The original Constitution in 1776 was replaced by the second Constitution in 1871 after the young country faced deep debt. The global wealthy components, particularly, the England Royal family, Vatican plus the financial moguls as Rothschild, Rockefellers have used the monetary power to control the United States of America. The fake democracy has deceived the world since 150 years ago, now, the truth unveiled, the bullshit Constitution is like the beautiful cloth covers a garbage bin.

The 1871 Constitution has become the safety net for felons, traitors and also granting the license to rob. The United States of America is the land of criminals, corruption, and pedophile, but the legal system protects the social dregs. Moreover, the felons are the top social class, the Blue Collar conviction to enjoy the wrongdoings, they sit above the law. The promised land or the land of an opportunity is a farce after the terrible political facilities debunked, behind the label of freedom, democracy, there is the messy government, the garbage Congress and the complicated Senate plus the Supreme Court becomes the legal thuggish base on the highest level.

From 1871, the US people have lived on the new model of slavery, the giant companies, the wealthy components are the hidden kings of the country. The economic and financial empires have controlled America and its people, the free speech is a fake title, indeed, the prominent left stream media companies control the news with the formula is 3 F = False poll +Fake news +Fabricated story. The communication turns propaganda and misleading the public, the US media becomes the propaganda machine like China, Vietnam, and other communist regimes, nevertheless, the 230 Act protects the fake news. Moreover, the left tech communication companies are Facebook, Twitter, and Google gag the free speech with the formula is 3C =Cancel + Conceal + Censor. The disaster of America comes from the Constitution in 1871, its Constitution deserves for the felons, treason, corruption. The Constitution is the safety net of the dishonest components, the Democratic Party is keen to exploit the bullshit Constitution to occupy the government, dominate the Congress, Senate and also control the Supreme Court. When three important bodies of the US holding in the hand of Democrats, the people live in the dictatorial or the hidden communist regime. Nevertheless, the Democratic Party is like the super gang, every Democratic politician reflects the circumstance of Al Capone, so every Democratic politician is a traitor, felon, and corrupt person.

The Constitution of 1871 causes social mayhem, the political crisis, the dangerous Constitution added more amendments, the lawmakers have performed the legal practices that are based on the party, the individual favor. The government system is rotten from the local, state, and federal government, every politician is an excellent person, they sit above the law and often showing an arrogant attitude to the public.

The law schools train the legal servants to protect justice. Therefore, dishonest lawyers are like the ROBBERS WITH THE PAPER-KNIFE and the dishonest judges are like the ROBBERS WITH THE WOODEN HAMMER. Moreover, the lawyer’s THIRTY (Lawyer 30) can turn the face against a client if stops paying the day of 30th despite a client paid 29 days). Almost the judges appointed by the Democratic Presidents like Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama are the robbers with the wooden hammer, so the treason, corruption of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton Barrack Obama, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and others have not indicted. Even the four deaths of Benghazi ignored and Barrack Obama bribed $US 152 billion to Iran about the truth of Osama Bin Laden’s death. The US taxpayers have wasted the money, the dishonest politicians and high ranking officials have squeezed and robbed the people’s sweat.

Nevertheless, the investigating bodies as the FBI and CIA become the tools of Democrats, so FBI Director James Comey didn’t indict 32,000 emails of Hillary Clinton in the election of 2016. The turncoat Republican William Barr concealed and delayed the investigation of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden from 2018, so Joe Biden avoided the treasonous crime plus the corruption and he rigged the presidential election in 2020. The US people have not trusted the courts and the distorted judges can overturn the right to wrong, the victims can not appeal when the high legal fees increase for every court level. So the judges are like the kings of medieval, a court order is like the decree of the emperor. The justice in America is garbage and bullshit, the courts are like the people’s court in China, Vietnam.

The dangerous Constitution of 1871 deserves unlimited power for House Speaker, Senate Speaker, the Chief of Justice, and the US president as Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton. The fate of 330 million people is decided by three top persons in Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court. The rigged presidential election in 2020 tells the world and its people about the rotten Constitution when the loser Joe Biden becomes the winner, certainly, John Roberts, Nancy Pelosi, and Mike Pence certified, they decided the presidential robber Joe Biden.

The US has Al Capone who was a Mafia boss, he used the money to buy the Police, Judges, and local government. Eventually, he was arrested by the tax fraud, but the people knew Al Capone is a serious felon. The White Collars are the robbers in the high level, Nancy Pelosi’s father is Thomas Ludwig John D’Alesandro was Mafia boss in Baltimore, therefore, the mobster was elected to the Congress and Mayor of Baltimore. In the US, robbers are everywhere, the Democratic gang’s members have operated from the local, state, and the federal government. The Constitution of 1871 granted the license to rob and the legal safety nets are the courts, FBI, CIA, Congress, Senate, the Supreme Court protect the traitors, felons, corruption.

The robbers take money, corruption, rigged election. The traitor Joe Biden is the highest level of robbery, he robbed the US presidency with the rigged election, and China interfered. Therefore, the Supreme Court legalized the rigged election, and Senate Speaker Mike Pence certified the 306 fraudulent electoral colleges of Joe Biden. Moreover, the Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court used the presidency expired on January 20, 2021, ad Joe Biden illegally inaugurated, despite the rigged election has not been solved yet. Certainly, Joe Biden is not the US president, but he signed the unlawful destructive executive orders and everyone complies with the Constitution in 1871. The Congress of Nancy Pelosi uses the Constitution to expel Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene who opens the treasonous and corrupt files of Joe Biden (Democratic Representative in California is Jimmy Gomez who introduces the bill and Democrats make the resolution to expel Marjorie Taylor Greene). The Democratic lawmakers practice the bush-law in Congress that the Constitution consents. The dangerous Constitution of 1871 causes the current political crisis, unfair justice, and the rigged election, so the US people need to restore the original Constitution 1776 if they want to save the country

    Certainly, President Donald Trump is the current 19th president of the United States of America as the Constitution 1776, instead, Joe Biden is not the US president, but Mike Pence, John Roberts, and Pelosi chose Joe Biden holds the CEO of the United Corporation of America from January 20, 2021, so Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden can not authorize in the US Army and the government. The destructive executive orders of the presidential robber Joe Biden are unlawful. It is the disgraced propaganda of the left stream media companies to praise Joe Biden as the NATIONAL FATHER, the world and people laugh when the traitor, the professional robber Joe Biden becomes the National Father. Its title applied in Vietnam with the genocide, rapist and pedophile Ho Chi Minh called UNCLE HO. Therefore, the world has no surprise about Queens Elizebeth hosting the presidential robber Joe Biden before the G7 summit in June 2021. It proves Joe Biden is not the US president, but he is CEO of the United Corporation of America. The White House is located in the District of Colombia like Roman in Italy. Possibly, Joe Biden can waive the scandal of Prince Andrew who linked with Jeffrey Epstein. Lawyer Lin Wood released Child Sex Trafficking and pedophilia worldwide with famous persons like Barrak Obama, John Roberts, Hillary-Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, and thousand persons./.
