamic State, Iran, China…

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein pointed his lawyer colleague Robert Mueller, he was former FBI boss to terrorize the White House. Certainly, Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller knew the investigation on Russia meddled the US presidential election in 2016 that is the witch hunt because the election occurred in 2016, during their lawyer comrade Barrack Obama still held the presidency, when FBI director James Comey, director CIA John Brennan, and director of National Security agency James Clapper had the intelligence implements, but they found nothing about Russia interfered the US election, so former FBI boss Robert Mueller couldn’t find a clue, therefore, he conspires with Democrats to terrorize the government, actually he attacks the potential commander in chief Donald Trump who makes America great again.

The cheat investigation has started since May 2017, after 3 months President Donald Trump inaugurated. It is the time of national security’s policies issued as the travel ban’s order and the border protection, the major policies of President Donald Trump promised in the election carried out. Moreover, while the US was faced with the threat of North Korea, but Mr. Robert Mueller and Special Counsel hampered the government by the cheat investigation without concluding. The taxpayers spent more than $USD 20 million for the received game of Democrats, Robert Mueller and in the shadow is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The US taxpayers used for the terrorization on the US government by the senior lawyers, it is the treason, not legal services, nor justice.

After more than 19 months wasted the national budget and recently, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has appeared the real face of the traitor, he secretly recruited the officials in White House to spy President Donald Trump at Oval Office. Whoever spy on the Oval Office could be charged the treason. It is a big scandal, certainly, the law could ignore when the national security has been threatened.

The fate of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is going to decide very soon, nevertheless, Attorney General Jeff Sessions shares the responsibility when Rod Rosenstein loses the job. Certainly, Mr. Robert Mueller has no reason to remain the cheat investigation and the Special Counsel may dismiss, it is possible. What will it happen next?. When Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein faces the criminal charge, his tool is Special Counsel should be investigated the misusing money and the other wrongdoings. The Special Counsel is the most cheat in the US legal system. Eventually, the justice must return the fair for the people, actually, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama and the other high profiles of Democrats couldn’t sit above the law when the public judged their crimes against the people and country./.
