In North Korea, villain leaders Kim Jong Un bragged transforming the US to the ashes and the sea of fire, the propaganda machine in Pyongyang fabricated youtube broadcast on the internet, actually Kim Jong Un who pleased watching the cities of US sinking on the fires, North Korea leader also threatened to sink Japan, launching the missile to Australia. The massive destruction weapon of North Korea is The Intercontinental Ballistic Mouthful Missile as a barking dog never bites. Nevertheless, North Korea declared the first place launched successfully the super spaceship to the Sun without cremation when the heat approximates up to 15,000,000, Celsus degrees.

Vladimir Putin was the former KGB officer, he meets the communist expert’s quote” when a communist is born, obviously, a midwife sees the mouth”. Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un and almost the communist members are the same, so the world has no surprise when Russian President Putin applies the same lesson from” comrade” Kim Jong Un into the disgraced psychological warfare, he brags the invincible nukes of Russia could reach any target on the earth and the defensive weapon of Europe (NATO) with the US are useless.

Despite  Russian eliminated the communist regime after the Soviet-Union collapsed in 1990’s but the toxic socialism still remains as the Atomic radiation left long-term damages in the Chernobyl’s nuclear accident. The toxic communist becomes the working habit of socialism and Russia government still keeps the dictatorial administration, President Vladimir Putin revives the Soviet-Union’s manner.

The nukes capacity of Russia doubts, even the nuclear power doesn’t safe while the economy doesn’t improve much. Moreover, Vladimir Putin has been faced the quagmire in Syria with War. Russia sent the troop helps Bashar Al Assad regime, when the US launched 59 Tomahawks at Syria bases, that killed hundreds Russia soldiers, therefore, Moscow kept quiet because Assad regime used the chemical weapon killed the civilians including women and children. Russia has not trade much in the world market, mostly the crude oil is the main profit. The war in Crimea cost Russia’s economy and facing the sanction of European Union.

In the old days, Chinese anecdote described a story of arms sellers at the market, a buckler’s seller advertised no weapon could breach and in the same place, a sword’s seller told his sword could breach anything. President Vladimir Putin boasts their weapon is invincible, therefore the world laughing while a man who thinks the people live in North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cuba, China and Russia, all bow out the leader’s speech.

The most communist leaders are millionaires and billionaires although they have never worked. President Vladimir Putin’s assets estimate up to $USD 40 billion, top 10 of Forbes Magazine lists. However, Russian people deal with the high unemployment rate, the average is 7.66%. Nevertheless, the homeless reach 5,000,000 people as Sergey Mironov revealed while Russian federal government conceals about 64,000. The corruption plus the involvement of wars in Syria, Crimea those cost the Russian living. Now President Vladimir Putin joins the arms race while the domestic economy has been faced the difficulty.

President Vladimir Putin brags the nukes as Kim Jong Un threatens to destroy the US and allies. Therefore, Putin aims to gain the ballot in the federal election will occur on March 18, 2018, actually the presidential female Ksenia Sobchak emerges in the politics. The Nukes of Vladimir Putin could affect his election, the Polar Bear is invincible at the North Pole, not everywhere around the world. Nevertheless, the nukes of Putin could create more Russian joining the homeless force and the high unemployment rate. On the other hand, Vladimir Putin couldn’t threaten the US and Europe with the mouthful invincible nukes while the economy and the domestic problems have not solved yet ./.







  1. Countries that signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty were granted access to nuclear technology. All but 3 countries signed (Israel, India and Pakistan). There were supposed to be dire consequences for signing, getting nukes, then reneging. And yet, Iran and NK. One good thing: the associated protocol, where the nuclear nations promised never to used nukes against signatory non-weapon states does not apply anymore to either one of them.

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