The Democratic Communist Party in America has never launched the hidden communism movement throughout the political history of America, instead the demagogic policies like the hoax climate change, the same-sex-marriage legislation, and the illegal migrants to woo the ballots. The rhetoric speeches of the Democratic politicians in the states and presidential election deceived the innocent components, and the hidden communist party in America has succeeded in the elections in federal, state, and the local government. Therefore, the Democratic Communist Party exposes the domestic thug in US politics with the dire consequences to Make America Worsens Ever (MAWE).
The famous incompetent President Jimmy Carter of Democrats made the enemies as Iran snubbed with the 52 US Embassy hostages in Teheran detained in 444 days, and President Ronald Reagan pressured Iran to release the American citizens. The prominent Democratic President Bill Clinton acquired the economic boom leftover by President Ronald Reagan, indeed, Bill Clinton inherited the great achievements of Reagan who made the Global Communist Bloc shattered, the Soviet Union, and the Eastern Europe Communist Bloc collapse. Nevertheless, President Bill Clinton promoted the hoax climate change to curb the Western industry and America while China’s communist regime freely released the dioxide, and the hoax climate has created the mayhem in Western with the protests calling to eliminate the fossil energy, the targets are coal, petrol, gas, and freaking. President Bill Clinton is the domestic thug to shift the jobs to China, and the US belongs to China’s products. Moreover, the thuggish president Bill Clinton illegally received the finance provided by China’s espionage agent John Huang in the presidential election in 1992, and Charlie Trie in the 1996 election and Bill Clinton must serve China’s interest. The RINO President George W.Bush attended the Afghanistan and Iraq War to make America’s economy plunge. Nevertheless, the first Muslim, communist, and black President Barrack Obama destroyed America to the grassroots. Within 8 years in the White House, the thuggish president Barrack Obama helped Islamic State founded, and the double-cross war game of Obama caused a debt of approximately nearly $ the US 20 trillion. Nevertheless, President Barrack Obama was also the culprit to make the ghost towns grow in America, the hoax climate change reasoned to shut the oil, coal, and gas. Moreover, the White House robbery that occurred on January 20, 2021, worsens the United States when the political worm, the corrupt king, and treasonous specialist Joe Biden robbed the presidency with the legalization of six Justices in the Supreme Court, and coward traitor Mike Pence. The justice, morality, the social valuation and the education knowledge of the highly educated persons of six Justices plus Mike Pence were upside down when the loser Joe Biden just got 447 counties or 16% with the only New York voted for Biden while the patriotic President Donald Trump won 2,497 counties or 86% with 49 out of 50 states. The constitution of 1871 turns garbage and bush law.
The 46th illegal president Joe Biden destroys America by targeting ground zero. Initially, the hoax climate change reset America and led the wealthiest country into the hell of communist paradise. The communism renamed globalization is the essential stance of the mongrel communist party in America. It is the first time in the US history happening when the White House has no president, nor vice president, instead of the presidential robber Joe Biden and vice-presidential robber Kamala Harris. The mongrel communists stormed the White House, and the fate of 330 million people periled with the communist methods to impoverish the people and brainwash American people from the society, the US Army, and the education. The Democratic Communist Party has carried out the untold movement of MAWE, so America and the world have suffered the tragedy. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden is the current leader of the MAWE’s movement makes America worsens ever, the allies distrust, the enemies snub, and the domestic thugs boost the corruption, treason, embezzlement, and other crimes. Nevertheless, the mongrel ape Joe Biden characterizes the term” home wise and folly market” in the foreign policies, actually, Joe Biden helps China’s Communist Party to colonize America and places the US interest for sale. The term” kiss up and kick out” by Joe Biden supports the domestic policies to kill the American people. Therefore, Joe Biden uses the taxpayers to feed the illegal migrants and surrender to China’s Communist Party. The North Korean leader Kim Jong Un calls Joe Biden is imbecile. However, Joe Biden has always believed he is the smartest man in America and the world. Certainly, Joe Biden is smarter than viruses because the viruses don’t know how to tell a lie, corruption, treason, pedophile, and viruses have never traveled by the Marine One, Air Force One, and the viruses don’t know how to use the teleprompter. In the presidential election in 2016, the patriotic candidate Donald Trump launched the movement called MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN (MAGA) responding to the United States endangered by communism, and the foreign enemies are conducted and collaborated by the domestic thugs called the Democratic Party.
The American people elected patriot Donald Trump, who became the 45th US President. Within 4 years, President Donald Trump made America great again, the allies trusted, the enemies feared, and the domestic thugs panicked. Nevertheless, the patriotic President Donald Trump made no war, it is the first time in the Middle East has peace, Israel and the neighboring countries signed the peace agreement, and the hostility eased. Unfortunately, the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and the Democratic Communist Party robbed the outcome of the US presidential election in 2020 with six Justices and Mike Pence. Without the major RINOs in the Supreme Court and Mike Pence decided, the political worm Joe Biden couldn’t rob the White House. The fate of 330 million people was decided by seven persons, and the mongrel communist Joe Biden with his Blue Donkey gang destroyed America to the grassroots and led the world’s wealthiest country into the hell of communist paradise. The dire consequences are immeasurable:
-In America, the Democratic Communist Party has intoxicated the American people, actually the educational system by the communism, or renamed the globalization. The mongrel communist party in America also advocates the riots with the Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Nevertheless, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden unleashed the border, and the felon, illegal migrants, the drug syndicates, the terrorists and espionage agents enter America paid by the taxpayers. Recently, the presidential robber Joe Biden sent the baby powder milk to illegal migrants while the American babies have no milk. Once again, it is the first time, the United States face a powder milk shortage. The hell of communist paradise comes in America.
-The world is complicated by Joe Biden: the tragedy in Afghanistan, and the Ukraine invasion, China’s Communist Party currently threatens the region, actually Taiwan, therefore, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden places the US for sale with the bribery is $US 1.5 billion paid for Hunter Biden. The day that Joe Biden sits in the White House including the fake White House, the world, and the American people faced danger.
When Joe Biden lives, the people cry
When Joe Biden dies, the people laugh
After the White House robbery, the movement of MAGA grows faster, the major American people united, and keeping the MAGA reflects the patriotism that conflicts with the MAWE of Joe Biden, and the Blue Donkey gang as the water and fire. The MAGA movement highlight while the MAWE is condemned and boycotted, the people’s slogan” Let’s go Brandon” always appears for every arrival of Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. Certainly, MAGA will eliminate the MAWE in the mid-term congressional election will be held on November 8, 2022, and the presidential election in 2024 obsesses the Democratic Communist Party with the MAWE” Make America Worsens Ever”. The fate of Democrats will be decided in the futuristic elections when the major population in the US responds to the MAGA and oppose the MAWE.
The MAWE also appears in Australia after the Australian Leninist Party exploited the rigged election law by using the small parties and the decoy independents to carry out the rigged election, despite the Coalition winning 35% of primary voters, and the Australian Leninist Party having 30% of primary voters. The incompetent Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is the bogle of supreme boss Penny Wong, an actual henchman of China’s Communist Party, so Australia will be worsened in the next three years. The Australian Leninist Party is like the Democratic Communist Party in America, and Prime Minister Anthony Bogle with his boss Penny Wrong will make Australia worsen ever. The tragedy of the Labor regime ruled Australia from 2007 to 2013 with Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, and Penny Wong. Now Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong with the MAWE like America/.