The social unity and identity of the Australian people are stirred up, and shattered by Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and the Australian Labor Party (the AUSTRALIAN LENINIST PARTY). The so-called Voice of Parliament sounds like Black Supremacy and Black Lives Matter, the racial movement of the first Muslim, communist, Kenya-born, and black US President Hussein Barrack Obama to destroy the social harmony of the United States. In Australia, the Labor Party, and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese use the Aborigines in their political game to cover the poor economic management causing the interest to rise 12 times, the inflation and the food, all kinds of products to skyrocket. Moreover, the hoax climate change threatens the jobs, energy, and industry that is the essential policy of the left parties in the democratic countries including Australia.
The Australian people, including Aborigines, need cheap food, better living conditions, national security, and cyber security. After the Labor Party won the federal election in 2022, cyber security seemed to protect, so the hackers attacked Optus, Medicare, and others. The negligent security of the Labor government causes national damages.
The Voice of Parliament wasted the taxpayers, the time, and divided the country. The inappropriate Yes campaign couldn’t attract the Australian people and the Aborigines. After the Yes campaign launched a few months ago, the Australian Labor Party and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese were nervous when the opinion polls worsened daily. The newest polls show the Yes campaign is 43% while the No is 47%. Opposition leader Peter Dutton calls Prime Minister Anthony to scrap the Voice of Parliament which will hold the national referendum between October, and November 2023.
Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese knows the people recognize the sly campaign, so he intends to delay the referendum passed through the Lower, and Upper House, both Houses are influenced by Labor. Therefore the parliament decided but the people vote, so the YES campaign is underway to disaster. Recently, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said to delay the referendum because he knows the Yes campaign faces a disaster. Therefore, Albanese doesn’t say to scrap the Voice of Parliament, he tries to escape the responsibility of the taxpayers using it for his political game. On May 10, 2023, the national budget was voted by a majority of Labor and the decoyed Labor Independents passed the $364.6 million for the voice of parliament referendum. The campaign already uses the taxpayers spent $160 million for advertising and other spending. The left media companies earned a profit from the Yes campaign. The Australian people, including Aborigines, reacted against the sly political game of Labor, and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese fell into the dilemma by using the taxpayers, and Aboriginal people for political purposes. The Voice of Parliament divided the Australian people, splitting the Aboriginal community. The Australian Leninist Party and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese are responsible for the taxpayers wasted, and the multiple cultural society divided/.