It is a horrible term when the police chief is also the leader of the Mafia, so the society is threatened, the people are endangered, the crimes rise and cover the criminal, actually, the investigation conceals, even sinking down. The robber is also the police chief reflects the circumstance of the presidential robber Joe Biden who robbed the White House on January 20, 2021, so American people have been suffered the danger when the criminals freely operate, the Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the gangs are supported by the presidential robber Joe Biden, with Democrats, and the White House becomes the hidden headquarters of terror, and robbery. So the people have no surprise when the serious felon George Floyd is praised as the saint with the statue is set in the states being controlled by Democratic Communist Party, instead, the statues of national heroes are removed. Nevertheless, Joe Biden and the Blue Donkey gang knelt to pay the respect of the death of the social dreg in America.

The China virus pandemic related the American high profiles like Dogtor Anthony Fauci, billionaire Bill Gates, the 44th president Barrack Obama and the cluster of culprits in the academics in the famous universities involved the creative Coronavirus. Nevertheless, before China launched the biological weapon, billionaire Bill Gates invested hundreds of millions of US dollars into the vaccine brands like AstraZeneca, Pfizer and others. Certainly, Bill Gates knew the pandemic will launch by China.

The China virus pandemic conducts the vaccine pandemic, or the vaccine revolution as the communist revolution with the viral revolutionists to kill the people, destroy the world’s economy and reset the human society as Pavlov method before reaching the new world order, and the last stage is the Totalitarian World Government. While effective medicines like Hydroxychloroquine and others could stop the pandemic, and force China to pay the compensation estimates a hundred trillion US dollars. Unfortunately, six Justices in the Supreme Court turned the Supreme Shit and Vice President Mike Pence decided the White House’s robbery on January 20, 2021, so the culprits of the China virus pandemic and the vaccine pandemic escape the indictment, and they continue to make a profit with the vaccine business. It causes of the pandemic perpetuate as long as good with the variants like Delta, Omicron, and the vaccine pandemic spreads with the co-operation of the lawmakers who invested the vaccine companies like Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson. The double pandemic and vaccine pandemic investments are the disaster of the human society like China’s Communist Party invested the biological warfare, and China is also the main provider of masks, medical supplies, and test kits plus the vaccine made in China.

There are at least 75 US federal lawmakers who have the shareholders of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson. In 2020, after China launched the biological weapon, at least 13 Senators, and 35 Representatives invested vaccine of Johnson & Johnson, another 35 Representatives held the share in Pfizer, and two Representatives have the shareholders with Moderna. The US money has been driven to fill the pocket of bipartisan politicians in America. The US lawmakers and also investors of the vaccines conflict the interest by the law, but the 46th presidential robber Joe Biden and Democratic Communist Party flag, instead, the lawmakers voted the relief bills are worth $US 6 trillion including $US 14 billion paid for the drug companies to develop the vaccines and forced the health insurers cover the cost of the shot. The taxpayers derail to make a profit for the lawmakers and family members invested in the vaccine brands.

Under the pressure and influence of lawmakers in America, the health agencies like FDA, CDC, and Health Department must follow the vaccines decided by the lawmakers, so the effective treatments waived, instead the vaccines rolled out, and the vaccine dictators are the presidents, prime ministers, governors, premiers, mayors and some ill-concerned CEOs of the private sector to terrorize the people with the vaccine mandatory. The vaccine dictators go too far, they terrorize the jobs, social facilities, and breach medical freedom. The vaccines are led by lawmakers, so the medical doctors in the hospitals must comply with the vaccine brands while they can use the effective medicines to treat, and stop pandemics without vaccination.

The love profit politicians in America and somewhere else with the big pharmaceutical companies have invested the China virus pandemic and the vaccine pandemic, actually the vaccine dictators take the important role to impose the unconstitutional vaccine mandatory with the exploited government’s authority. The vaccine dictators are the vaccine’s retailers with the government power to force the people to jab. The business needs advertising, so the vaccine business must advertise with the left stream media, plus the media for hire. The advertising is the fear propaganda to appall the people, and they have been fallen into the vaccine trap. The corruption doesn’t rule out the vaccine rolling out and vaccine mandatory, so the heartless vaccine dictators are keen to force the children from 5 to 11 years old. In Australia, TGA has reported 54 children to catch the side effects like vomiting, paleness, dizziness, headache, and unpleasant after the first shot before returning the school, but the left media and media for hire with the government conceal, the parents fear the vaccine can kill, and injure their children, actually, the body of their children is decided by the governments with the vaccine dictators.

The China virus pandemic and the viral variants seem not to stop when the US bipartisan politicians invested in the vaccines, and the lawmakers decide the vaccine brands of their companies like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson including the investment of billionaire Bill Gates. The politicians decide the vaccines and also want the vaccine selling well with the vaccine trap deceives the vaccinated people jab one, two, three, and four shots, more shots make more a profit. The people must stand up to fight for survival when the China virus pandemic and vaccine pandemic are the businesses investing in the health, and lives of seven billion people living on the planet. Certainly, the US lawmakers don’t want to lose of profit, or the shareholders plunge, so they vote the bills for the vaccines, instead of the treatments eliminate, actually, the CDC and FDA are the tools of the Democratic Communist Party and influenced by the lawmakers. The vaccine dictators involve the vaccine business with the vaccine mandatory to terrorize the people with the taxpayers/.









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