The world has been stressing while the academics in the world have intimidated the climate change, they released the natural disaster news, mostly the ice in north and south pole have been melting down and they predict the sea level will increase then wiping out some islands and cities located on the shore. The academic army in the world also concerns the weather change that is inevitable.

Obviously, people worry about the future of planet earth, the western governments have spent a lot of taxpayer’s money for climate studies and also the summit between the world national leaders about the climate change. While China ignores the climate change, the western countries curbed themselves, actually the former US president Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama pushed the climate change issue into action. The wrong prediction unveiled the bogus natural disaster, however, the climate change hoax swallowed $USD 1.5 trillion a year, the average is $USD 4 billion a day. The Climate change is the biggest cheat in the planet, the academics are the culprits, and they have been endorsed by the left political parties, the Greens, the fallen policy’s government and the opportunist politicians. A title of alerts: “A staggering 30,000 scientists have come forward confirming that man-made climate change is a hoax perpetuated by the elite in order to make money”. Mr. John Coleman, a weather channel founder revealed the huge fortune poured the profit to some proponents as former US vice president Al Gore who realizes the climate change could make the profit, he has become the activist with the books An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It, despite Mr. Al Gore who involved in the hoax climate change after the academics as Dr David Suzuki, James Edward Hansen…but Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, he is a real opportunist. Remember in the presidential election 1996, Bill Clinton and Al Gore received the illegal fund from China, so after winning the second term, Bill Clinton wanted to repay by giving away the top military technology GPS (Global Positioning System) to China, however, the US and the world were lucky, the congress rejected, if not, today China and North Korea could strike accurately any target on the US soil or the neighbor countries.

The Nobel winner Al Gore confirms the massive ice melting at the polar ice caps, but the prediction completely overturned, in the reality, in 2014, the hottest year on the earth’s record, the ice didn’t melt but expanded both Antarctica and Arctic. The world faces more worries about the climate change, but Al Gore and his colleagues would earn more profit, the scam Green Tech funnelled money into the activists, in 2001 Al Gore had $USD 2 million but 2016 is $USD 100 million, it is the good business.

The hoax climate change is the outstanding cheat of the academics, they have the easy job and just studying the weather then releasing the intimidation. The totally wrong prediction destroys the academics’ credit, so nowadays, the doctor would turn to be dogtor (my word to be used for the dishonest academic) hence the scientists, academics, the left party, fallen policy of the political parties raise the false alarm the so-called climate change, the world wasted too much money for nothing, but the academics and the opportunists as Al Gore earn too much profit. The climate change also turns into the political issue, they concern the wars in the Middle East (Syria within War, Africa) come from the climate change.

The academics in the western countries are well trained, but they still cheat the world and their government, so the academics of the communist countries are worst. Like in Vietnam, in 2016 Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Kim Phụng, head of the university body announced this poor country has got 24,000 doctorates, the average is 350 doctorates graduated every year, however, Vietnam couldn’t make a quality screw. A great academic in Vietnam is Dr. Nguyễn Thiện Nhân who held the deputy prime minister from 2007 to 2013 and minister of education and training from 2006 to 2010. In his biography, He graduated from the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg in 1979. Actually this university is founded on October 3rd, 1993.

From many decades, the western countries have encouraged the overseas students from the communist states coming for study, some universities turn education into business, so the wealthy family from the communist countries sent their students over, it is a form of buying qualification, so the garbage academics cause the numerous universities of the western countries losing their reputation.

The hoax climate change has been intimidating by the academic army, but the impact of weather has defeated the cheat. Nevertheless, the climate change helped China catching up with the developed countries, so nowadays China becomes the threat to the world.

President Donald Trump knew the climate change is the biggest lie, so he scrapped it, certainly the academics, the fallen politicians react and the rally protest against 100 days in White House office of President Donald Trump is the physical reaction. However, it is the signal of the losers. The climate change hoax has changed the people’s credit on the academic and the left political party including the left media.