Democratic countries, actually the Western always respect the professionals, the training, degree, and license required for all jobs, careers, and businesses. Even a brothel has a license, and the sex workers must comply with the code practice plus the hygienic conditions. Almost, all jobs like plumber, electrician, mechanic, lawyer, medical doctor, pharmacist, and others must have the qualification and the license. Whoever uses the fake degree, the illegal license would face a criminal charge plus heavy fines. Therefore, some jobs and careers like robbery, burglary, fraud, corruption, and treason need not a degree and a license. Nevertheless, countries around the world have never opened school training corruption, treason, and other dishonest activities. Certainly, the law has never granted the license for the presidential robber Joe Biden to steal the classifieds and hid in many places while the patriotic President Donald Trump has the license to keep the classifieds, so the lawyers of Joe Biden reflect the robbers with the paper-knife to assimilate the stolen goods and the legal goods. Law knowledge and law degree are available for the garbage bin, or they can donate for the UNCLE HO FISH POND in Vietnam using for a clean up of the anus after dedicated
Moreover, the law school has never trained the burglar, robbery, corruption, and treason for graduates including Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and others. The FBI agents and officials are trained to protect the law and investigate crimes. Therefore, terror is not the function of the FBI and has no terror license, so the terror of Mar-A-Lago is illegal, and out of the FBI license.

The bloody experiences during the pandemic outbreaking after China’s Communist Party launched biological weapons in December 2019. The professionals were ignored and robbed by the leaders (the politicians) when the medical doctors and medical specialists surrendered to the politicians of the ruling parties in countries worldwide. Almost, the vaccine dictators are lawyers, other non-medical careers, and non-medical degrees decided the lockdown, the mask mandatory, and the vaccine mandatory. Indeed, the law has never accepted a carpenter doing the job of the dentist, despite a carpenter has the tools pulling out a tooth, and a butcher can not practice the career of a medical doctor in surgery, although a butcher has the knives, even a solicitor can not represent a plaintiff or defendant in a court, instead the barrister.

The vaccine dictators like presidents, prime ministers, premiers, governors, mayors, and some CEO of private sectors forced the people must jab the trial, risky vaccines. Instead, the unvaccinated people were treated as the untold criminals with public denouncement, or the vaccine purge when the governments labeled the unvaccinated people transmitted the pandemic and banned access to public places including hospitals, and nursing homes. The illegal restriction divided the society and treated unfairly the unvaccinated people. The vaccine dictators robbed the careers of medical doctors, and the politicians of the ruling parties around the world to exploit the national leaders imposing the vaccine mandatory, and the politicians rejected the effective medicines like Hydroxychloroquine plus the antibiotics could kill the viruses and reduced the death toll, and the infected population. The death toll caused by the wrong treatments with the risky vaccine is a crime against humanity. Nevertheless, the non-medical professionals of the politicians destroyed the economy, and the social mayhem, and breached the freedom including medical freedom. The World Health Organization reported the pandemic killed more than 5 million people worldwide. Therefore, after two years of rolling out the vaccine, there are more than 12 million people suffered the side effects, and many vaccinated people suddenly died of heart attack, and heart disease, billionaire Elon Musk is a victim of vaccination. Despite the vaccine dictators and the left media avoid releasing dire consequences of the vaccination. Therefore, the high technological communication alerted the speaking out of medical Doctor Kerryn Phelps, the well-known medical doctor, and politician in Australia who suffered the side effects after taking two doses of Pfizer. Almost, the television in Australia concealed because they made a lot of profit paid by the government advertising the vaccination, and the illegal orders of lockdown, mask mandatory, and vaccine mandatory. The taxpayers wasted on the vaccine, the advertising, and other costs.

The prominent vaccine dictators like the presidential robber Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, the governors of Democratic states in the United States like Newson Gavin (California), New York (Andrew Cuomo), and others. Actually, in Australia, Premier Mark McGowan used the Western Australian Police force to terrorize the unvaccinated people with Police Commissioner Chris Dawson (now he become the state’s Governor appointed by Mark McGowan) holding the Vaccine Commander. The Police force snooped on the businesses and swooped the restaurants violating the lockdown order. Some restaurant owners were charged by the local court, and the anti-vaccine people like the police officers were treated unfairly by the local court (the corruption doesn’t rule out), so they failed the fight for medical freedom, and jobs when the illegal restriction of tyrant Mark McGowan fired the workers with the term” no jab, no job”.

