The 46th illegal president Joe Biden is the zombie of the Global Deep State, and also an actual henchman of China’s Communist Party to use the robbery of the US presidency, the stolen commander in chief to serve the two bosses. The United States faced a disaster when the national interest was placed for sale, serving two enemies at one time, and Biden with his family earned the bonuses. The corrupt and treasonous politicians are shameless, so the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, shows the collapse of the world’s wealthiest country when the US presidency was held by the political parasite Meningitis infiltrated the human brain, the patient could be killed, paralyzed or amputated.
The mongrel communist regime has been imposed in the United States since the first Muslim, communist, foreigner (Kenya born) and the black 44th illegal President Hussein Barrack Obama ruled the White House for 8 years, and now the mongrel communist leader Joe Biden continues to kill the United States, American people, and the future by the socialism with the terror, impoverishment and the brainwashing. The mongrel communist leader Joe Biden rushes to impose the hell of a communist paradise in the United States because China wants to control the world as soon as possible. Nevertheless, the wars occurred in Ukraine, and Israel-Hamas responded to the profit of the Global Deep State by selling weapons and reinforcing the debt trap.
The hoax climate change has served China’s Communist Party since the 42nd President Bill Clinton to pay the boon for China’s Communist Party illegally providing the finance in the presidential election in 1992 and 1996, and Hussein Barrack Obama continues to use the hoax climate change to kill the US industry. Nowadays, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden follows the treasonous footsteps of his beloved comrades Bill Clinton and Hussein Barrack Obama. The bribery of $US 1.5 billion that China paid for Hunter Biden is the untold contract signed between Joe Biden and China, and Hunter Biden represented his father to receive the hush money. The hoax climate change is like a knife with multiple blades, and the sharp sides cut off the US energy, and national interest, and also kill the industry.
The Western countries including the United States helped China’s industry development while the counter-revolutionary countries were curbed by the so-called earth protection. China freely releases the dioxide while the Western countries launch the psychological hoax climate change, the left media and big tech communication companies currently intimidate the public about the hoax climate change, despite 31,000 scientists confirming that climate change is a hoax. However, China sells solar power and equipment made from fossil energy while the innocent, and left governments in Western states encourage people to install solar power, windmills called the clean energy. The electric cars boosted China and killed the transport in Western countries. The left parties in democratic countries including the United States, Australia, and Europe gave up using fossil energy. China grabbed an opportunity to buy oil, gas, and coal from elsewhere to develop the economy and carry out the global hegemonic strategy. Henry Kissinger said” Control oil and control nations-control food and you control the people”. Therefore, Democratic Presidents such as Bill Clinton, Hussein Barrack Obama, and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden abandoned fossil energy, and China controlled the oil when the Middle-East oil countries such as Arabia Saudi sold the oil to China, and the world’s largest communist country has a good trade plus the good relationship in the oil-rich states. Moreover, the hoax climate change of Joe Biden helped China to control the oil and control the world.
The left parties in democratic countries target to eliminate the oil, gas, and coal by shutting the oil, and gas fields, and the coal mines. Instead, the left government used the taxpayers to build solar power and windmills that wasted the money. The prediction of the hoax climate Pope Al Gore went wrong when ice in the North and South Poles thickened, not smelting as the intimidation (NASA released the ice in two poles that debunked the lies of Al Gore and the hoax climate change activists intoxicated the public). Therefore, the deception of Al Gore, the first Nobel Climate Change Prize winner in 2007, and the hoax climate change foundation with the fund $US 36 billion managed by Al Gore who became the first climate change billionaire. On December 10, 2023, at COP28, the administration of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden promised to cut 60% of the electricity of the United States by stopping building plants using coal. Joe Biden will destroy 60% of electricity if he succeeds in the rigged election in 2024. The disastrous America is warned by Stephen Moore Stephen, the FreedomWorks’ Senior Economist, columnist currently published in outlets media such as the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Forbes, Fox News, and National Review commented on December 11, 2023” Well this is yet another reason why Trump is bound to win next November. There is nothing wrong with fossil fuels if emissions are controlled. It may be impossible to eliminate all emissions but they can be controlled. If we were serious about climate change, we would make our trade with China contingent on them doing more to control their emissions. Or, China could buy more natural gas from Russia – that alone would be a step forward if it reduced the number of plants in China burning coal. We need a sensible energy policy – not a suicidal one. Not here, not anywhere. Countries with intermittent blackouts are backward countries. There is no way Americans would stand for that – living in the richest country on earth, with abundant natural resources including the most oil reserves on earth. For the time being, until more nuclear plants are put online, or there is a massive expansion of solar/wind, we must use fossil fuel. That being said, the issue is reducing emissions, focusing on research, subsidizing emissions-reducing technology; doing all we can to keep the lights on first – and then supporting the energy industry in its quest to provide clean energy. Americans do not want the whole country to turn into California. Before that happens, they will certainly vote for Trump next year!”
