A famous scientist in America and the world is Dogtor Anthony Fauci who exposes the arrogant behavior by claiming” I am the science” on November 29, 2021, after being criticized by the public about the China virus pandemic’s involvement, and the distorted career of pandemic’s treatment, plus the risky vaccines. Certainly, Dogtor Anthony Fauci doesn’t represent science because the world has too many scientists, and nobody elected Fauci as the representative of science, including the World Health Organization. On the other hand, Dogtor Fauci acclaims himself as the lord of science. Nevertheless, Anthony Fauci applies the dictatorial method of communists, absolutely, the leaders are never wrong, and every communist leader is the angel. Possibly, Dogtor Anthony Fauci becomes the scientific saint as felony saint George Floyd, so Fauci is the icon of the presidential robber Joe Biden, and the Democratic Communist Party from the first term of the patriotic President Donald Trump.
However, Dogtor Anthony Fauci exposes the multiple faces of the distorted scientist to delete the conscience of the honest, and concerned scientists, actually the dishonest medical academics involve the medical genocide to create the crimes against humanity with the medical doctoral degree weapons to kill the people with the medicines and vaccines. The Chinese proverb quotes” the concerned physician is like a good mother”, but it can not apply to dishonest physicians, actually Dogtor Anthony Fauci reflects the term” dishonest physician is the killer”
According to the investigation, and the whistleblower revealed Dogtor Anthony Fauci represents the China virus pandemic with the evidence proved Fauci, Barrack Obama, and Bill Gates were deeply involved in the creation of the Coronavirus from 2013, but the world didn’t know. Nevertheless, three American culprits of Coronavirus visited Wuhan’s Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory in 2015. Moreover, the 44th President Barrack Obama financed $US 3.7 million for Wuhan’s Laboratory to create the Coronavirus.
On September 18, 2020, four Chinese scientists with the leader, Dr. Li-Meng Yan (MD, Ph.D.) escaped from China, the whistleblowers revealed the deep relations between Dogtor Anthony Faunci and China’s Communist Party. Actually, Dogtor Fauci funded research and China’s ability to create SARS-CoV-2. So Dogtor Anthony Fauci, billionaire Bill Gates, and the 44th President Barrack Obama knew the China virus pandemic to launch, its reason explains billionaire Bill Gates early invested the vaccines of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and others before the China virus pandemic outbreak. Moreover, Dogtor Anthony Fauci has exploited the position of Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to help the China virus pandemic spread, and prevent the effective medicines like Hydroxychloroquine proposed by the patriotic President Donald Trump, and the concerned medical doctors, plus scientists. The merciless medical practices of Dogtor Anthony Fauci, and the dishonest medical doctors caused hundred of thousands of patients killed. After the 46th illegal presidential Joe Biden robbed the White House, the 45th patriotic President Donald Trump is vindicated when Joe Biden and the opponents confessed Donald Trump was right, and Joe Biden shifts the responsibility for Facebook with CEO Mark Zuckerberg, indeed all are the culprits caused the massive deaths in the China virus pandemic.
After the White House robbery occurred on January 20, 2021, the presidential robber Joe Biden appointed Dogtor Anthony Fauci to hold the chief medical adviser with an annual salary is $US 417,608, the highest salary of the public servant. Actually, the illegal president Joe Biden rewarded the boon to whoever contributed to the White House’s robbery, actually, Dogtor Anthony Fauci did a great job to helping Joe Biden to carry out the rigged election occurring the campaign, and the mail-in-voting became the key to creating the massive illegal ballots.
The China virus pandemic conducts the vaccine pandemic, once again, Dogtor Anthony Fauci represents the presidential robber Joe Biden to impose the vaccine mandatory, and other medical devices. The viral variants like Delta, MU, and now Omicron are the methods of the vaccine business to make a huge profit for the big pharmaceutical companies plus the political purposes. Actually, Dogtor Anthony Fauci authorizes to decide the vaccine approval, treatment, and the tactic to fight against the China virus pandemic, plus the viral variants that doubt the FAKE VARIANTS as the FAKE NEWS. Therefore, the misleading information about the pandemic and vaccination released by Dogtor Anthony Fauci complicates the Unites States and the world. Dogtor Anthony Fauci currently lies to the American people about the pandemic with his medical advice change as turning a palm, actually the mask mandatory confuses the people, but China sold a lot of masks. Nevertheless, the vaccines complicated that proves the deception concealed in the risky vaccines with the decider is Dogtor Anthony Fauci who can approve the vaccines and also delay the effective medicines to treat China virus and the variants should come from Dogtor Fauci and the hidden culprits. The China virus pandemic comes from Xi Jinping, and the vaccine pandemic belongs to the lord of vaccine Anthony Fauci.
The people recognize the hidden secrets in the vaccines, so the protests have occurred nationwide. Nevertheless, the Republican States curbed the China virus, and variants successfully without the lockdown, mask mandatory, and vaccine mandatory. The blatant evidence proves the vaccine business failed to deceive the people, and debunked the culprits of China virus and vaccine pandemic
The distorted scientist, Dogtor Anthony Fauci appeared the real face of the domestic medical thug in America, he is among the main culprits involved in the China virus, and the deadly pandemic, but the presidential robber Joe Biden and his Blue Donkey gang protect Fauci. Moreover, the actual role of Dogtor Anthony Fauci decides the vaccine pandemic, so Fauci represents two pandemics, not the scientist representative.
Besides, the conscientious medical doctors are the dishonest medical Dogtors like Anthony Fauci in America, and the Director-General of the World Health Organization is Dogtor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who is the first head of W.H.O without a medical doctoral degree. Two Dogtors have carried out into the China virus pandemic, and the vaccine pandemic. Certainly, Dogtor Anthony Fauci commits crimes against humanity, the US people are the prime victims of the medical deception. There are only six Justices in the Supreme Court and Senate Speaker Mike Pence selected the presidential robber Joe Biden to storm the White House on January 20, 2021, the world changes from peace to war, actually the China virus pandemic, and vaccine pandemic the threaten the people living on the planet. If the patriotic President Donald Trump continues the second term as the outcome of the presidential election in 2020, China would be disabled by the pandemic and the Intercontinental Ballistic Tariff Missile. Actually, the cluster of pandemic culprits would be arrested including Dogtor Anthony Fauci, so the viral variants like Delta, Lambda, Mu, and Omicron didn’t appear, the world is safe, and China’s Communist Party would face the genocide charge with a hundred trillion US dollars to compensate the victim nations of China virus pandemic. Nevertheless, the foreign leaders early congratulated the illegal president Joe Biden, they are the accomplices of the pandemic and vaccine pandemic/.