Almost all religions existed and developed with religious legend, rituals, faith, the Bible, worship, and adherents. Theism is the backbone of religion that is based on the belief in God. Throughout thousands of historic years, some religions derailed into magic cults when the religious leaders drove the worship into superstitions. Nevertheless, the religious leaders transformed the religious faith into business. Christopher Lynn Hedges, an American journalist, author, and commentator quotes” We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”
Religion instructs people to love each other, and mankind, and tolerance would help society reduce sins. Certainly, religion advocates peace and encourages social harmony. Religion reflects human spirituality and recognizes the belief which belongs to their religion. God is the creator of everyone, not for a king, monk, priest, cleric, and other religious leaders. Therefore politics and interest distorted the bible, and worship in the wrong direction, and some religions derailed into magic cults with the superstitions cheating the adherents which labeled God. Islam is an Abrahamic religion founded by Muhammad with the term” there is no God, but Allah”. Islamic extremists derailed the faith to terror while the adherents love peace and living together. Therefore, Muslims were divided between Suni and Shia, so the peace in Islam broke when two-wing Muslims turned hostile. The extremists of both wings created terror with the bloodshed that occurred in Muslim countries in the Middle East, Pakistan, and somewhere else. Catholics and Christians love peace and respect human rights. Therefore, the socialist Pope Francis accepted the priests appointed by China’s Communist Party. The superstition derailed some religions into the magic cults. In the Philippines, some Catholic adherents used black magic such as dummies named their haters, and stabbed needles to harm their foes. Some Buddha temples transformed the rituals into black magic to cheat the superstitious Buddhists for donations.
The superstition influenced Buddhism when the low-concerned adherents believed Buddha could help them change their life, win the lottery (jackpot), and thrive in business. Nowadays in Vietnam, students come to Buddhist temples to pray to Buddha helping them to pass the examination. China’s Communist Party exploited the superstition of people to canonize genocide Mao Tse Tung as an angel despite Mao killing more than 65 million Chinese people. In China, the taxi drivers believed Mao Tse Tung was a beneficiary angel, so they hung Mao’s picture in the vehicle. Indeed, the police of China’s communist regime deserve the facilities for taxi drivers. The leftists in Western countries and Chinese undercover activists called” Mao goes to Pope”. However, the Vatican just canonized the Saints who devoted and sacrificed their lives for God. In Vietnam, after killing 1,700,000 Vietnamese people, and led the country into the vassal of China. Vietnam’s Communist Party canonized Hồ Chí Minh as the successful Buddha, his golden statue set with Buddha in the temples. The superstition dominated in Vietnam when Vietnam’s Communist Party established Hồ Chí Minh Temples in the stronghold. Moreover, the Vietcong canonized tyrant Đỗ Mười who succeeded Bodhisattva. In the Vietnam War, Ấn Quang temple was the den of the Vietcong to promote the holy monks, and idol monks such as Senior Venerable Thích Trí Quang, Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, Bodhisattva Thích Quảng Đức who set alight himself at the corner of Phan Đình Phùng Street and Lê Văn Duyệt Street, and on September 17, 2010, Vietnam’s communist regime celebrated the status of Bodhisatta Thích Quảng Đức with the atheist officials and Bodhisattva’s wife, son.
On December 23, 2023, in Vietnam, a rumor spread about the eight head hairs of Buddha displayed at Ba Vàng Temple, Quảng Ninh province, North Vietnam that attracted tens of thousands of Vietnamese Buddhists rush to see the wonderful heritage of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) who pulled out his head hairs and handed over to two Myanmar businessmen from 2,600 years ago. The eight head hairs of Buddha became the holy legacy of Buddhism stored at the golden temple Shwedagon in Yangon City, Myanmar with the tower covered by pure gold. The Buddhists in Myanmar come to pray and worship to adore the Buddha and his legacy. Therefore, Ba Vàng temple launched the superstition campaign to cheat tens of thousands of Buddhists in Vietnam. The hairs of Buddha made a profit for the temple and Communist Party
Buddhism was founded by Prince Gautama Buddha in Nepal, he denied the luxury of life to find the escape of reincarnation. After 49 years, he succeeded Buddha at Sa-Nirvāṇa in 544 B.C. Nowadays, the Vietcong controlled Buddhism and drove its religion into a magic cult based on superstition. Recently, the Vietcong regime launched a campaign to cover the internal struggle for power and purge the rival monks attempting to denounce each other. It was incredible when a 44-year-old, former troop of the People’s Army of Vietnam became the living Buddha within 2 months. His worship is walking on the streets with the rice cooker, shaving head, and wearing beggar clothes decorated with multiple colorful patches that matched the Rainbow flag, and the low-concerned Buddhists praised his dress as the fashion. The Buddhists quote” Buddha in your heart”, therefore a man who is seeking the Buddha in the streets conflicts with the belief. Unfortunately, some Buddhists praised the walking monk, despite him not having much knowledge about Buddha and the bible. The Catholic priest called FATHER who gained a university degree and passed the tests. Therefore, Buddhism doesn’t, everyone, including a dishonest person, and communists become a” MASTER” when they shave their heads and wear frocks.
The obscurantism of the Vietcong succeeded in cheating many Buddhists who believed an abnormal monk became a living Buddha while they didn’t know the motives including the politics. The living Buddha doesn’t convince the concerned Buddhists because Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) succeeded in escaping reincarnation in 544 B.C., but he has never returned. Tibetan’s spiritual leader Dalai Lama confirmed that he is a monk, not a living Buddha. Therefore, the decoy Buddhists used YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and the propaganda machine to canonize a living Buddha for a man who came from Hà Tỉnh province, a cradle of Vietnam’s Communist Party called the Soviet-Nghệ-Tỉnh in the Indochina War where launched the early Landlord Reform Campaign. The superstition obscurantism succeeded, so many low-level Buddhists paid the respect of a beggar as a living Buddha. The incident in Vietnam warned the concerned Buddhists because the atheists exploited the superstition of adherents to drive the religion into communist interest. In China’s mainland, the regime created a living Buddha to challenge the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama who was exiled to India.
Vietcong developed the superstition of the low-concerned Buddhists, and other religions to remain the ruthless regime when the adherents believed in praying to God, and Buddha used the magic to destroy the communists. The prayers were without action which helped the regime remain safe, so the Vietcong encouraged the praying, and the government provided incense and candles for the prayers. The religious obscurantism based on black magic and the superstition that intoxicated the religions are the malevolent tactics of communists. The lesson of fake opponent senior Venerable Thích Quảng Độ of Ấn Quang temple who opposed the communist regime in Vietnam, so the Vietnamese overseas supported him by sending money. Therefore, Chief Monk Thích Quảng Độ launched a campaign called” Protest at home” which woke the supporters because, in the Vietnam War, the monks living in South Vietnam protested in the streets, not at home. The regions are not magic cults, instead, the adherents believe the miracle granted by God, and no one is authorized to acquire it/.