The recent discovery of the stolen classifieds of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden applies to multiple purposes, including the similar tactics of the bipartisan politicians, and released at the right time, actually, Republicans control congress, and the Oversight Committee plus others investigate the treason, corruption, and the businesses of Biden’s family. The current target is the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, the enemy of American people like Xi Jinping in China’s mainland. Nevertheless, Joe Biden is the global social dreg, the thug of honesty, he sacrifices the country to exchange the wealthy life. On the other hand, Joe Biden is the most dishonest person on the planet. Biden has no human mind or animal instinct, instead viral characteristics, so Biden lives in a vegetable state with the privileges, and money fed by China’s Communist Party, the Global Deep State, and the taxpayers.
Nevertheless, the Republicans can develop the power of congress to impeach the presidential robber Joe Biden as the 25 Amendment, including the serious mental health illness. After the mid-term congressional election in November 2022, the fate of mongrel communist leader Joe Biden is on the desk of the Oversight Committee, and others. Certainly, the illegal House Select Committee of the political sorceress Nancy Pelosi no longer exists, and the sham riot of January 6, 2021, nullified, the bullshit committee dissolved. All witch hunts failed, and the close comrades of Biden like Adam Schiff (or Adam Shit) can not override the power, and protect Joe Biden to avoid the investigation.
The Democrats recognize the pawn Joe Biden is obsolete, and invalid after a half-presidential robbery term created public outrage. The political carcass needs to bury as soon as possible. The horrible corrupt, treasonous records plus the arrogance of the incompetent politician Joe Biden reflects the professional tax worm caused the potential damages to the Democratic Party when Joe Biden has no the human mind, and animal instinct, instead, the viral characteristics as the viruses, parasites and the bacteria have never recognized the wrong, and right. Certainly, the China virus pandemic has not distinguished everyone, including the culprits like China’s Communist Party, Hussein Barrack Obama, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and others. The viral politician Joe Biden doesn’t care about the damage to his party, instead the family interests, and privileges win over the futuristic party. Certainly 330 million American people enclosing the Democratic supporters are nothing, so Joe Biden betrayed tens of thousands of Keystone Pipeline workers and Unions after a day to rob the White House. Likely China’s Communist Party uses the coronavirus pandemic to carry out the global hegemonic strategy. Therefore, China can not control it, and tyrant Xi Jinping can not command the viral cohort, then the disaster is inevitable when the pandemic outbreak, and killed Chinese people including the members of China’s Communist Party. The viral cohort of Xi Jinping killed 10% of China’s Communist Party among 96.71 million members, or 10,000,000 China’s communists killed by the pandemic. Certainly, the death toll of Chinese people is estimated at hundreds of millions of people. The Coronavirus was made by China and killed Chinese people, including the members of the communist party, so China has tried to stop the pandemic. Unfortunately, it is too late, and China’s mainland becomes the world’s largest dead land, and the most immense cemetery on the planet.
The Democratic Party fears viral Biden in the presidential election in 2024 that urges the bosses in the shadow to rush to find the solution to the political deadlock. The stolen classifieds of vice president Joe Biden attempted from 2009 to 2017 created the reason to eliminate the expired pawn Joe Biden as the spy term” when a hunter recognizes the dog can not do the job properly, a hunter must know how to eat the dog’s meat”. The people, including Republicans, have not surprised when the stolen classifieds were discovered by Biden’s administration including the lawyers of Biden because the stolen classifieds can not conceal when the National Archives held the list of which classifieds taking by someone with their names, and the National Archives can not cover up the Republicans, actually the Oversight Committee. Therefore, the stolen classifieds were released at the right time and matches the political purposes of Democrats.
Possibly, the Democrats and Global Deep State want to expel Joe Biden from the White House, and also assimilate the stolen classifieds as the legal classifieds of the US presidents like the patriotic President Donald Trump. Democrats knew Joe Biden breached the law, and committed treason when the stole classifieds stored at Biden Center, at Pennsylvania University, China sponsored $US 54.6 million, so China acquired the US classifieds a long time ago, the national security risk, and the national interests damaged. Nevertheless, the stolen classifieds are stored in at least six places including the family’s carport while the documents of Donald Trump keeping with the Secret Service agents, the security guards of Donald Trump, and Mar-A-Lago in a safe place.
The Democratic lawyers and the legal mobster, thuggish-hooliganism Attorney General Merrick Garland, the female beloved dog of Joe Biden applies a similar tactic by pretending the investigation with his henchmen in the Department of Justice and also downgrades the treasonous crimes of Joe Biden as the classifieds of Donald Trump who authorizes to keep the classifieds, and vice president Joe Biden didn’t authorize to keep. The mouth of Merrick Garland is worse than an anus releasing legal shit, and his mouthpiece turns viral, he doesn’t recognize wrong and right, the stolen goods and the legal goods are not the same, despite he was trained in law school, and held the juridical positions in the high level. The left animal media and the viral Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre reflects her mouth as an asshole to protect the stolen classifieds of viral Joe Biden, her shit speeches release the stinking smell that spreads throughout America and the world.
The stolen classifieds of Joe Biden are like a stone to kill many birds when the treason is downgraded by the left media, Biden’s illegal administration, the Democratic judges, and the Department of Justice plus the law gurus are the law professors in the famous universities in the United States. When the stolen classifieds are downgraded, and the treason eased, the treasonous Joe Biden can escape the crimes, then the Democrats can use the reasons to replace Joe Biden with someone. RINO Mike Pence must expose his absolute loyalty to his new bosses, so Mike Pence confessed to keeping the stolen classifieds as a sly tactic of the Democrats to rescue Joe Biden and downgrades the treasonous crime of Joe Biden like the stolen goods. When Jesus was on the cross with two criminals beside him, certainly, Jesus was not like the criminals, instead, he represents God, so the circumstance of the patriotic President Donald Trump authorized keeping the documents that are different from the stolen classifieds of treasonous, and vice president Joe Biden. The deceptive tactics of the robbers with the paper knife including the legal mobster Merrick Garland can not convince the public when the bullshit legal practices meet the bush law and MAFIA rules. The documents of patriotic President Donald Trump are different from the stolen classifieds of traitor Joe Biden, so Donald Trump can not assimilate with Joe Biden. Instead, Joe Biden assimilates with George Floyd, and the members of Black Lives Matter, Antifa
However, Democrats face a deadlock when Kamala Harris is worse than Joe Biden, even Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) declared to support the mongrel communist Joe Biden in 2024 and ruled out support for Kamala Harris to run the vice president with Joe Biden. If Joe Biden is impeached or died, the slight majority of Democrats should not decide the next president is Kamala Harris, the low virtue, and incompetent politician, who lost public support, and her party dislikes. Eventually, the White House must place House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to replace Joe Biden, and in the presidential election in 2024, the great leader of the MAGA movement will return to the White House.
The plan to use another pawn replacing Joe Biden is waiting for the decision of the bosses in the Global Deep State like Hussein Barrack Obama. Certainly, the dream of Biden’s second term faded when Democrats are looking for a new pawn. The Democratic Party wants to normalize the treason of Joe Biden to steal the classifieds as like stolen goods. Therefore, Republicans can not follow the thuggish, and mobster Attorney General Merrick Garland and his henchmen, so the stolen classifieds of Joe Biden are investigated, and upgraded the treason/.