After the First World War, the League of Nations founded in 1919 based on the Versailles Treaty. Therefore, the League of Nations fell to keep the peace, and the Second World War occurred from 1939 to 1945. It was due to solving international conflict and the global solution demanding, on October 24, 1945, the United Nations established. It bases on Wikipedia’s information written:” The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization responsible for maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, achieving international cooperation, and being a center for harmonizing the actions of nations”

The UN’s headquarters located in New York City. Obviously, the founders were the United States of America, India, Turkey, Brazil, Australia, and the other national pioneers. The United Nations has UNESCO, WHO, Human Rights Council, UNHCR and other organizations. The UN Security Council has permanent members: China, France, Russia, The United Kingdom, and the United States plus ten-non permanent members elected the term is two years. Therefore, the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a farce, the most human rights violation’s countries as China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, and the others have never respected despite they signed the document, even China and Vietnam announced the different meaning and different issues from UN’s Human Rights. A time, China and Vietnam also elected in the Human rights Council. It is like Mafia recruits into the police force, the incident alerts China and the rogue regimes deeply influenced inside the United Nations.

The UN’s Security Council seems to disable because China and Russia often vetoed the resolutions in peace and the conflicts if those related to China and Russia’s interests. The United Nations has strayed the direction and cornered by the national rivals, the religious group. The bribery humiliates and ruined the United Nation, the circumstance of 68th President of the United Nations General Assembly John Ashe who received a million dollars the bribery from China’s financial agent Ng Lap Seng (in the US) and Huang Xiangmo (in Australia) that warns the members of United Nations about China using the money to buy the support and influence inside the largest organization on the planet. The US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley compared the UN as a cesspool.

Nowadays, the current Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is a hardcore communist. So he activates and promotes the hoax climate change. Recently, Mr. Secretary-General snubs the world, he permitted a mental health illness taught the world about climate change. The Sweden 16 years old girl Greta Thunberg acted as Pol Pot using the children lectured the adults in Cambodia under the rule of Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979.

Mr. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sparkled the climate change’s movement rally worldwide, actually, the Green Guard’s taskforce called Extinction Rebellion to stand up in Australia, UK, the US, Europe and somewhere else. The hoax climate change’s movement becomes the civil war occurring inside the members of the United Nations. Mr. Secretary-General Anthonio Guterres excites the civil war by the hoax climate change’s thug while he often calls peace in the conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and the other countries. It is like the global war maker Barrack Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.

Mr. Anthonio Guterres supports the asylum seekers, the fake refugees cost the Western economy and threatening national security. The United Nations supported migrant caravan in the US while the drug syndicates and terrorists infiltrated. Human Rights turned Human Wrong, so some members of the United nations disagreed with the UNHCR. The asylum seeker also becomes the human weapon of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who intimidates to unleash more than 3.6 million asylum seekers overwhelm to Europe if the European Union opposes Turkey operating in the Syria-Kurd’s territory. The General Assembly is like a Karaoke’s performance, every member can sing or act their favorite sitcom or song, after the meeting, anything is nothing to solve.

Recently, Secretary-general Anthonio Guterres warns the UN is going to run out the finance, actually, the salary of 44,000 employees into the special fields. Instead, in October 2019, the UN’s debt is $USD 230 million. The money is very important, therefore, the United States of America has paid a lot since the UN founded. The UN’s spokesman Stephane Dujarric said:” Stressing the Charter obligation of Member States, the Secretary-General thanked the Member States who have paid their regular budget assessments, which is now 129, and urged those who have not paid to do so urgently and in full”.

In 2019, the members contributed over $USD 600 million for a peacekeeping operation, indeed, its mission needs at least  $USD 674 million. However, the US is the largest contribution, annually, the US taxpayers used $USD 10 billion. President Donald Trump said:” So make all Member Countries pay, not just the United States”. Annually, the US contributes the finance to the United Nations at least 28.47% while China contributes 10.25%, Russia just pays 3.99%. However, China and Russia hampered a lot of United Nations peace’s resolutions in the UN Security Council.

The United Nations has strayed the direction, actually, China and the other communist countries destroyed the UN’s valuation. Moreover, Secretary-General Anthonio Guterres drives the UN into the hoax climate change, he imposes his stance into the intergovernmental organization. The hoax climate change supports China selling the solar power and climate change’s business, the left parties in Western woo the ballot in the elections.

The circumstance of League of Nations should repeat, if the United Nations has no reform, the intergovernmental organization will lose control, so the members can withdraw the contribution or stay out of the UN that will disable the UN when the money runs out. The United Nations will shut down if the members don’t pay up./.
