Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. You will succumb in every battle if you know neither the enemy nor yourself.”  In a battle, both sides study the capacity of each other, the victory belongs to the intelligence. Mostly, the three strategic forms in a battle become the fields of the national leaders, the military commanders, the economists, and the strategists.
1-The military battle, and the foundation battle: the classic wars occurred in the days of yore, the military commanders, and the kings targeted the citadel. Nowadays, the government has become a crucial battle between the political parties and the national leaders. The government battle has no bloodshed, instead spending the money, and the activities. Psychological warfare is a sharp tactic in election campaigns. The communist parties used force to rob the government in China, Vietnam, and others while the mongrel communist party in the United States stole the US government by rigging elections. In the federal election of 2023, the Australian Labor Party (the Australian Leninist Party) won the election due to constitutional loopholes. The Liberals won 35% of the primary votes, Labor Party had 30% of the primary vote. Therefore, the minor parties and the decoyed independents exploited the preferential voting to help the ALP win the election. Indeed, the Australian people voted Liberals, but the minor parties and the independents robbed the outcome of an election. Australian lawmakers need to overhaul the election law to avoid legally rigged elections foreign enemies like China’s Communist Party could use bribery to buy the minor parties and independents to decide the leadership of the Australian government. The 2024 presidential election in America is a crucial battle fighting between the mongrel communist party and the American people who can use the ballots to retake the White House.
2-The economic battle becomes the current battlefield in the world. The economy decides politics and other issues. Mostly, the model of socialism failed economic management, and the crazy economic theory of Karl Marx led to poverty when the economy without freedom lost the invention causing the economy to the hell of a communist paradise tracing behind the United States and Europe. China’s Communist Party failed to apply the Maoism based on terror, brainwashing, and obscurantism that conducted poverty. Therefore, the historic visit of US President Richard Nixon in 1972 created an opportunity for China to infiltrate the West with the ugly economic pattern of” the free market is led by socialism”. China exploits the economic strength of the capitalists carrying out the global hegemonic ambition. The innocent Western leaders, naïve businesses, and investors fell into the trap of China. The trade and free trade agreement killed the economy of counterparts, and China’s boom caused the potential losses of Westerners. The economic battle contributed to the politics in the democratic countries. The election does need the finance for the expensive campaign, so every political party must call for fundraising. The 2024 presidential election in the United States is a crucial battle, the people’s contribution proved the favored candidate. The patriotic President Donald Trump convinced the people’s hearts. The financial contribution reflects the ballots. The Global Deep State and foreign enemies should contribute hundreds of millions of US dollars to the US Democratic Candidates such as Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hussein Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden. Therefore, the quantity of Democratic contributions doesn’t reflect the popular voters while the supporters of Donald Trump are massive. The American people knew Democrats, the major population shouldn’t support them, and the financial contribution
3-The psychological battle is psychological warfare. In the Cold War, the Global Communist Bloc developed the propaganda while the Western neglected it. The Vietnam War highlighted psychological warfare, therefore, the United States and its allies downplayed. The battle of mind is important. The foreign enemies and domestic thugs applied propaganda by fake news, fabricated stories, and misleading the public. The presidential election in 2020 was rigged, the left media released a false outcome, and Joe Biden plus the six Justices of the Supreme Court used fraudulent electoral colleges Biden, then the White House robbery was accomplished on January 20, 2021.
The 2024 presidential election highlighted the psychological battle. The patriotic President Donald Trump won the people’s hearts while the Democrats became the hateful party. Moreover, the global left media and the left-wing tech communication companies failed to convince the people to vote for Joe Biden, and other Democratic candidates plus Congress, the Senate, and the governors. The MAGA movement is activated nationwide, and watch out for a rigged election. The presidential election in 2024 is the decisive battle between the American people and the mongrel communist party called the Democratic Party. The American people experienced the rigged election in 2020, and the propaganda of the fake news companies, so Democrats fell into panic, they knew that doomsday was coming because Americans couldn’t vote for a whore to rule the White House in the next four years. Democrats and the Global Deep State wasted the time and money to support a zombie Curry Harris in the 2024 presidential election./,


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