Democratic countries including the United States always respect the professionals, and the functions of every department and the agencies must respect the codes of practice. Even if a business like a restaurant has not allowed selling alcohol without a registered license, a hotel can not run a sex business like a brothel. In the medical field, the pharmacist can not issue a prescription to a patient, instead of a medical doctor’s career. In the law and order, the police officers can not take the job of a judge, therefore, the police officers just carry out the investigating jobs and hand over to the court. Certainly, the top government firms confirm the different functions and the limited authorities. So the government, Congress, Senate, and the Supreme Court can not stampede each other as the codes of practices are defined. During the presidential election campaign in 2020, the RINOs and Democratic Justices in the Supreme Court knew their career despite they really wanted to see the tax returns of the 45th patriotic President Donald Trump to harm his election. Therefore the coward Justices couldn’t issue the court order, instead, they passed the responsibility, and the unconstitutional job to a local court in New Jersey, and the tax returns of Donald Trump failed in the legal practice when a local judge didn’t have the power, and the attorney authority to carry out the big issues, actually, the constitution consents the sitting president can not show the tax returns. The sly constitutional practices of the Justices of the US Supreme Court humiliated the highest court level in America.
Commonly, the United States recognizes the Congress and the Senate function as the lawmakers. When the bill is introduced by a member of the Senate or Congress, the time to discuss and vote. The important steps carry out with the major Congressional members passing the bill, then the last stage proceeds at Senate. The bill becomes the law after Congress and Senate passed, and the US president signs the executive order.
The US constitution respects the government (the White House), Congress-Senate (the constitution), and the justice field including the Supreme Court are independent, it is the democracy that reflects the constitution, the law, and the Republic of America. Certainly, the lawmakers in Congress and Senators can not apply the attorney power of the court including the Supreme Court to issue the subpoena like the court order. However, the Democratic Congress stampeded the authority of justice when the House Select Committee issued the subpoena forcing the former White House advisor, Dr. Peter Navarro to appear at the committee when the committee arrayed by the members of Democratic representatives plus some RINOs with the subject conspires the sham riot occurred on January 6, 2021, which was created by Democrats actually the perpetrator is the political sorceress Nancy Pelosi and her Blue Donkeym MAFIA gang to destroy the political life of the patriotic President Donald Trump who is the prime victim of the presidential robbery on January 20, 2021.
The Democratic Communist Party in America transforms the Congress and Senate into the forms of the PEOPLE’S COURT in China’s mainland, Vietnam, North Korea, and other communist regimes. Therefore, the communist countries established the people court to the denouncement publicly, the people court created the bloodshed in the social purge, actually the Landlord Reform Campaign, and the beaten capitalist campaign to rob the assets of the wealthy people. The sole parliament of the communist state just approves the bush law of the Red MAFIA gang. However, the Democratic Communist Party exposes the” super communist regime” by applying the Congress, and Senate using the People Court to denounce publicly the opponents are the Republicans, the patriots, and the main targets are the patriotic President Donald Trump and the patriotic advisors. The patriotic academic Peter Navarro becomes the target of the denouncement publicly.
Certainly, the Democratic Communist Party is fallen into the panic while the mid-term congressional election will be held on November 8, 2022, to decide the fate of the 46th illegal president, the presidential robber Joe Biden, the vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris and the illegal cabinet of the greatest traitor Joe Biden. The hell of communist paradise created by the mongrel communist, zombie Joe Biden become the fear of Democrats. Actually, the highest petrol hikes and the uncontrolled inflation in 40 years plus the social mayhem will wipe out the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang from the Senate and Congress. So the Democratic Communist Party faces the disaster coming, and the passive reaction is like all kinds of insects striking the strong insecticide, and the high profiles of Democrats in Congress and Senate physically react before falling into a state of motionless. The doomsday of the Blue Donkey is coming soon when the Biden War in Ukraine, the failure of false accusation on January 6, 2021, and the terrorization applies the patriotic President Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, and the former White House officials can not change the worst situation of the Democratic Communist Party.
The wick hunt’s investigation is a farce without evidence, so anyone, including the advisors of President Donald Trump has the right to reject the bullshit, baseless, and unconstitutional subpoena of the Democratic Congress when the investigation was for nothing and the Democratic Communist Party can not indict President Donald Trump, instead, his sham indictment is vindicated, even the powerful committee of Democrats surrendered the investigation, so Dr. Peter Navarro, the author of The Death By China has the right to reject the baseless, and illegal subpoena issued on March 2nd, 2022. Certainly, the legal term can not continue to investigate and charge anyone after the case is closed by lacking the evidence, and the wrong indictment. The bullshit subpoena of the Democratic Select Committee proved the lawmakers don’t understand their career, or they apply the bush law as MAFIA’s wild rules in the US Congress which carries out the job of the people’s court in the communist regime.
In April 2022, the so-called House of Representatives voted to require the US Justice Department to prosecute Dr. Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino (Trump aid) for failing to comply with the illegal subpoenas. Once again, the Democratic Representatives proved the law illiteracy in the Congress because the lawmakers can not pressure, and order the Justice Department to do something. Certainly, Congress can not control or annexes the White House, and the US Justice Department becomes the tool of Congress with the fake commander in chief Joe Biden. Dr. Peter Navarro said,” I was a distinguished public servant for four years”. The garbage subpoenas of the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang becomes public outrage when patriotic citizen Peter Navarro was arrested by the FBI on June 4, 2022. The bush law of the Democratic MAFIA gang terrorizes Peter Navarro facing a bullshit conviction with a minimum of 30 days, or 12 months in the prison and fined $US 100,000. The United States is no longer calling the promised land after the rigged election in 2020 which debunked the United States becomes the land of the bush law to terrorize the patriots and the concerned citizens with the robbers in the high levels of Democratic Congress, Senate, and the robbers with the wooden hammers in the courtrooms including the Supreme Court.
The American people have not surprised when Dr. Peter Navarro told if Republican Party controls the Senate and Congress after the mid-term congressional election on November 8, 2022, the illegal president Joe Biden will be impeached. It is the kiddy reaction of the mongrel ape, the corrupt emperor Joe Biden that proves the animal-covered human body fears that doomsday will be inevitable. Certainly, the Congress is not a courtroom, and the baseless plus illegal subpoenas go too far, possibly, the US greatest traitor Joe Biden is the hidden perpetrator in the arrest of Dr. Peter Navarro. Nevertheless, a judge should not accept the illegal subpoenas issued by the bullshit Democratic Representatives because the subpoena or the court orders are the careers of the judges, not the lawmakers.
Do not fear what the Democrats do
Let’s do what the Democrats fear
The concerned and patriotic Americans let’s boycott the Democratic Communist Party in the mid-term congressional election in November 2022, the people’s power can change the fate of 330 million people. Now everyone in America knows the hell of communist paradise in the United States when the mongrel communist robbed the White House and built back it in America after more than a year to storm the White House. The sky net and divine justice are waiting for the traitors who sowed the wind and then reap the whirlwind/.