Impoverishment, brainwashing, and terror are the essential policies of communists. The significance of the revolution of Karl Marx apes is upside down as the quote warns” the talk and action of communists are different”. The Anti-communist experts always use the term to warn everyone” Do not listen to the communists talk, let’s watch what the communists did”. The economy of communists and the mongrel communists profess the robberies, exploitation, and enslaving of the people. The revolution of communists means the destruction of the current society to replace the model of socialism to delete human livelihood. Certainly, fraud, robbery, and exploitation are not economic management. Most universities in democratic countries have never taught the subject of robbery, and the Nobel Prize in Economy didn’t award the great economists of the communist regimes such as Mao Tse Tung, Kim Il Sung, Fidel Castro, Hồ Chí Minh, and others despite they applied the economy based on socialism.
Human history witnessed the destructive revolution of communists in Russia, China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cambodia, Eastern Europe communist states, and somewhere else to tell the meaning of the communist revolution to pull back human history. In Vietnam, the communist party destroyed the economy in North Vietnam from 1954 to 1975 with the bloodshed Landlord Reform campaign, and after April 30, 1975, the Vietcong destroyed the wealthy society of South Vietnam. In 1949, the bloodshed campaigns of China’s Communist Party to devastate the society and economy, and the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976 destroyed China’s relics. In March 1975, Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge occupied Cambodia, the revolution cost two million Khmer people, and the economy was nearly wiped out, the industry and other economic facilities were ruined when Khmer Rouge expelled the people from the cities to the countryside, all were the reluctant peasants.
The mongrel communists in democratic countries including the West have a destructive policy labeled climate change. Indeed, the hoax climate destroyed the national economy, jobs, and other related fossil fuels, although gas, coal, oil, and fracking are very important for the people, industry, transport, and other facilities. Likely, the communists are not the economists, therefore, the peasants, the low-educated people, and the unprofessional planners destroy the economy. The environmental damages came from the trifling dams such as the Three Gorges Dam in China. Vietnam’s Communist Party destroyed the jungle and built the dams causing the current floods in the rainy season. Democratic countries respect professionals, so the careers to be trained, require a license. Therefore, the climate change activists are the politicians of the left parties, the Greens Party (GARBAGE PARTY), the students, the 150 religious leaders in Australia, Pope Francis, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, and others launch the hoax climate change while 31,000 scientists confirmed the climate change is a hoax. It is more dangerous when the butcher does the surgical job of a medical doctor in the hospital, so the politicians, and the national leaders such as presidents, prime ministers, and ministers used the taxpayers for the hoax climate change are dangerous, the money wasted, the social mayhem, and the industry thwarted, the social mayhem. The hoax climate change is the malevolent conspiracy of the left parties in Western, the prominent hoax climate change was the US President Bill Clinton who paid the boons of China illegally and provided the money in the presidential election in 1992 and 1996. The hoax climate change activated by Bill Clinton was similar tactics that reflect the term” a stone to kill many birds” when China freely released the dioxide while the Western curbed that helped China to cop the Western and the United States in the arms race, the space race, and the economic competition.
The hoax climate change reasons, and sophisticates the natural protection to destroy the economy, industry, and human life. It reflects the impoverishment of communism hides under the earth’s protection.  The global left media and the big tech communication companies intoxicated the people’s minds as they launched psychological warfare to support the Vietcong, the super terror organization in the Vietnam War. The hoax climate change operates in the well-balanced collaboration between the domestic thugs and the foreign enemies which reflects the term” the climate change is led by socialism”.
The dangerous movement of the hoax climate change spread worldwide, except in China’s mainland, because Beijing should know that climate change is a hoax, and it hampered the industry. On the other hand, the hoax climate change is a similar tactic to help China in the arms race, industry race, and space race. Therefore, the left parties used the hoax climate in democratic countries to destroy the economy and impoverish the people, it is the communist method. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden, stormed the White House on January 20, 2021, as Pol Pot entered Phnom Penh in March 1975. Pol Pot destroyed the economy of Cambodia, and Joe Biden signed the orders to shut down the oil companies such as the Keystone Pipeline.
     Innocent people, including students, are easily intoxicated by the hoax climate change propaganda with the support of the global left media and the big tech communication companies. The students often rallied to require stopping oil, gas, and coal while they do need the power to watch television, transport, and other needs. The electric cars are a farce because the power comes from the plants using the fossil. The car factories couldn’t make the cars with the energy that comes from solar power, and windmills, those so-called green power can not cover the industry, electric cars, and householders. Moreover, solar power lessened in winter, but China made a profit by selling the panels and batteries.
The hoax climate change is a form of communism to destroy society and livelihood, the clean energy revolution is not different from the communist revolution in China, Vietnam, North Korea, and other hells of a communist paradise. The people need the power, therefore, the hoax climate change deceives the world while the climate belongs to the solar system, El Nino, El Nina, and other causes. Therefore the deceitful activists of the hoax climate change have not enough knowledge to understand the field that they don’t know, so the hoax climate change activists are the disgraced psychics, and their predictions failed/.
