The Australian Leninist Party professes the demagogic policies like the hoax climate change, the same-sex marriage legislation, and the illegal migrants called human rights that turned humans wrong. The obsolete election law with the legally rigged election in 2022 created an opportunity for the losing party (ALP) to win the election. The Australian Leninist Party had 30% of primary voters while Liberals got 35% of the primary voters. Therefore the minor left parties and the decoyed independents used the preferential rule pouring the preferences into Labor, so the incompetent Labor politician became the Australian Prime Minister. The people believe China’s Communist Party should use the money, and the privileges to buy the minor parties, and the independents helping Labor to win the federal election. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is the old political fashion of Labor, the antique politician remains from the era of Labor Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, and Julia Gillard, so the mind of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese couldn’t fit the current situation. The Labor donkey voters and the minor parties plus the decoyed independents share the responsibility of the national disaster, the Australian economy plunged, the inflation rises, and the interest lifted 12 times since Labor got into the government. The poor economic management of ALP is strayed by the Voice of Parliament with the noisy, and colorful campaign throughout Australia. Therefore, the Voice of Parliament divided the country and split the Aboriginal community, so the Yes campaign inflated after launching, the Australian people including the Aborigines rejected the sly plan of the ALP and Anthony Albanese.
The Yes campaign worsened day by day, the newest polls show the YES has 43% while NO is 47%. On July 2nd, 2023, the Yes campaign re-heats nationwide with the supporters. The scene of the Yes campaign appeared on the television screen including the opponent and the Aborigines which proved the Yes campaign loses popular support when the concerned Australians including the senior Aborinese plus the Aboriginal politicians reacted against the dangerous Voice of Parliament. Actually, Opposition leader Peter Dutton proposes Prime Minister Anthony Albanese scrapping the Voice of Parliament. Therefore, Anthony Albanese is arrogant, brazen, and obstinate, he ignores everyone. The social harmony was damaged, the taxpayers wasted while the Australian people, including the Aborigines, need cheap food, the better living conditions. So the Voice of Parliament is the trifling deception of the Australian Leninist Party and the old fashional Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. The Yes campaign seems losing its voice, although Labor and Prime Minister try to convince the undecided Australians.
The Yes campaign humiliates the Aboriginal people when the campaign of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese used fake Aboriginal activists like the fake Aboriginal activist Bruce Pascoe was unmasked, the Australian people including Aboriginals doubted the ethnic background of Bruce Pascoe, the writer who proclaims the Aborigines, but he couldn’t find his Aboriginal great- grandmother. Nevertheless, Genealogist Jan Holland found Bruce Pascoe is not Aborignese. The blog of Andrew Bolt was published in Herald Sun (Melbourne) with the title” TIMELINE: HOW BRUCE PASCOE BECOME ABORIGINAL. OR NOT”
Once again, another fake Aboriginal activist who activates the Yes campaign is Thomas Mayor (aka Thomas Mayo) his father is Celestino, the Philippine and Dayak (Borneo). His mother is Liz Mayor, Polish, Jewish, and British. His background doesn’t relate to Aboriginals, therefore he is a prominent activist in the Voice of Parliament campaign. The fake Aboriginal activists appeared in public that show the deceitful campaign of ALP and Anthony Albanese.
The Yes campaign goes nerdy and ugly, actually, the fake Aboriginal activists humiliated the Aboriginal people. The Australian Leninist Party and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese snub the Australian people and Aborigines. The Voice of Parliament is a saga, the Yes campaign plunged, and faced a loss in the referendum. The Australian Leninist Party and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese are responsible for the national division, the multiple cultural splits, and the taxpayers wasted for the trifling political game of Labor. Whatever, the Voice of Parliament of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese already created the damage control, the people believe the Voice of Parliament reflects the Black Supremacy of Hussein Barrack Obama to shatter the unity in America, and now starting to destroy the unity in Down Under. The Australian people including the Aborigines need to live in a peaceful country, not white, black, yellow, and Aborigines, we all are Australians/.