The heroic history of the United States marked the darkest period after the country was founded on July 4th, 1776. The Democratic Party lost patriotism when the Marxism-Leninist-Maoists replaced the Republic of America, and freedom, and democracy were abolished. The leftists and far-leftists seized the political power of Democrats. Hidden communists such as Bill Clinton, Hussein Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden proclaimed themselves as the progressive components. Instead, the opponents and whoever oppose the stance of communism renamed globalization to be called the extremists. The mongrel communist party in the United States using the legal, and judicial terrorists with wooden hammers empowered the constitution to oppress the people. It is the constitutional terror that replaced the police force, the people’s army, and the government system in China, North Korea, and Vietnam.
There were 8 years, when the first Muslim, communist, foreigner (Kenya-born), and the black 44th illegal President Hussein Barrack Obama destroyed the United States to the grassroots. Instead, the foreign enemies and the domestic thugs boosted the interests and strategy. The circumstance of a Kenyan man to rule the world’s wealthiest and strongest army on the planet is like the parasitic Meningitis infiltrating the human brain, the patient should be killed, or paralyzed, including amputation. Within 8 years of Hussein Barrack Obama’s rule of the White House, the disastrous consequences are immeasurable, and perpetuating. The evil thug, Hussein Barrack Obama attempted his third untold term after the White House robbery on January 20, 2021. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and the 49th Vice-President Kamala Harris are the puppets while Hussein Barrack Obama controls the White House and the federal government. The people easily recognize the protagonist Hussein Barrack Obama who is considered the US president when the most important positions are the henchmen of Obama such as Secretary of State, Antony John Blinken, the former Four Stars General Lloyd Austin, and the White House aides.
Domestically, Hussein Barrack Obama destroyed the United States to the grassroots. The racial war based on skin shattered America and national unity. The Black Supremacy applies to black people discriminating against white people and other ethnic groups. Black Supremacy is the malevolent movement with the communist method of public denouncement. The White people and their children are the victims of racial hatred, the critical race theory intoxicated the US education, the US Army, and society. LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer), and abortion challenge the social values, the religious faith, and the morality.
The foreign policies of Hussein Barrack Obama are war and conflicts, he created an opportunity for the Islamic State to be founded and used the taxpayers to finance, and provide weapons and training for the terror organization. Formally, Obama called to fight against the terror. Moreover, Hussein Barrack Obama and John Kerry backed Iran, and Obama bribed $US152 billion to Iran for covering the suspicious death of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. The live zombie Joe Biden is the culprit of the bloodshed in Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, and he arrayed the loss of Afghanistan proved the valuable arsenal stockpile to terrorists, and the enemies of America such as China, and Iran.
The darkness in China, Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela was perpetuated, despite the deaths of leaders such as Mao Tse Tung, Hồ Chí Minh, Kim Il Sung, Fidel Castro, and Hugo Chavez. In the United States, there were 8 years of Kenyan-born, Hussein Barrack Obama’s rule in the White House, the disastrous consequences continue to torture the country, and the world is complicated. Therefore, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the global war maker, Hussein Barrack Obama in 2009/.







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