Mostly every job has the honest and dishonest, the boundary between honest and dishonest doesn’t clear, likely the python and tiger snake are the reptiles but tiger snake could kill the people by the venom. Even though the religion as Catholic, the priest is trained well and passed the challenges, but some priests alleged the sexual abuse.

The university couldn’t avoid the common circumstance, the top grade is doctor or Ph. D also has the academic dishonesty. Nowadays, the academics couldn’t be trusted despite they gain the high education, professional career, but not all of doctors apply for the right career, some academics exploit the knowledge for money or the other purposes, including the political field.

There are two groups of doctor debate about the soybean with the different views, but the consumer couldn’t know who is right? Similarly, one group of doctor warns the mobile phone user could get the brain cancer, but the other said it is O.K, no cancerous evidence founded.

The doctors’ debate on the matters that raise more doubt about the top educated recipients of the university, probably the academics think the high educated level should win the people’s credit, but sometimes they aim to make the profit and drive the knowledge to mislead the public.

The climate change has become controversial, also threatening the human life while the carbon dioxide increases. The scientists have joined the study and warning the world to reduce the carbon dioxide level in the western countries as US, Europe, but China ignores, so Beijing’s economy grows while the democratic states being curbed. On the other hand, the climate change movement helps China succeeded in the economic race and following the armed race after the largest communist country in the world survived, Beijing has exploited the capitalist’s technology, currency, the free market (WTO) and actually the climate change reduces the economy growth of the enemies.

The climate change is not new, as the historic record, the scientific discovery began in the 19th century. In 1972, the first UN environment conference in Stockholm. In 1992 the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the attending governments agree on the framework to the dioxide level. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol agreed and the developed nations pledged to reduce emission by an average of 5% from 2008 to 2012, but the US’s senate reacted with the conference decision. In 2001, the president George.W.Bush removed the US from the Kyoto process. In 2007, the UN negotiations organized in Bali (Indonesia). Therefore in 2008, two months before taking the office, Mr. Barack Obama upgraded the climate change is the most important policy. In 2010, the UN summit in Mexico, it should be the last conference. However, in 2009, China overtakes the US in the carbon dioxide releasing, while Beijing doesn’t care the pollution in the mainland, the most industrial regions often being covered by the thick smoke blanket, but only the western countries, including the US have cautioned and spent money.

According to the Climate Change, Business Journal estimates about $ USD 1.5 trillion, average $USD 4 billion a day. The climate change should be a conspiracy of the president Bill Clinton and following Barack Obama who spent multi-billion dollars of the taxpayer. Nevertheless, the left party, actually the Greens party has used the climate change as the key to the election. Therefore when the left party rules the government, they are keen to apply the climate change policy, the most proposals are the clean energies as the windmill, solar power, the wave energy, Hydroelectricity….

The climate change becomes the global movement and raises the grave concern into the western countries and UN, the concerned nations have contributed the finance and repeated the reprise about the threat of Dioxide and they have called for the limited using of the coal, oil. The climate change promotes the scientists as Dr. David Suzuki in Canada, Dr. James Edward Hansen of the US and an opportunist Al Gore, the former US vice president won the Peace Nobel Prize, despite he just joined the movement behind the scientists above and Australian’s climate change populated face is Dr. Tim Flannery.

There is just in the Australia, the wrong weather change prediction has wasted the budget. Dr. Tim Flannery is the key to the Australian’s climate change, he caught the opportunity of the ruling Labor, a left party and from 2007 when Mr. Kevin Rudd became the prime minister, Dr. Tim Flannery got a good job, the taxpayer spent and wasted money for his so-called the climate change studied firm and Dr. Tim still carried on afterwards. In 2005, he predicted within 10 years, the Eastern states of Australia will face the drought, but from 2015 these states being flooded, after the government spent more than $AUD 10 billion of the taxpayer for the desalted water plant.

As an experience, people who degraded the academics, I (Hoa Truong) call the cheating doctor is DOGTOR, my word explains: dogtor is an exaggerated and opportunistic person who achieved the doctor degree but used the knowledge to serve for the profit, politics or the other purposes.

Nowadays, the doctors turn dogtors that raise the concern about the post graduated recipients, some doctors are helpful, besides there also are the dogtors who use the qualification to cheat and lie. As the routine, the society often trust who are the doctors, but on March 8, 2017, in N.S.W, Australia, a scandal shakes up the health system in the Down Under Mr. Shyam Accharya, a fake medical doctor, he stole the identity of another doctor and registered with the Medical Board of N.S.W in 2003 and the fake doctor or a dogtor who served as the professional medical doctor in N.S.W hospitals, including Wyong, Gosford, Hornsby more than a decade but the discovery is late, the health department doesn’t know how many patients have been harmed or killed?

The academics became the activists for the climate change propaganda, they created the fright in the world, but their scientific prediction went wrong sometimes, so the US president Donald Trump calls it is the hoax and on March 28, 2017, he signed an execute order to scrap Obama’s era climate change regulation. He wants to revive the job on oil and coal mine.

The Climate change being threatened the world as the shadow of the ghost, the left party often uses the weather as the sharp theme for the election. Normally, when a political party or a national leader failed the policy and lost the people’s support, the climate change is the curtain covers the failure. In the US, President Barack Obama protected the unpopulated policies as Obamacare by the climate change and also helped his comrade in Beijing takes over the US economy and transform to an economical vassal of China.