The hardest border restriction of Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan damaged the businesses, and in the peak time, Perth city became a ghost town as the claim of Perth’s Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas, and Western Australia’s Chamber of Commercial criticized the government. The Western Australian residents recognize Labor Premier Mark McGowan is an incompetent politician. Instead, he is a dictator ruling the state by orders. The nurses and police were struck many times, then Mark McGowan ignored them. According to the report, in 2022, there were 465 police officers gave up their jobs. The people believe the discharged Navy officer Mark McGowan runs the state as a ship with the orders, so the Western Australian residents suffered the dictatorial regime in the state like the people in California suffered the bush law of Governor Newsom Gavin.

Once again, the Labor government in Western Australia crazily applies the ZERO Emission to 2050 (*), it is the essential, and demagogic policy of the left parties like the Australian Labor Party (Australian Leninist Party). The so-called action now before too late of the crazy politicians of the Labor Party and Greens is a farce. The people know Australia with 25 million people released a very small quantity of dioxide while China, India, the United States, and other larger population are the main dioxide releasing. So only Western Australia reached zero emissions in 2050 for nothing to affect, instead, the taxpayers wasted. Moreover, the term of Premier Mark McGowan is 4 years, therefore, his Labor and Greens went too far with the crazy idea. On the other hand. Tyrant Mark McGowan snubs the people in Western Australia, and everyone knows Mark McGowan, and the left billionaire Andrew Forrest are comrades with China’s Communist Party. Premier Mar McGowan granted the contract of $136 million for Huawei to control the train system in the state while the opposition party warned about the national security risks when the People’s Liberation Army owned Huawei, and the cyber spy unit 61389 comes from the People’s Liberation Army. The second term of Premier Mark McGowan spent 3 years out of 4 years for the lockdown, mask mandatory, and the vaccine mandatory. Let’s go Mark McGowan.

As the economy is plunging, the high inflation in the United States reached the highest record in 40 years. In Australia, inflation reached 7.8%, the highest record in more than three decades, the cost of living rises, and the financial system is shaking. Therefore, the left parties like the Democrats in the United States, the Australian Labor Party, and others have not cared about the people, instead, the hoax climate change strayed from the fallen economy policy, and deceived the public.

The climate and God’s authority were robbed by the politicians including Labor Party (Australian Leninist Party), and the Greens Party (Garbage Party) while more the 31,000 scientists confirmed that climate change is not real and a hoax. The politicians have no authority to force the country to comply with the hoax climate, and the taxpayers are wasted when they don’t know about the natural phenomenon. Nevertheless, the hoax climate change doesn’t cause the fossil, but instead the change of the sun’s orbit, the phenomenon of El Nino, and La Nina. The deceitful politicians including the officials United Nations like Secretary-General Antonio Guterres are hypocritic, they call to reduce the emission to zero. Therefore, they traveled by jets, not bicycles, horses, or cows, and the trips released a lot of dioxides. Please do not listen to the hoax climate change activists talked about, let’s watch what they did. The hoax climate change has deceived the world for a long time ago, the notorious time was the rule of US President Bill Clinton to pay the boons of China illegally provided money for Bill Clinton in the presidential elections in 1992, and 1996. Bill Clinton delivered a priceless boon for China to curb the Western industry while China freely dioxide and China sells solar power plus equipment. The left parties worldwide are the customers of solar power made in China. The hoax climate change applies to multiple purposes such as business, politics, and also the demagogic policy of the left parties after the fallen policies, and climate change would help them to woo the ballots of innocent people/.


Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan, Labor Party, and Greens Party can not ignore the news that proves climate change is a hoax and deception:

Elon Musk’s New Electricity Saving Invention Has Western Australia Residents Saving Up to 90% Off Their Monthly Electric Bill. Electric Power Companies Are Demanding It Is Banned Immediately!

(Western Australia news)
