FOREWORD: Despite I live in Australia, not a member of the Republican Party, actually, I have never been afforded any benefit throughout four years of the patriotic President Donald Trump, and I have never met him. Therefore, I recognize the patriotic heart of Donald Trump and his major family members who volunteered to serve for the United States without a salary, or privileges. The great achievements of the 45th President Donald Trump plus the peace made ever in the world history, actually in the Middle East. So I would like to praise the man who sacrifices his wealthy life for the country, instead, the 46th illegal president, political parasite Joe Biden, and family plus the Democratic Party have sacrificed the country for their wealthy lives. I totally support the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will be held on February 24-27 2022 in Orlando, Florida. I believe the conference succeed and opening a new outlook of America and the world. I am amongst the overseas supporters of the 45th President Donald Trump, I wish the best and wellbeings, God bless America, the world, and Donald Trump with family

Hoa Minh Truong

Author of 7 books

Founder & Editor of


After January 20, 2017, the world, the democratic countries, actually, the American people woke up and recognized the human society has lived in the fake democracy with the scam freedom for a long time when the world has been controlled by the Global Deep State, and the hidden communists in democratic countries plus China’s undercover activists, and the espionage networks have operated in America’s soil from the Cold War. On the other hand, the American people have slept with the enemies with the democratic anesthetic provided by the mongrel communist party called the Democratic Party, and the left stream media plus the big tech communication companies.

The wonderful dream of democracy turned into a nightmare while the major population didn’t realize the truth when the domestic thugs conduct with foreign enemies like China’s Communist Party to destroy the democratic valuation by its taxpayers. The Global Deep State and China’s Communist Party have exploited the democracy, the education system, the law, the high technology, and the negligent immigration policy to corner the native countries.

The valuation of the French Revolution in 1789 has been distorted by communism, the extremist, and greedy dictators. The two World Wars didn’t wake up the world and continued the Korea War, Vietnam War, the terror war, and many conflicts currently occurred. Nowadays, China’s Communist Party and the Global Deep State launch the biological war, and the vaccine war to destroy the world, and push the new world order, the last stage is the Totalitarian World Government. The fake sovereignty of the nations including America have deceived the people, actually, the causes of wars, conflicts and other global problems have no solution, instead, the useless theories of the famous academics, the philosophers, the intellectuals inundated the documents stored in the archives, the library around the world. Those are like the beautiful cloth that cover the garbage bin. Moreover, the dishonest politicians and love profit academics have exploited the wars, conflicts for multiple purposes. The current crisis on the planet can stop when the people wake up, and find the radical solution that is like the concerned doctor studying pathology before deciding to treat a cancerous patient, not using the common cold tablet to cure cancer.

The world has been complicated by communism, and the mongrel communism has developed and spread after Karl Marx launched the Manifesto in 1848. Communism has intoxicated billion people living on the planet. The fake democracy theory of Karl Marx becomes a world disaster with a hundred million people killed, and more than a billion people have been enslaved. The demagogy, and the deception of the leftists in Western, and democratic countries have created the hidden communism without Marxism-Leninist-Maoists, but the deceitful label called the globalization has appeared and highlighted since the dishonest president Bill Clinton who repaid the boon of China’s Communist Party provided the illegal money into two presidential elections in 1992 and 1996. The RINO President George W. Bush boosted China’s interest, and the mongrel communist Barrack Obama was elected in the White House. The first Muslim and communist to storm the most powerful place in America and the world created a long-term disaster in the United States and the world.

However, the patriot Donald Trump appeared in the presidential election in 2016 that feared foreign enemies like China, Iran, and the terror organization. The domestic thugs like Democratic Party, the bipartisan corrupt politicians, and others tried to stop Donald Trump who promised the make America great again. The foreign enemies and the domestic thugs plus the Global Deep State launched the full-scale attack on Donald Trump throughout the presidential campaign in 2016. There were 362 top thuggish economists plus eight Nobel Laureates winners who signed the letter to Republican Party pressuring to eliminate candidate Donald Trump. Therefore, all failed when the people recognized the American patriot Donald Trump volunteered to serve the country without a salary.

The foreign enemies feared allies trusted, the domestic thugs appall under four years of the 45th patriotic President Donald Trump. Actually, Donald Trump accomplished the major promises, he made America great again, and the American people were safe. Certainly, China, the Global Deep State appall the second term, so the trifling rigged election arrayed in the election in 2020 with the only seven persons are six Justices in the Supreme Court, and the coward traitor Mike Pence selected the political parasite, Joe Biden, to rob the White House on January 20, 2021, while 103 million people voted Donald Trump who won 2,497 counties, or 84% with 49 states out of 50 states. The loser Joe Biden robbed the White House with only 477 counties or 16%, he just won New York.

The White House’s robbery proved the 46th presidential robber Joe Biden, the henchman of China, and the cabal of the Global Deep State. The American people and the world arouse and activating the global movement to fight against the illegal president Joe Biden, and his illegal cabinet have been disdained in America and the world while the virtual President Donald Trump proves the massive numerous people welcome for every rally, and the world flags the signs of Donald Trump in the rallies in Europe, Australia and somewhere else with the national activities as the truckers protest in Canada.

The name of Donald Trump globalized and symbolizes the restoration of the democratic movement, and freedom that has been extorted, and ruined by the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party. The greatest man on the planet Donald Trump holds the freedom flag to wake the world, and light up the democracy with the world movement, the world history restores freedom, and democracy after many centuries ruined by the dishonest components, and the dictators plus the Global Deep State, with China, conspire the new world order, then the Totalitarian Word Government transforming the people on the planet to be the slaves with the fake democracy and the fake freedom. The world follows the democratic light of President Donald Trump when he was in the White House, and after the presidential robbery on January 20, 2021. The dictatorial regimes can not remain forever, but Donald Trump’s spirit continues to activate worldwide, he is the greatest man on the planet. The names of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and other evil politicians, Satan wealthy persons like Bill Gates, George Soros, and others have remained the condemnation forever, instead, the people thank, and have never forgotten President Donald Trump who wakes the world, and light up the democratic movement. Within four years, President Donald Trump uprooted the hidden faces of the Global Deep State to the public, so American people know the maggots, viruses, insects in the Congress, Senate, the courtrooms, the Justices in the Supreme Court, the FBI, CIA, the US Army, and the RINOs. Democratic cancer solves after Donald Trump found the causes of cancer and treated it with patriotic medicine/.