The deceitful clean energy of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and the left parties in democratic countries released two dire consequences. The hoax climate change activists and perpetrators are the most dangerous thugs to clean up the pockets of the people, the taxpayers wasted for the destructive industry, and ruined the economy while China’s Communist Party made a huge profit while the most important, and vital energy weapons of Western abandoned to enrich the global hegemonic ambition of Beijing. Nevertheless, China does love watching the mayhem currently occurring in the land of the counter-revolutionary countries when the hoax climate change’s innocent protestors including the students rally pressuring to eliminate the oil, gas, and coal.
The disaster would be inevitable after the United States cut 60% of electricity made from fossil energy, the industry shut down, and the products made in China would inundate the United States. The unemployment rate would skyrocket, and the chain supply of the United States, and the American people belong to China. The second term of Joe Biden is the last stage for China to colonize America with the weapon of the hoax climate change. The hoax climate change is the potential weapon of China using the left parties in the democratic countries to destroy the industry, and paving the way for China to control the world. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden responds to the global hegemonic ambition of China’s Communist Party when the world’s wealthiest country is colonized by the treasonous and corrupt leader that reflects the stratagem of Sun Tzu” Defeat the enemy by capturing their chief”. The position of Joe Biden is like the locomotive leading the world’s train into the order of China. The six Justices enclosing the four RINOs in the Supreme Court and Mike Pence committed prime treason after legalizing the rigged election in 2020, and Joe Biden led the United States into the colony of China.
The hoax climate change kills the industry, and hampers transport, jobs, and the livelihood of democratic countries including the United States, Europe, Australia, and Canada. China’s Communist Party would control fossil energy, and become the global chain supply with the products made in China would inundate the world. Nevertheless, China’s Communist Party invested in politics, strategy, and global hegemonic ambition while innocent, and corrupt leaders around the world misjudged the trade by investing in the economy. Moreover, China applied the bribery tactic to buy the national leaders, the left parties, and the academics plus the wealthy people in Western countries to control the food. The innocent love profit-wealthy components in Western states sold the important food, and agricultural products to China’s investors (the financial espionage agents living overseas). It is incredible when Italian people eat tomato sauce made in China and labeled the Italian companies. Australia, the Chinese company Mengniu Dairy owned by China’s Communist government bought more than 20 Australian dairy milk brands such as Dairy Farmers, Pura, Dare, Vitasoy, and Farmers Union. In the United States, billionaire Bill Gates, the actual henchman of China bought 80% of the US farmland helping China to control the agricultural products and also solve the food shortage in China’s mainland. When the Western countries cut off fossil energy, the industry would be killed, the jobless, and many troubles are inevitable. China controls the energy, the chain supply, the food, and the politics of the counter-parts. The global hegemonic dream is going to be accomplished. The Western countries commit suicide by the hoax climate change, the left parties, the innocent people, and the corrupt leaders such as Joe Biden. The Western people wake up before it’s too late. The left parties, the corrupt leaders, and the love-profit investors are the dangerous thugs conducting China’s Communist Party to colonize the Western countries by multiple tactics including the hoax climate change becoming sharp weapons to cut off the industry, jobs, livelihoods, and others/.