The spy balloon of China’s Communist Party flew over the United States, actually, the nuclear sites becomes the hottest news on the planet. The world watches, and the American people plus the intelligence agencies raise the grave concern about national security, and the defensive system of the strongest army on the planet being weakened, and useless after the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, and the fake commander in chief Joe Biden succeeded leading the United States into the socialism. The US Army is commanded by Biden’s Generals, so the people believe the timid and cowardly generals appointed by Joe Biden have no balls. The fake command-in-chief with the no-balls generals humiliates the US Army. The homosexuality, transgender, and the Marxism-Leninist brainwashed soldiers from President Barrack Obama and now Joe Biden to disable the US Army reflects the French proverb” Le mouton de Panurge”, then the US Army becomes the Rainbow Army.

Despite the US Air Force shooting down the spy balloon of China after a week of collecting much information during the 46th illegal president Joe Biden hesitates to respond to the national security being threatened, and the American people’s outrage. The people understand the bribery of $US 1.5 billion paid by China, and Hunter Biden behaved Joe Biden to receive the boon as the henchman’s deposit that affects. Certainly the presidential robber Joe Biden can not upset his boss in Beijing. Defeat the enemy by buying their chief that proves in the United States with the traitor Joe Biden, and the Democratic Party.

Once again, the deceitful drama repeats in 2023 with Joe Biden, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden acclaims himself as a national hero after order to shoot the spy balloon of China. Indeed, the social dreg Joe Biden is the rogue hero, or the fanfaronade hero covered the timidity, and the cowardice. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden must obey the order of his boss Xi Jinping to use the balloon to spy on the US for a week, and Biden is waiting for China accomplishes the spy mission, and the balloon is shot down. The tactic of Joe Biden recycles the lesson of Barrack Obama.  On May 2nd, 2011, the 44th illegal President Hussein Barrack Obama announced the death of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, and Obama praised himself as the great president to support his second term election in 2012. The suspicious death of Osama Bin Laden was held by Iran, so Barrack Obama used $US 152 billion of the national budget to bribe Iran. The trifling sitcom” shoot down the balloon” of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden performed on February 4, 2023, to prepare for his presidential election in 2024. Both mongrel communists apply the same deceitful lesson. Therefore, Joe Biden is the imbecile mongrel ape of Karl Mark, he has never succeeded in politics, except Biden made the great achievements of corruption, treason, and pedophilia. Mr. Robert Gates, former Defense Secretary from 2006 to 2011 from President George Bush to Hussein Barrack Obama alerts about the professional tax worm Joe Biden” President Joe Biden has “been wrong” on most foreign policy and national security issues over the past four decades.”.

Mr. Robert Gates knew the corrupt professional, and treasonous specialist Joe Biden makes America worsens ever. Unfortunately, the four RINO Justices among the six Justices of the Supreme Court, and traitor Mike Pence legalized the presidential robber Joe Biden on January 20, 2021. The commander in chief and the presidency of the superpower is held by the imbecile, timid, coward, and incompetent Joe Biden. Disaster is inevitable, and the world is endangered like the lethal weapons held by mental health illness, or a monkey. Nevertheless, the commander-in-chief and the US presidency are more important than nuclear weapons. The world and the United States face peril from January 20, 2021. Opening the disaster in Afghanistan created by the incompetent commander in chief with the incompetent Four Stars General Mark Milley plus the former Four Stars General Lloyd Austin. The no-balls generals above ran away from the vestige militia of the Taliban, the US history has never forgotten those no-balls generals above. The bloodshed in Ukraine originates from the fake commander-in-chief Joe Biden, so the Ukraine invasion is the Biden War. The current tension in Taiwan Straits was caused by Joe Biden who silently flags China to invade Taiwan, instead, Joe Biden, and his administration raise the mouthpiece pretending to support Taiwan.

The incident of China’s spy balloon proves Joe Biden is an accomplice of China to threaten national security and tests the patriotism of the American people after the White House robbery shows the people lose the national concern and the national spirit. Formally, the people believe Joe Biden unfits the commander in chief and the US presidency. Certainly, Joe Biden is an illegal president. Everyone knows Joe Biden delays the action to shoot down China’s spy balloon when it just appeared in US space. Then enormous Americans and Republicans demand Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris resign because they flagged China’s spy balloon to detect and collect information in the United States. Certainly, without the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court, and Mike Pence legalizing the rigged election in 2020, the professional tax-worm Joe Biden couldn’t rob the White House. In 2014, without Barrack Obama’s agreement, Vladimir Putin didn’t invade and occupy Crimea. So without the permission of Joe Biden, the spy balloon China can not fly over the US space for a week. The incident proves Joe Biden is a traitor, and he is available in martial court or impeached. It is no doubt about China’s spy balloon detection a week in the US airspace that comes from Joe Biden created an opportunity for his great master Xi Jinping apply” The Art of War” by Sun Tzu “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Once again, the people raise the question about the shooting down of the China balloon, Joe Biden delayed it a week and shot it down. Instead, the US Air Force can catch the balloon, and investigate the spying devices installed. The people believe Joe Biden destroyed the evidence, and China pretends to condemn the United States. It is the phony politics of the communists, and mongrel communists/.
